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1、常用事例1、 Honesty: (1)Washington and the Cherry TreeWhen George was about six years old, he was made the wealthy master of a hatchet of which, like most little boys, he was extremely fond. He went about chopping everything that came his way.One day, as he wandered about the garden amusing himself by ha

2、cking his mothers pea sticks, he found a beautiful, young English cherry tree, of which his father was most proud. He tried the edge of his hatchet on the trunk of the tree and barked it so that it died.Some time after this, his father discovered what had happened to his favorite tree. He came into

3、the house in great anger, and demanded to know who the mischievous person was who had cut away the bark. Nobody could tell him anything about it.Just then George, with his little hatchet, came into the room.George, said his father, do you know who has killed my beautiful little cherry tree yonder in

4、 the garden? I would not have taken five guineas for it!This was a hard question to answer, and for a moment George was staggered by it, but quickly recovering himself he cried:I cannot tell a lie, father, you know I cannot tell a lie! I did cut it with my little hatchet.The anger died out of his fa

5、thers face, and taking the boy tenderly in his arms, he said:My son, that you should not be afraid to tell the truth is more to me than a thousand trees! Yes - though they were blossomed with silver and had leaves of the purest gold!(2) The Boy Who Cried Wolf/ The Wolf Is Coming 狼来了A shepherd-boy, w

6、ho watched a flock of sheep near a village, brought out the villagers three or four times by crying out, Wolf! Wolf! and when his neighbors came to help him, laughed at them for their pains. The Wolf, however, did truly come at last. The Shepherd-boy, now really alarmed, shouted in an agony of terro

7、r: Pray, do come and help me; the Wolf is killing the sheep; but no one paid any heed to his cries, nor rendered any assistance. The Wolf, having no cause of fear, at his leisure lacerated or destroyed the whole flock. 2、Persistence/ Confidence/ Optimism/Hope: Robert Bruce and the SpiderThere was on

8、ce a king of Scotland whose name was Robert Bruce. The king of England was at war with him and had led a great army into Scotland to conquer the land and the people. Bruce fought the enemy most bravely. Six times he led his brave little army against his enemy; and six times his men were defeated. At

9、 last he was forced to hide himself in the mountains. One day, feeling tired and sick at heart, he lay on the ground under a farmhouse. He was ready to give up all hope for it seemed to him that it was no use fighting any longer. As he lay thinking, he saw a spider over his head, getting ready to we

10、ave her web. He watched her as she worked slowly and with great care. Six times she tried to throw her thread from one beam to another, and six times she failed. Poor thing! said Bruce. You, too know what it is to fail. But the spider did not lose hope. With still more care, she made ready to try fo

11、r the seventh time. Bruce almost forgot his own troubles as he watched her struggling with the thin thread. Would she fail again? No! The thread was carried safely to the beam. I, too, will try a seventh time! cried Bruce. Inspired by the spirit of the spider, Brucecalled his men together and made c

12、areful plans Soon another battle was fought.This timethe king of England was beatenand driven out of Scotland.罗伯特布鲁斯的故事:古代苏格兰有个国王名叫罗伯特布鲁斯。在他统治苏格兰期间,英格兰国王正向他发起了战争,带着强悍的军队入侵苏格兰,企图占领他的土地、臣服他的国民。布鲁斯和敌人的战争一场接一场地打响。可是他领导的失误以及其他各方面的原因布鲁斯六次率领军队与敌人作战均以失败告终。最后,他的的信心溃散了,他的军队也溃散了,他被迫躲进了一间废弃的茅屋里。一个雨天,他又疲倦又伤心,已准备


14、集一支新的军队,并把这鼓舞人心的故事传颂给那些已失去信心的臣民。决意再做一次奋斗,从英格兰人的手里解放他的国家,它很谨慎而耐心地做着准备,终于打了一次重要的胜仗,把英格兰人赶出了苏格兰国土。另外,持之以恒、勤能补拙也能用“The Tortoise and the Hare”(龟兔赛跑)来说明。3. Modesty: NewtonIsaac Newton is often regarded as the most influential scientist in history and the founder of modern physics. However, he is quite mod

15、est“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”被人们称颂为“力学之父”的牛顿发现了万有引力定律,在热学上,他确定了冷却定律。在数学上,他提出了“流数法”,建立了二项定理和莱布尼兹几乎同时创立了微积分学,开辟了数学上的一个新纪元。他是一位有多方面成就的伟大科学家,然而他非常谦逊。对于自己的成功,他谦虚地说:“如果我见的比笛卡尔要远一点,那是因为我站在巨人的肩上的缘故。”他还对人说:“我只像一个海滨玩耍的小孩子,有时很高兴地拾着一颗光滑美丽的石子儿,真理的大海还是没有发现。” 4. Philant

16、hropy/Love: Mother Teresa/ Florence Nightingale (1)Mother Teresa (19101997)特蕾莎修女Mother Teresa devoted the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India, thus gaining her the name Saint of the Gutters. The devotion towards the poor won her respect throughout the world and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She founded an order of nuns calle


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