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1、 2022年职称英语考试卫生类C模拟题:完形填空A New Heart LONDON: A pioneering new plastic heart is (1) doctors to keep (2) seriously ill children while they wait for (3) transplants. Doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London have (4) to stabilize three young children by using the Berlin Heart, a device (5)keeps

2、the blood pumping around the body when the childs own organ is too (6)to work properly. Jodie Lansdale told how her daughter, Claudia, was helped by the (7) as she waited for a heart to be donated. Claudia had been a (8)child, but at 13 months old she was diagnosed as having dilated (加宽的)cardiomyopa

3、thy. (心肌症) Claudia was put on different medicines but started to deteriorate. Her parents were told she might need to go to Great Ormond Street Hospital and (9) intensive care. “But we didnt know how (10)we would have to wait until a donor (捐赠人)organ became available (11)very few people who have los

4、t a child decide to donate their childs heart.” Surgeon Carin Van Doom told the parents that there was a new device which might help Claudia, but that she would be only the second person to go on it. In November, Claudia underwent a six-hour operation when the pump was fitted, taking (12) the functi

5、on of her hearts left chamber (心室). The device was (13) by tubes to the heart but remained outside the body. “The change was astonishing,” said Lansdale. “Claudia went (14) being very weak to being able to sit up and move around. It was marvelous to see the change.” A childs heart became available 2

6、7 days after the operation and Claudia received a transplant. “We are just so (15) to the donors family for allowing our daughter to live,” said Lansdale. 1.A.enabling B.preventing C.troubling D.bothering 正确答案:A 解析:一个先进的塑料心脏使医生能够在患重病的儿童等待心脏移植期间保证他们的生存。enable sb to do, 使(某人)能够(做某事)。因此A正确。B阻挡;C使困难;D困扰

7、。 3.A.naughty B.alive C.asleep D.dead 正确答案:B 解析:句意同上。keep alive保持活着。B正确。A调皮;C睡眠;D死亡。 4.A.kidney B.heart C.lung D.liver 正确答案:B 解析:句意同上。纵观全文不难看出,通篇都是关于心脏移植的,因此此处应为heart心脏。 5.A.tried B.attempted C.managed D.failed 正确答案:C 解析:医生已经胜利的利用“柏林心脏”稳定住了三个儿童的病情。A努力;B试图;C设法(并胜利);D失败。 5.A.where B.what C.how D.which

8、 正确答案:D 解析:定语从句。由which引导。 6.A.strong B.weak C.healthy D.energetic 正确答案:B 解析:too weak to work properly太弱而不能正常工作。 7.A.medicine B.device C.treatment D.doctor 正确答案:B 解析:Jodie Lansdale叙述了她的女儿是如何在这个设备的帮忙下等候心脏捐献的。文中提到的new heart其实是一种设备,而不是药物或疗法。 8.A.healthy B.naughty C.weak D.sick 正确答案:A 解析:转折句,后面说她被诊断患有心脏病

9、,由此推断前面应当说她之前是一个安康的孩子,因此A正确。B调皮;C虚弱;D有病。 9.A.refuse B.receive C.return D.reject 正确答案:B 解析:receive intensive care接收特殊护理,因此B正确。A拒绝;C返还;D拒绝。 10.A.often B.far C.soon D.long 正确答案:D 解析:how long多长时间是与后面wait等待正确的搭配。ABC均不适宜。 11.A.when B.so C.because D.but 正确答案:C 解析:因果关系,前面说不知道要等多久才会有器官捐赠,是由于很少有人会打算捐献他们死去的孩子的

10、心脏。因此C正确。 12.A.over B.beyond C.above D.on 正确答案:A 解析:起搏器接收左心室的功能。A接收正确。BCD意思不正确。 13.A.attacked B.attached C.attracted D.affected 正确答案:B 解析:这个设备被通过导管连在心脏上,但是被放在身体外面。be attached to连接,因此B正确。A攻击;C吸引;D影响。 14.A.to B.from C.on D.over 正确答案:B 解析:句意推断。Claudia从特别虚弱变的能够坐起来并能走动。from to从到 15.A.careful B.hateful C.thankful D.beautiful 正确答案:C 解析:我们特别感谢捐赠器官的家庭让我们的女儿能够活下去。从句意推断,此处应当是C感谢的。A认真的;B憎恨的;D美丽的。


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