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1、201303考试批次英语商务通论结课作业学生姓名 xxx 学习中心 济南奥鹏 学号 xxx 专 业 商务英语 年级层次 专升本 二年级北京语言大学网络教育学院英语商务通论期末试卷注意:本学期所布置的结课作业,请同学一律按照以下要求执行:1) 提交截止时间:2013年3月17日23:59;2) 结课作业课程均需通过“离线作业”栏目提交电子版,学院不收取纸介的结课作业,以纸介回寄的作业一律视为无效;3)截止日期前可多次提交,平台只保留最后一次提交的文档,阅卷时以最后一次提交的结课作业为准,截止日期过后将关闭平台,逾期不交或科目提交错误者,按0分处理;4) 提交文档要求:提交的文档格式为doc、ra

2、r,大小10M以内;5) 必须严格按照每门课程的答题要求完成作业,没有按照学院要求来做的结课作业,将酌情扣分。论文写作请从以下五个题目中任选一个题目进行写作,具体写作规范如下:1、 The Apocalypses of Chinese Enterprise Management Given by the Inner Communication Experience in Foreign Enterprises国外企业内部沟通经验对中国企业管理的启示2、 The Strategies of the Exports of Chinese Agricultural Products Replying

3、 to the Technical Trade Barriers of Developed Countries中国农产品出口应对发达国家技术性贸易壁垒的策略3、 The Analyses of Developing Conditions and Countermeasures that Foreign Companies Invest Directly in China外商在华直接投资的发展状况及对策分析4、 The Comparative Apocalypses of the Corporate Cultures between China and America中美企业文化比较的启示5、

4、The Analyses of Management Strategies of the Multinational Company across the Culture跨文化视角下的跨国公司管理策略分析写作规范及要求:1、 从以上参考题目中择一作答,以英文完成写作。2、 字数要求在800-1000字之间,统一采用(xmm)页面,其中上边距.8cm,下面距2.5cm,左边距2.5cm,右边距2.5cm,页眉1.6cm,页脚1.5cm,装订线0.5cm字间距为标准,行间距为1.5倍行距,字体统一用5号Times New Roman.3、 论文的内容要与本专业所要求的知识和技能相结合,要求论述者阅

5、读一定量的英文和中文资料,能够对所有的资料进行合理删减、组织和编辑,掌握论文撰写的结构与布局。要求语言流畅,层次清晰,论点明确,论据充分。具有以下特性:1) 科学性:观点正确,论据充分可靠,结构合理,能反映出学生对本学科知识系统掌握的程度及其某一问题有较深理解很认识2) 实用性:选题应该具有现实意义和学术价值,应该体现出分析问题解决问题的能力水平3) 逻辑性:论证应该有力,层次应该分明,逻辑应该严密,结构应该完整合理4) 技术性:应该具有收集整理运用材料的能力,语言表达应该清晰准确,格式应该规范The Apocalypses of Chinese Enterprise Management G

6、iven by the Inner Communication Experience in Foreign EnterprisesAbstractInner communication is a necessary factor to promote an enterprise to get its goal. There are some obstacles prohibiting communication, which emerge three kind of communication dilemma in inner communication. Some foreign enter

7、prises solve the problems very well, which afford some apocalypses for Chinese enterprises. And Chinese enterprises should refer to these apocalypses to promote themselves, based on their own condition.Key words: inner communication foreign enterprise apocalypses Chinese enterpriseAn Enterprise whos

8、e target is to get the same goal, is an organization combined by rules and process. Whether the enterprise would take the goal or not is determined partly by how smooth and valid the enterprise inner communication is. Smooth and valid communication is benefit to information share and flowing, which

9、can improve work efficiently, and enhance the rationality of decision. In an enterprise, inner communication involves communication between up and down, parallel communication, and cross-communication. We can know about an enterprise inner communication specific forms as follows (Chart one): The com

10、munication between up and down involves General Manager to Vice Manager, Vice Manager to Department Manager, Department Manager to staff. Parallel communication involves Department A Manager to Department B Manager. Cross-communication involves Department A Manager to staff B(or Department B Manager

11、 to staff A), and staff A to staff B.In common logic, one should explain his point and let counterpart understand it firstly. Then, the counterpart decides whether he should accept it or not, based on some reasons. However, understanding is not the necessary condition for acceptance, in fact. At one

12、 hand, one can let others accept his view for some factors, such as power, interest, but the counterpart doesnt comprehend the view at first. At other hand, one lets the counterpart understand his point even let the counterpart believe it right, but the counterpart will not accept it consequentially

13、. Based on those, there are some blocks for communication. These blocks can be classified into four kinds based on “understanding” and “acceptance”. In communication between up and down, the Communication dilemma1 is the main form. Subordinate may not understand the superiors point, but the subordin

14、ate will accept it mostly for superiors power, by influence of company culture, and so on.In parallel communication, the Communication dilemma2 is the main form. Two sides locate similar manage level, and know about the situation of enterprise familiarly. So they can understand each other easily, bu

15、t they may not accept each others points consequentially, based on their own profits.In cross-communication, the Communication dilemma2 and Communication dilemma3 are main forms. The cause of Communication dilemma2 is similar with the parallel communication. What induces the Communication dilemma3 is the difference in background knowledge between each other, and lacking of direct commanding power.The goal of communication is acceptance, so the parallel communication and cross-communication may be changed to communication between up and down so


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