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1、沈阳市2019-2020学年四年级上册第一次月考英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题火眼金睛。选出不同类的一项。1 . ASundayBSaturdayCweekend2 . AwatchedBwashingChelped3 . AgoodBtallerCinteresting4 . AyesterdayBthis morningCthis evening5 . May I ask you some _? ( )AquestionsBbooksCbikes6 . can I get to the cinema?

2、 And bus should I take? ( )AHow; whichBWhere; whatCWhat; which7 . _ did you have for dinner? ( )Rice and vegetables.AHowBWhatCWhere8 . Look at the rabbit. The _ are long.( )AeyesBearsCnose9 . Lets sing and. ( ) AdanceBto danceCdancing选择合适的一项,补全单词。10 . pl _ _ (玩)( )AeBayCiy11 . i_ _ ch(午餐)( )AanBurCu

3、n12 . n_ n_ ty(九十)( )AI; eBa; eCe; i13 . p_ ct_ re(图片)( )Aa; uBi; uCe; u14 . s_ _ l(海豹)( )AeeBeiCea15 . Can you _ out the trash? ( )AtakeBtakingCtook16 . We play happily _ the seashore. ( )AinBatCunder二、情景交际17 . 你想问李珊的兔子是什么颜色的,你会说: ( )AHowmanyrabbits?BWhatcolorisyourrabbit?18 . 妈妈想问“你的书包是什么颜色的?”应说:(

4、 )AWhat colour is your schoolbag?BWhat colour is your book?19 . 当你有一支绿色的铅笔时, 你会说: ( )AI have a green pencil.BI have a blue pen.CShow me your green pencil.20 . Tim问你想要什么,他应该问:_( )AWhat do you want?BWhat do you like?21 . ( )它又高又瘦,英语怎么说:A、It has tall and thin.B、It is short and thin.C、Its tall and thin.

5、22 . 你的伙伴在教室里乱跑,你对他说:ADont walk.BDont run.三、填空题23 . Read and choose 根据内容,选词填空1.I_to Shanghai last Sunday. (come/came) 2.Beijing is in the _of China.(south/north ) 3.The book is _I like it very much. (exciting/boring) 4.There were many blue whales in the _. (past/future )5.Ken_ a lot of photos in the

6、 park yesterday. ( took/takes )24 . 按要求写词。1. long (反义词) _ 2. morning (对应词) _3. he (宾格) _ 4. take (单三形式) _5. see (单三形式) _ 6. high (反义词) _四、任务型阅读阅读大观园,判断正()误()。Li Ming and Jenny want to find (找到) the twins (双胞胎).Li Ming: The twins are lost. I cant find them.Jenny: What are they wearing?Li Ming: Well,

7、Lily is wearing old trousers and a new T-shirt.Jenny: Is she wearing a sweater?Li Ming: No. She isnt wearing a sweater.Jenny: What about Lucy? Is she wearing the same (相同的) clothes?Li Ming: No. She is wearing new trousers and an old sweater.25 . Lily is wearing old trousers. (_)26 . Lucy is wearing

8、new trousers. (_)27 . Lily and Lucy wear the same clothes. (_)28 . Lily is wearing a new sweater. (_)29 . Lucy is wearing an old sweater. (_)五、英汉混合30 . 翻译1.兄弟_2.祖母_3.祖父_4.家庭_5.grandma_6.grandpa_六、判断题31 . 判断下列句子或对话与图片内容是(T)否(F)相符。(_) 1. I have a book. (_) 2. Look at my mouth. (_) 3. Where is the bird? Its on the desk. (_) 4. How many birds are there? Five. (_) 5. Show me ten. 七、连线题32 . 快乐连一连:请把正确的图与英文句子连线。1.Hi, this is Mike. A2.Nice to meet you. B3.Good afternoon. C4.Lets go to school. D5.Touch your foot. E第 1 页 共 1 页


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