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1、新目标七年级英语上册重点词组句子 Starter unit 1 (一)重点句子1.早上好! Good morning! 2.下午好! Good afternoon! 3.晚上好! Good evening! 4. 你好吗? How are you? 5.我很好,谢谢! I am fine, thanks.6.我还行. Im ok. 7. 你好?How do you do?Starter unit 2(一) 重点词组、短语1.用英语 in English 2.一幅地图 a map 3.一个橙子 an orange 4.一床被子 a quilt 5.拼写它 spell it(二)重点句子1.这个用

2、英语怎么说?What is this in English?2.它是一把尺子. Its a ruler.3.请拼写它. Spell it , please.4.拼写(ruler) R-U-L-E-R.Starter unit 3(一) 重点词组、 短语1.什么颜色 what color 2.黑白相间 black and white3.一件绿色得夹克衫 a green jacket 4.一块橡皮 an eraser(二)重点句子1.它是什么颜色的? What color is it?2.它是红色的。 It is red.3.它是一支蓝色的钢笔。Its a blue pen.4.它是黑白相间的。I

3、ts black and white.5.这支钢笔是黑色的。 The pen is black.6.这是一块白色的橡皮。This is a white eraser.7.用英语说这是什么?Whats this in English?Unit 1 My names Gina.(一)重点词组、短语1.你的名字 your name 2.她的名 her first/given name3.他的姓 his last / family name 4.电话号码 telephone number5.一张身份证 an ID card 6.中学 middle school (二)重点句子1.我叫吉娜. My na

4、me is Gina. 2.我是吉姆. I am Jim.3.你叫什么名字? Whats your name?4.看到你很高兴. Nice to meetyou.5.看到你也很高兴. Nice to meet you, too.6.她的名是什么? Whats her first name?7.他姓什么? Whats his last name?8.她姓史密斯. Her last name is smith.9.李新,你的电话号码是多少? Whats your telephone number, Li Xin?10.她的电话号码是多少? Whats her telephone number?11

5、.他的身份证是多少? Whats his ID card number?Unit 2 This is my sister.( 一 )重点词组、短语1. 他的姐姐 his sister 2. 我的哥哥 my brother3. 家谱 family tree 4. 一张的照片 a photo/picture of 5. 我的全家福 my family photo或a photo of my family(二)重点句子1.这是你的铅笔吗? Is this your pencil?2.是的,它是。 Yes, it is. 3.不,它不是。No, it isnt.4.那是Tim的书吗? Is that

6、Tims book?5.你怎样拼写它? How do you spell it?6.谢谢你. Thank you.7.不用谢. Thats all right./ Thats OK./ Youre welcome.5. 那是我的祖父母。 Those are my grandparents.6. 谢谢你的全家福。 Thanks for the photo of your family.7. 这是我的家庭照片。This is my family photo.Unit 3 Is this your pencil? ( 一 )重点词组、短语1. 铅笔盒 pencil box 2. 请原谅。 Excus

7、e me3. 谢谢你。 Thank you 4. 电脑游戏 computer game5. 失物招领 Lost and Found 6. 一套钥匙 a set of keys 7. 我的笔记本 my notebook 8. 这本字典 this dictionary ( 二 ) 重点句子1.这些是你的书吗? Are these your books?2.是的,它们是。Yes, they are. 3.不,它们不是。No, they arent.4.这是你的哥哥吗? Is this your brother?5.这是你的姐妹吗? Is this your sister?6. 打电话4953539找

8、Allan。 Call Allan at 4953539.Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag? ( 一 )重点词组、短语1. 在书包里 in the schoolbag 2. 在床上on the bed3. 在椅子下 under the chair 4. 英语课本English book5. 在沙发上 on the sofa 6. 在桌子下under the table7. 在书桌上 on the desk 8. 飞机模型 model plane 9. 录音机 tape player 10. 在书架上 in the bookcase ( 二 ) 重点句子1. “书包在哪儿?”

9、 “在桌子下面。”Wheres the schoolbag? Its under the table.2. “地图在哪儿?” “我认为在你爷爷奶奶的房间。”Wheres the map? I think its in your grandparents room.3. “你的书在哪儿?” “它们在椅子上。”Where are your books? They are on the chair.4. 钥匙在书架上。The keys are in the bookcase.Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? ( 一 )重点词组、短语1. 打篮球play basket

10、ball 2. 看电视 watch TV3. 打排球 play volleyball 4. 听起来很有趣/好/无聊/放松/容易/困难的sound interesting/good/boring/relaxing/easy/difficult 5. 去同一所学校 go to the same school 6. Lets go! 我们走吧!7. let sb. do sth. 让_(使)_某人做某事 8. play tennis 打网球 9. ping-pong bat乒乓球拍 10. play computer games 玩电子游戏(二)重点句子1.你们有足球吗? Do you have a

11、 soccer ball ?2.他们有乒乓球拍吗?Do they have a ping-pong bat ?3.我们有篮球吗? Do we have a basketball ?4.是的,我们有。Yes, we do. 5.不,我们 No, we dont.6.我没有许多排球. I dont have many volleyballs.7.你没有姐妹. You dont have a sister.8.你们没有数学书. You dont have a math book.9.他们没有祖父母. They dont have grandparents.10.她有一个弟弟. She has a b

12、rother.11.林涛有5只铅笔. Lin Tao has five pencils.12.它有一个名字. It has a name.13.我的妹妹没有铅笔盒. My sister doesnt have a pencil box.14.让我们一起打篮球吧. Lets play basketball.15.让我们一起看电视吧. Lets watch TV.16.听起来不错. That sounds good.17.听起来很无聊. That sounds boring.18.但是,他不做运动。 But, he doesnt play sports.19.他只是通过电视观看他们. He onl

13、y watches them on TV.20.他每天做运动. She plays sports every day.21.我每天打排球. I play volleyball every day.Unit6 Do you like bananas?(一)重点词组、短语1.一些鸡肉 some chicken 2. 五个西红柿 five tomatoes3.许多汉堡 many / lots of hamburgers 4. 八个草莓 eight strawberries5.一些冰激凌 some ice cream 6. 四块手表 four watches7二串钥匙 two sets of keys 8. 六个男孩 six boys9.吃早餐 have breakfast 10.吃午餐 have lunch11.吃晚餐 have dinner 12. 就早餐而言 for breakfast13.就午餐而言 for lunch 14. 就晚餐而言 for dinner15.运动明星 sports star 16. 健康食品 healthy food17.保持健康 keep healthy 18. 一本有趣的书 an interesting book19.怎样 / 如何 h


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