牛津译林版四年级英语上册Unit 5 what would you like单元测试卷

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1、牛津译林版四年级上册Unit 5 what would you like单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . What would _ like to drink? ( )AsheBherChers2 . Whats your name?_.AMy name is JennyBIm eight years oldCIm tired3 . _ hot dogs do you want? Three. ( )AHow manyBWhatCHow4 . Im a rabbit. My _ are long

2、. ( )AeyesBearsCelephants5 . There _ a chicken on the grass. ( )AamBareCis选出每组中不同类的一项。6 . AgoBbuyCmet7 . AneedBappleCbanana8 . AdidBanyChad9 . AwhatBdidChow10 . AuseBlistCsay11 . How can I_ to the supermarket?AgetBgotCgetsDgots12 . Su Hais parents are _. ( )AfarmersBfarmsCfarmer13 . Is there a lette

3、r for _?AmeBICmyDmine14 . Here you are. ( )_AThanks.BYes, pleaseCThank.选出不同类的一项。15 . AfishBteaCwater16 . AlikeBforChave17 . AhamburgerBtomatoChot dog18 . Id like some _. Im thirsty. ( )AorangesBbreadCjuice19 . What would you like to drink? _ASandwiches.BTea.CHamburgers.20 . 选出与划线部分读音相同的一项:study ( )A

4、busyBbusCstudent二、阅读选择21 . 阅读下列表格,选出正确的选项,将其标号填入题前的括号内。Pen Friend Club26 Madison Ave.New York, U. S. ADear Lisa,How are you? My name is Bruce. I live in New York. I am thirteen years old, and I am a middle school student. There are five people in my family. They are my father, my mother and my two s

5、isters. My father is a teacher, and my mother works in a bank. My sister, Anna, is 21 and she has long black hair. My sister, Rose,is 14 and she has short brown hair. We live in a lame house. It has four bedrooms and it is comfortable(舒适的).My favourite sport is playing football. My uncles name is Bi

6、ll. He is thirty years old,and he works in a hospital. On Saturdays Uncle Bill comes to my house and plays football with me.I also like baskethall.How about you?Write soon.Your friend,Bruce( )1. Bruce lives in_.A. Sydney B. New York C. Paris( )2. Bruces father works in a _.A. bank B. school C. hospi

7、tal( )3. Rose has_.A. long black hair B. short brown hair C. short black hair( )4. -How many bedrooms does my house have? -It has_.A. three B. five C. four( )5. How many people are there in Bruces family?A. Five. B. Six. C. Four.三、完形填空完形填空。My grandmother _ shopping every day. She _ work, so she has

8、time to go _. She usually _different things. She goes from shop to shop with her basket. _ the grocery store, she buys many things, such as milk, fruit, vegetables _meat. They are very _. She likes music. She usually goes _ the music store. She often buys many things _my grandfather.She goes to a sm

9、all coffee shop after shopping. She likes to have a rest there. Some _her old friends are usually there. They drink coffee together.22 . AgoBgoesCto go23 . AdoesBdontCdoesnt24 . AshoppingBshopCfish25 . AbuyBto buyCbuys26 . AOnBToCIn27 . AandBbutCor28 . AoldBsweetCfresh29 . AtoBforCcross30 . AforBtoC

10、on31 . AoffBforCof四、填空题32 . 看图造句子。 1._2. _3._五、排序题33 . 将下列句子重新排列,组成一段对话。(_)Here you are.(_)Im hungry. (_)Thank you.(_)Id like some beef noodles.(_)Would you like some juice?(_)What would you like to eat?(_)No, thanks.(_)Youre welcome.六、句型转换按要求完成句子34 . My cousin likes watching films.(改为否定句)My cousin

11、_ watching films.35 . My father likes playing basketball.(对画线部分提问)_ your father like _?36 . Liu Tao likes reading stories.(改为一般疑问句)_ Liu Tao _ stories?37 . My sister likes dancing. I like dancing too.(合并为一句)My sister and I _ dancing.38 . Is your brother good at English?(作肯定回答)Yes, _.七、填内容补全对话根据情景填写句子补全对话。Chen: 39 . ?Sarah: Fish.Chen: Me too. 40 . .Sarah: I like grapes. Chen: 41 . . Theyre sour.八、书面表达42 . 书面表达。假如你是Sarah,用英语介绍自己喜爱的食物、蔬菜、饮料或水果,并说一说喜爱的理由。不少于五句话。_


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