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1、Unit 6 Famous stories(课例设计) Primary English For China(第11册)设计理念:本课主要是通过学习一些中、外名著作品的英语名称和主人公的特征,让学生学会怎样用英语表达熟悉的书名(如:西游记、白雪公主等),了解并用英语表达名著主人公的性格特点(友善、聪明、幽默、勇敢、勤劳和真诚等)。 在学习的过程中领会中西文化的异同的同时,达到中西文化交融、渗透的均衡发展;引领学生热爱读书,认真学习中、外名著中的人物个性优点,促进学生直接经验和书本间接经验和融合,从而实现生活中榜样力量与自身素质提高的均衡发展。一、 Teaching contentl New wo

2、rds:Mulan, smart, brave, hard-working, Journey to the West, Monkey King, funny, Cinderella, honest, kind, Robin Hood and interesting.l The sentence pattern:Which books do you like best? I like Why? Because shes/ hes二、 Teaching aim1、 Aims on the knowledge:l To enable the students to listen and say th

3、ese sentences: Which books do you like best? I like Why? Because shes/ hes2、 Aims on the abilities :l Which books do you like best? I like Why? Because shes/ hes3、 Aims on the emotion :l To faster the students to like reading books. l To have a good habit of reading books.l Try to be a brave, honest

4、, kind and hard-working person.三、 Key point The new words and the sentence pattern. 四、 Difficult point1、The pronunciation of honest: h does not pronounce.2、Using the new words in the real situation.五、 Teaching aidWord cards, storybooks and pictures.六、 Teaching period: The first period七、 Teaching ste

5、psStep 1 Warmupl GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you again!Ss: Good morning, Miss Huang. Nice to see you, too.T: Boys and girls, do you like English song?Ss: Yes.T: OK! Lets sing a song. (Play the flash, Ss sing and act)(设计意图: 热身阶段采用全身反应法,不仅营造了英语学习氛围,让学生快速进入了英语学习的状态,而且为新授知识做了铺垫

6、。)Step 2 Presentationl Show the topic: Unit 6 Famous storiesT: OK! Youre very good! Now, look at this picture, does the girl like her grandpa? Yes. Why? Because her grandpa can tell her some stories. Here are some famous stories for you. Today were going to talk about some famous stories. Thats Unit

7、 6 Famous stories. Pay attention to this word: stories. (The whole class read the topic together.)l Show the book of Journey to the WestT: Now I have a famous story book. Look! Whats the name of this book?S1: Its 西游记. T: Yes. In English, we can say Journey to the West. (Learn the new word: whole cla

8、ss-groups-individual)T: I like this book because of Sun Wukong. (Show the picture of Monkey King) In English we can say Monkey King. Do you like Monkey King? Ss: Yes. I like Monkey King.T: I like Monkey King, too. Because Monkey King is strong, exciting and funny.(Learn the new word: funny)T: Whos t

9、he strongest person in our class?Ss: Its Song Junbing.T: Well done. Whos the funniest person in our class?Ss: Its Su Weidong.T: Excellent! Whos the most exciting person in our class? I think most of us are exciting. Yes or no?Ss: Yes.l Show the book of MulanT: Now I will show another book for you. I

10、ts Mulan. Its a story of Mulan. She joined to the army and became a solider instead of her father. So I like Mulan because Shes from a lovely girl to a brave solider. Shes smart, brave and hard-working. (Learn the new words: smart, brave and hard-working)T: Now answer my question: Whos the bravest i

11、n you family?S1: My father is the bravest in my family.S2: Im the bravest in my family.T: Wow. Youre the bravest in your family. Very good! Next question: Whos the smartest in your family?S3: Im the smartest in my family.S4: My brother is the smartest in my family.S5: My sister is the smartest in my

12、 family.T: OK! The last question: Whos the most hard- working in your family?S6: My mother is the most hard- working in my family.S7: My mother is the most hard- working in my family.T: Wonderful! Everyone should be hard-working person.(设计意图:利用实物等教具创造真实语境,让学生从中接受语言信息,激发学生的学习兴趣。)Step 3 Practicel Prac

13、tice the words on the Bb.1、 First the whole class read together.2、 Practise in pairs.l Show the text.1、T: Look and listen, then answer these questions: Which book does Pat like? Which book does Tim like? Which book does Koko?2、Ask some students to answer this question.3、T: Koko likes Cinderella. Do

14、you like Cinderella? S1: Yes. T: Why? S1: Because shes kind and honest. ( Then learn the new words: kind and honest ) T: Whos the kindest person in our class? S2: I think its Ou Huiyi. S3: I think its Wang Yingtong. T: Whos the honest person in our class? S4: Its me. T: Well, youre so honest.4、 T: I

15、ts your time. Lets show! (First, practise in pairs, then ask some pairs to come to the front to show their topic.)5、Have a survey: Which book do you like best? ( Practise in four.)(设计意图:通过让学生谈论自己喜欢的童话故事,引导他们将英语学习与生活实际相联系,实现“为用而学,在用中学”的均衡。)Step 4 Summaryl The students sum up what theyve learnt in this lesson.l The whole class read together the new words and the text.Step 5 Homeworkl Read a famous story after class, and tell it to your parents. Do describe the major character and write down.


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