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1、对话1寻物【Situation】Mark ,German ,on his way from the airport to the hotel. He forgot to take his luggge from the taxi when he got to the hotel.Please try to get as much information as possible to get him back the luggage.【dialogue】1.Can I help you?Yes, please. Ive forgotten my luggage on the taxi.2.Im

2、sorry to hear that. But dont worry. Well do our best to get it back for you. First let me make a statement. Whats your name please?Mark.3.Your nationality ,please ?German.4.What kind of luggage did you lose?A suitcase.5.Would you please describe your suitcase?It is a 24 inch suitcase made of plastic

3、.6.So the brand is ?Its a oach.7.What is in it?A computer and some clothes. 8.Can you describe the computer completely?Its a white Toshiba.9.You said you forget the luggage on the taxi. So, do you remember the licence plate of the taxi?No.10.Did you remember the color?Yes, green.11.Ok, well contact

4、you if we have other questions about your luggage. Would you please leave us your phone number?OK, you can reach me at .12.I see, well connect with the taxi company to find whether there are fotgotten luggage. We will take video surveillance if necessary?Oh, my passport is in it too. So please find

5、it quickly. Otherwise, I cant check in.13.Whats your ID number ?14.Ok ,well try our best to find your luggage as soon as possible.Thankyou.对话2找人【Situation】Jennifer, a visiting business woman from the New Zealand, attended the international conference in Hangzhou, couldnt find her colleague whose pho

6、ne was power off. Jennifers phone: 88588987. Her Colleague: Adam, male, grey hair, 55 years old, black suit, wearing glasses.【Dialogue】1. Good morning, madam. You look worried. Is there anything wrong?Yes officer.I couldnt find my colleage.2. Im sorry to hear that. But dont worry. Well do our best t

7、o find your colleague. First, let me make a statement. Whats your name, please?Jennifer.3. Your nationality, please?Im from New Zealand.4. You said you couldnt find your colleague. Why didnt you call your colleague?Oh, my colleage cellphone was power off.5. Im sorry to hear that. Whats his or her na

8、me?His name is Adam.6. How old is he?55 years old.7. What does he look like?He has grey hair. He wears black suit and glasses. 8. When did you last see him?After attending the international conference.9. Where is the conference holding?Hangzhou jiefang road no.100.10. Oh, there are a lot of videos o

9、ver here. We can take video surveillance to find your colleague. Can you leave your phone number for us?My telephone number is 88588987.11. Okay, we will contact you as soon as possible.Thank you.12. My pleasure.对话3报案手机被偷【Situation】Alice, Australian business woman, 7pm, she found her cellphone was l

10、ost, she recalled someone pushed her in front of the cinema. She lives in Shangri-La Hotel, room 808, tel:80880881. She reported the case to Xixi police station.1、 Sit down please. There is XiXi police station .Is there anything I can do for you ?My cellphone was lost, so I come here to report it.2、

11、 I am really very sorry to hear that.Sorry that I have to begin my talk with the following routine procedure. Now Im going ti inquire of you in compliance with the law, please give your reply according to the actual facts.I see.3、 Whats your name?Alice.4、 Where are you from ?Australian.5、 Where do y

12、ou live?I live in Shangri-La Hotel, room 808.6、 Would you please show me your passport ?Here it is.7、 Thank you very much .Would you mind telling me your telephone number so that I can contact you when it is necessary ?No problem. My room phone number is 80880881.8、 Well .Please tell me when you fin

13、d the phone lose ?About 7pm, when I passed by the cinema, I felt someone pushed me.9、 Which cinema ?Did you remember ?The Binwen Cinema.10、Someone pushed you ?Did you remember the peoples appearance ? Man or Woman ?Not really clear. I just remember he is a tall man with a white T-shirt.11、How tall ?

14、About 190 cm.12、Ok, the mans height is a special feature.How old is he ?Somewhere between 25 and 35.13、Can you describe your stolen cellphone completely ?Its a black one, sony Lt29i.14、Is there any special ?Yes, there is a cute paster on the back.15、Whats the cute paster?Hello Kitty.15、We will take

15、video surveillance in front of the cinema to find the man as soon as possible.OKWell, no problem.17、This is your statement .Ive taken down read it and make corrections if you find anything incorrect .18、 All right. 19、Please sign your name here .Thank you very much.20.Dontmention it. 对话4中暑【Situation】Suppose you are the police officer patrolling near the west lake during the golden week .A foreigner is asking for your help as five-year old daughter has vomited after lunch.【Dialogue】M:Officer , please help me !P:Whats


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