9B Unit 1 life on mars 单元教案.doc

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1、Unit 1 life on mars一 词汇单词Imagine planet polluted hopefully develop fashionable various compare force vehicle population enjoyable normal store fix certain disadvantage discussion specially 词组1.dried food压缩食品2.be cared by robots被机器人照顾3.put up a tent 搭建帐篷4.paly the guitar 弹吉他5.live on the planet住在行星上6

2、.imagine sth.设想某事7.imagine doing sth.设想做某事8.imagine that 从句 设想9.develop plants开发出植物10.be sure of 对很确信11.be sure to do sth.对做某事有把握12.be sure that从句 确信13.float away into space飘走进入太空14.digital cameras数码相机15.by the year 2100到2100年16.be certain确信的17.keep away from 远离18.the early settlers早起的移居者19.three-ei

3、ghths八分之三20.easily jump high很容易跳的很高21.become fashionable变得很时尚22.go somewhere quiet去安静的地方23.be as tasty as 和 一样有味24.in many ways在很多方面25.be specially designed 被特别设计26.at online school在网上学校27.in the form of pills药片的形式28.5 miles away from sp.离某地5里远29.start with a discussion以一个讨论开始30.be enjoyable令人愉快的31.

4、in normal schools在正规的学校32.be stored被储藏33.make themselves heavier使他们自己更重34.walk on the surface of the planet在星球的表面上行走35.get to my food=reach my food 够到我的食物二日常用语How do you like life on Mars?I hate it.I dont think so.三 知识解析 1How do you like =What do think of?你觉得怎么样?2get to 到达get to sp. (get 单独使用不指到达)ar

5、rive in/at sp.(in+大地方,at+小地方)reach sp.(reach及物动词,后接宾语)文中的get to 是吃到,够到的意思3able be able to do sth. 能做某事常用时态用法can一般现在时和一般过去时当人们觉得是否有能力做某事的能力时,常用can。be able to有现在时过去时将来时和完成时表示通过女里而做某事只能用Be able to。4take care of = look after照顾Care for= care about 关心Care for 计较5imagine 不及物动词 想象,设想 it may be difficult to

6、imagineImagine 及物动词 后接 名词,动名词,从句等作宾语或宾补Imagine life without electricImagine being on the moonImagine who can make such a mess6by +将来时间,句子常用将来时He will come to the dinner by then. by+过去的时间,句子常用过去完成时By the end of last month, the factory had produced over 3600 computers.7 more and more +形容词,表示 越来越more a

7、nd more excited 越来越兴奋er + er 越来越stronger and stronger shorter and shortercrowed 形容词 拥挤的 比较级more rowedpolluted 形容词 受到污染的 比较级 more polluted8 hopefully 副词 可以指望,怀着希望地Hopefully,we can get the tickets for Chou Jays concert this weekend.Hopeful 形容词 怀有希望的Hopeless 形容词 没有希望的,绝望的Hope 动词 希望 hope to do sth. 或者ho

8、pe +从句9too to 太以至于不能相当于 so that not ,not enough to do 等结构at present 目前,现在spacecraft 名词 宇宙飞船 单复数同形10take 动词 花费it takes /took will take sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间doing sth. takes sb. some time 做某事花了某人多少时间in space shuttles= by space shuttles 坐宇宙飞船at half the speed of light at 介词,以速度、价格11human

9、s 名词 人类Humans need food, water and air to survive.人类需要水,食物和空气来生存。比较下面词汇单数复数humanhumansGerman Germanswalkmanwalkmansmanmenwomanwomenpostmanpostmen12分数表达法:分子用基数词(如one),分母用序数词(如third)当分子大于1时,分母要用复数形式。a half 二分之一 one fourth 四分之一 two thirds 三分之二13prevent 动词 防止,阻止阻止某人做某事prevent sb. (from) doing sth.=stop

10、sb. (from) doing sth= keep sb. from doing sthThe heavy rain prevented us (from) holding the sports meeting.= The heavy rain stopped us (from) holding the sports meeting.= The heavy rain kept us from holding the sports meeting.那场大雨阻止了我们开运动会。14 Settlers 名词 移居者For the Project of Sanxia ,many settlers l

11、eft their own hometown.为了三峡工程,许多移居者离开了他们自己的家乡。15compare 动词 比较,对照常用短语:compare (sth.) with sth. 把和做比较Dont compare me with her.16in many ways 在许多方面He is the same to his mother in many ways.他在许多方面和他妈妈一样。In different ways 以不同的方式 In the same way 以同样的方式In some ways 在某种程度上,在某些方面 In a way 在某一方面In this way 通过

12、这种方式 In the 妨碍,挡道On the way 在路上,在途中 By the way 顺便问一下 17connected to an interplanetary network是过去分词短语作定语,表被动含义,常置于被修饰的名词后面。a film directed by Zhang Yimoua boy called Simonconnect sth. to sth. 把和连接起来18 as as 中间加形容词或者副词的原级as carefully as as important as not as as否定结构19enjoyable 形容词 令人愉快的enjoy动词 喜爱,欣赏en

13、joy doing sth.喜欢做某事 enjoy oneself 玩的开心20population 名词 人口Whats the population of the city?21provide 动词 供给,提供provide sb. with sth. =provide sth. for sb. 提供某物给某人22store 动词 储藏,储存Store for 例如 Some animals store food for winter.Store 名词 储存,商店 My mother works in a clothes store.23fix 动词 固定,安装,修理,整理He fixed

14、 the machine on the ground.Fix on 全神贯注于24start with 以开始,先从做起start sth. with sth. 以开始25harm 名词 伤害, 损害反义词:harmless do harm to sb. =do sb. harm 对某人有害harmful 形容词 有害的 be harmful to 对有害26keep away from 远离某物,不接近某物Youd better keep the child away from the fire.27have sb. do sth.请(叫,让)某人做某事have sth. done让某事被做have sb. /sth. doing sth.让某人或某事进行某种动作或保持某种状态28feel like 感到像,摸起来像 This feels like silk. feel like 如同,想要 I feel like a drink now.feel like doing sth. 想做某事would like to do sth. 想做某事29go somewhere quiet 去某个安静的地方 go somewhere quietly 静悄悄地去某地30specially 副词 特意地,专门地 I made this card speci


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