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1、在Leadership In Organization这门课里面,有一章是探讨culture,每个人都需要写三条给外国人在自己国家做生意的建议,老师最后搜集整理了发给了大家。因为是写给同学的,所以大多数都相当真实。非常有意思,也很revealing! 多读几个国家,youll be amazed by the the similarity and difference among different cultures!Tips for Doing Business in my CountryLondon Business School Class of Master in Management

2、 2011 studentsAustria Punctuality is important It is very important to address Austrian business people with their title e.g. Dr. and their last name Avoid making appointments for the months of July and August as well as Austrian national holidaysBelgium Speak French or English Be aware of the cultu

3、ral differences between Flanders and Wallonia Wages are quite high in Belgium Belgium has lots of highly educated people Be open to show willingness for compromise Dont ask questions about the countrys possible separation, we are tired of answering these questionsBelgium (Flanders) Try to address Fl

4、emish people in their own language Focus on the content. Flemish people do not care about form. Do not act overly socialBrazil Start small avoid risk Work with reliable agents bridge the culture Build relationships-meet the customersBulgaria To do business in Bulgaria you are advised to visit the co

5、untry at least on several occasions. Personal treatment is very important for building relationships and trust and if you do not manage to build such relationships you might stumble reaching business agreements. Be prepared to deal with bureaucracy. However, if you know the “right person”, starting

6、a business might be easier. Therefore, build your network on a local level. Laws protect trademarks, copyrights and patents and ensure equal treatment of both foreign and domestic investors. However the legal system functions slowly, so youd better not get involved in court disputes.Canada Be open a

7、nd welcoming Be friendly People are very polite and you are expected to be polite too Canadians tend to say “sorry” a lot Ethical practice is most important Watch out for cultural differences Canada is a multicultural country Canada is officially a bilingual country (English and French). French domi

8、nates the province of Quebec Canada is very multicultural and promotes diversity impact on customer segmentation and advertising (e.g. labels must be in French and English) Charge higher than normal prices because no one will complain Fill in your tax forms correctly Be sensitive to (or avoid) compa

9、ring Canadians to Americans Canadians dont like to be thought of as “just like Americans”It is a very common practice to tip when receiving services (restaurant 15-20%)China (前十条都在说关系) Relationships, but not networking Relationship matters the most Networking is important Networking us the key to bu

10、siness success Build good relationship with your clients and people in the government Building relationships Build good relationship with your clients in the government Business is done mostly through Guan Xi, which means relationships/networking. So find the right person of influence to get your tr

11、usted Never underestimate “Guan Xi” connections, networks. You need to be dealing with a person of influence Hire local representatives/consultants to monitor deals and relationships Dinners and drinks Entertainment Being a good person Dont be too aggressive Do it with the government Be ready to dri

12、nk a lot of alcohol You have to drink a lot Be prepared to drink 5% white wine You have to train yourself to be good at drinking especially if you do business in northern China People make business deals on dinner table Accounting system is not well developed be careful! Know the different character

13、istics of people from different provinces Be very flexible Follow your boss Dont fight for bills Keep an eye on policy changes in the financial market so as to lower risks Be humble Understand local culture (learn local language) Respect face Understand the ways of saying “no”, since Chinese almost

14、never say it directly Respect face. Never argue or voice a different opinion with anyone directly Use the same due diligence you would in the west so as to protect your intellectual property Show a lot of gesture of goodwill Governments play an important roleEgypt Connections are everything Speaking

15、 English and Arabic is essential Dont take work too seriously; Egyptians are laid-back and like to have fun on the jobFrance Process matters as much as result Respect and show respect to your superiors A lot of business is done over lunch, dinner or drinks Develop a perfect fluency in French language and culture Know people Network, network, network (accept that success if not all about merit) You might be judged very quickly and superficially Dress w



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