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1、八年级上学期开学考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The soup is _.Asalt enoughBenough saltCsalty enoughDenough salty2 . I want to know your age._AHow are you?BHow old are you?CWhats your name?DWhen is your birthday?3 . -_is it from here? -Ten minutes by bike.AHowBHow longCHow farDHow often4 . Our math teacher is v

2、ery funny. He always makes us _.AlaughBlaughingCto laughDlaughs5 . There is _ information board in the park. So we can know almost everything about the park easily.AaBanCtheD/6 . Un, Id like a hamburger, large chips and a small Coke with ice._?ACan I help youBFor here or to goCAnything to eat7 . _ a

3、re koalas from?Australia.AHowBWhoCWhereDWhat8 . People wrote numbers _ many different ways in ancient times.AonBexceptCbesidesDin9 . Were looking forward tofrom Paul.AhearBhearsChearingDheard10 . Shanghai is larger than _ city in Japan.AotherBthe otherCanyDanother11 . You cant imagine _ when they re

4、ceived these Christmas presents.Ahow they were excitedBhow excited they wereChow excited were theyDthey were how excited12 . He did _ after he finished his homework, so he was late for bed.Anothing elseBelse nothingCanything elseDsomething else13 . The Chinese people here always have a party_ the Ch

5、inese New Year.AcelebrateBto celebrateCcelebratingDcelebrates14 . Dont read _ the sun. Its bad _ your eyes.Ain; inBin; forCbelow; forDunder; in15 . Thank you _ your help. Youre welcome.AinBofCforDat二、完型填空I received a ring as a birthday present. It was a mood(情绪) ring. That meant it could _ colors bl

6、ue if I was sad, black if I was angry, yellow if I was happy.I was playing with the ring _ my teacher, Ms. Fuller, announced that wed be getting a new student in our class. Her name was Millie. When Ms. Fuller told us that Millie had only one _, I stopped playing with my ring.How did she lose it? as

7、ked Clem.She didnt lose it. She was born with one hand, said Ms. Fuller.The following week, Ms. Fuller had us writing _. I wrote about a ring that had special powers. The person who wore it could travel through _. Millies story was about a man who could see through walls.Clem said our stories were s

8、illy. Millie said that it took a big brain to think of ideas _ time-travel and super-sight. I invited Millie to join me in another century and wed beat bad guys together. She smiled. That was the first time I had seen her do that. I _ the ring when we were playing ball. Ms. Fuller stopped the game a

9、nd we all searched for it, but it stayed lost and everyone gave up, I kept looking for my ring. Millie helped me _. The bell rang.We have to go in now, or well be late, I said. Just then Millie cried, I found it! She put the ring on her finger and held it out _. You can time-travel now, I told her.

10、Me? she said. Yes, I said. Its your ring now. She smiled. We stared at the ring. It started to turn _.16 . A. mix B. check C. change17 . A. because B. when C. unless18 . A. hand B. arm C. leg19 . A. letters B. poems C. stories20 . A. light B. water C. time21 . A. with B. like C. from22 . A. repaired

11、 B. lost C. returned23 . A. count B. record C. search24 . A. impolitely B. madly C. proudly25 . A. yellow B. blue C. black三、阅读单选Danny lived for football. He played it, watched it, talked and dreamed about it. His favourite football star was Keith Connolly Lowgates captain.One day in January, after s

12、chool, Danny hurried through his homework. He wanted to watch TV. Keith Connolly was doing an interview on the local news programme.Danny hoped that the television wouldnt go fuzzy*or lose the sound when KeithConnolly was talking. It was an old set, and it did things like that.It wasnt clear enough,

13、 but at last Keith Connollys smiling face appeared on the screen.“What I really like about playing for Lowgate,” he said, “is the fans. Theyre the best. They always support us. Its wonderful running on to the playground to all that cheering and chanting.”Danny wished he could be in that crowd at the

14、 Lowgate ground, but the price of a single ticket was far above anything he could afford. There was no chance of the whole family going, or even just Danny and his little brother.“You won again on Saturday,” said the reporter. “Did the team go out to celebrate?”“We went for a meal together,” said Keith Connolly, “but I have to be careful about what I eat, because I want to stay fit. I love doughnuts* very much ”Then the sound went fuzzy, and Danny jumped up andthumpedthe top of the set he


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