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1、Unit 2 School lifePeriod I: Comic strip & Welcome to the unit(第一学时)第一部分 教案设计教学内容Comic strip & Welcome to the unit(第1819页),通过两只小狗Eddie和Hobo的对话,引出学校生活的话题。教材分析Comic strip &Welcome to the unit是本单元的第一学时, 重要是激发学生爱好,通过Eddie和Hobo两只小狗之间的对话,引出本单元的学习重点。掌握有关的描写学校生活的重要词汇和重要句式:“Whats school like? Its like watchin

2、g TV.”等。教学目的基本知识掌握词汇:Rubber, vacation, store, movie, British, American ,cookie, truck,Biscuit, eraser, fall, yard句型:Because were cleverer than people.They have to work harder.Whats school like? Its like watching TV.Id love to, but the school football team will practise this Saturday.基本技能 1简要谈论学校生活,复

3、习与学校生活有关的词汇。 2掌握相似概念在英式英语和美式英语中的不同体现法。 3理解英式英语和美式英语在词汇方面的区别。综合素质让学生通过讨论天气和季节,可以用英语讨论喜欢的天气和季节。教学重难点及突破重点:掌握基本的四会单词、词组及句型。难点:能用英语谈论学习生活。教学突破课前让学生收集有关学习生活方面的图片和信息资料,这样有助于课堂对话的开展。教学准备教师准备:多媒体课件 学生准备:1一幅世界地图。2英、美两国的小国旗。教学设计Welcome to the unitStep1 Lead-in(导入)Showing a world map. 展示一幅世界地图Get the students

4、to know the English-speaking countries around the world, by showing a world map to them. Meanwhile write the name of different English-speaking countries in the world.Step II Presentation(新授部分)1视频展示英国和美国两国的国旗,说:I have two national flags in my hands. Which countries do they belong to?学生回答后,师说:Yes, th

5、e UK and the USA. People in these two countries both speak English, but they sometimes use different words to refer to the same thing.让学生朗读A部分列出的单词,解释生词biscuit、lorry、eraser、soccer、vacation, cookie、store、truck、yard、movie等。让学生将单词配对,然后小组之内互换核对答案并成对朗读,先读英式英语,后读美式英语。提示学生注意同一种单词在不同的国家会有完全不同的含义,如football。2

6、教师可提供更多的有关英式英语和美式英语的单词,如:sweetcandy、postmail、trousers一pants等。Step III Practice(操练)1规定学生朗读B部分对话,划出英式英语的单词,并写出美式英语的单词。2分组表演对话,操练英式英语和美式英语,加深印象。Comic stripStep I Presentation(新授comic strip)1让学生复习有关外貌和品质的形容词,如:Can you tell me whos the tallest in our class?引导回答:Lily is the tallest in our class./ Lily is

7、taller than the other students in our class./Lily is taller than any other student in our class.教师接着问:Who do you think is clever?让学生自由回答:Tom is the best at all the lessons. I think hes very clever.复习单词clever,并操练其比较级和最高档形式。2 师说:All the students in our class are clever. We should learn from each other

8、. I love our class. Its like a big family. What about you? 接着向学生提问:Whats our school like?接受任何合理的回答,从而学习“Whats . like?”和“Its like 的句型,并进行巩固训练。3指引学生带着问题听录音并理解有关内容。师说:Now lets listen to Eddie and Hobos dialogue and answer the question. Why does Eddie think dogs dont go to school?播放前两幅漫画的录音,回答问题:Because

9、 he thinks dogs are cleverer than people. People have to work harder.4接着听余下的录音部分。师说:What does Eddie think school is like? 学生听完后给出答案:Its like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements.板书advertisement。5打开课本,让学生阅读漫画,鼓励学生就Eddie和Hobo的对话提问,让能力较强的学生就最后一句话刊登意见。教师可呈现如下问题:Is school fun?Is school like wa

10、tching TV?When do you watch TV? Which do you like better, the TV programmes or the advertisements?Which do you like better about school, the lessons or the after-school activities?Step II Practice(操练)1指引学生轻声跟着录音朗读,注意语音语调。师说:Repeat the dialogue after the tape.2全班提成男女生进行分角色朗读。师说:These two teams will r

11、ead Eddies part and these two will read Hobos part.让学生有感情地朗读,从音色、节奏、速度等方面进行设计。Step III Act out(表演)1组织学生先同桌或小组内分角色有感情地朗读对话,并设计符合漫画内容的面部表情和肢体语言。师说:Work in pairs and read. You can add your own ideas.2通过抢阵地等游戏,激发学生积极地上台表演对话。教材习题教材第19页Part A: Id 2e 3g 4 i 5 b 6 c 7h 8a 9f1 film/movie 2 football/soccer 3

12、garden/yard 4 lorry/truck 5 rubber/eraser随堂小练习根据句意和所给单词的合适形式填空1. - Sorry, I am late. - Why dont you _ (get) up early, Tom?2. Who is _ (lazy), Hobo or Eddie?3. Can you tell me any _ (different) between _(Britain) English and _ (America) English?4. There are too many _ (advertisement) on TV , few peop

13、le like them.5. The new movie _ (be) on at the cinema next week.6. Of all the things, the bag on the left is _ (bad).7. She spends a lot of time _(practice) _(play) the piano.8. Its very important for all of us to keep _(health).Keys: 1.get 2.lazier 3.difference; British; American 4. advertisements

14、5.will be 6. worse 7. practicing; playing 8.healthy Step IV Homework(作业) 1熟读本学时所学的词汇和句型。2能力较强的学生背诵Comic strip和B部分内容。 3完毕教师布置的书面练习。4 预习Reading。板书设计 Unit 2 School lifeComic strip & Welcome to the unit Words: Rubber, vacation, store, movie,British, American ,cookie, truck,Biscuit, eraser, fall, yardSen

15、tences: Because were cleverer than people.They have to work harder.Whats school like? Its like watching TV.Id love to, but the school football team will practise this Saturday.教学探讨与反思: 本学时部分为学生运用句型谈论各自的学校生活,这个话题由于贴近学生的平常生活,很容易引起学生谈话的爱好。教师在导入这个话题时精心设计同步对的引导,让学生抓住中心话题。而英美英语的词汇差别则是这学时的重要知识点,学生在这方面很容易混淆。教师还需想出既科学又容易记忆的方式协助学生区别英美词汇差别。第二部分 解说分析一、 新词的导学与解读1. like【用法】vt.喜欢、乐意;prep.和同样 adj. 相像的,相似的.【举例】The little girl likes candies very much.小女孩


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