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1、Unit 5 B Lets learn一、教学目标: 1、知识目标: 能够听、说、读、写单词in, on, under, behind, near。能够听、说、认读单词over,in front of 和句子Wheres the?Its. 2、能力目标: 能够在情景中正确运用句型Wheres the?Its.并能够用There be结构对房间做简单表述。 3、情感、策略、文化等目标: 学生有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参与活动,共同完成学习任务。培养学生良好的生活习惯,不乱扔东西,保持室内卫生。 二、教学重难点 1、重点:使学生熟练掌握七个方位介词的用法。 2、难点:in front of(读音)以

2、及正确区分on与over的不同。 三、学情分析 本节授课对象为小学五年级学生。通过三、四年级两年的学习,大多数学生有一定的英语语言接受和表达能力,词汇量有一定的储备,能进行简单的口语交流,对教师的课堂指令和体态语言己有相当好的反应。学习兴趣较浓,积极性较高,但也有少数学生对语言的认知能力不强,缺乏一定的学习能力,反应较迟缓有待进一步提高。 四、教学准备 教师准备录音机、本节课的图片、本节课词卡。 五、教学过程 Step 1: Preparation 1、Greetings T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. T: Whats the we

3、ather like today? Ss: Its fine. Step 2 Presentation 一、单词导呈 1. 复习巩固介词in 、on、under(1)T: Today I have a new friend . Listen! Who is coming ?Who is he ? Ss: He is Guang Touqiang. T: Look, Where is the bear? Ss: Its in the room. T: Yes, Youre clever. Its in the room. 教师出示卡片,领读in, 学生跟读,学生拼读单词,教师板书in。学生拼读并

4、书空。 用同样的方法学习“in on under”.(2)Lets do together with in /on/under.2. Lets seek . 让一个孩子藏起来,老师问:“Where is 、?”让学生去猜一猜在哪里。通过这个活动导出“behind”。3. 教学单词behind 教师顺势提问Where is 、 ?(某一学生的位置) 学生七嘴八舌的回答,教师站到他的前面,说Hes behind the teacher. T: He is behind me.语音加重,强调behind一词。 T: Where is Chen Dairan? (某生坐于Sun Zhifang后) S

5、s: Shes behind 、. 教师利用这一竖排学生的位置关系,让学生练说Shes behind 学生继续运用behind一词,根据在教室内所坐的位置关系,进行表达。 教师出示卡片,领读behind, 学生跟读,学生拼读单词,教师板书behind 4. 教学单词in front of 根据学生所说的A is behind B.教师说出B is in front of A. 教师出示卡片,领读in front of, 师示范front,of发音,然后领读in front of(模仿跟读)。出示词卡认读, 师板书(三会单词,学生不需拼写)。 男女生读(Boys, read together)

6、分排读(Group 1 read together) 开火车读(Read “in front of” one by one) T: Where are you? Ss: Im in front of (学生精彩回答:Im in front of the blackboard. Im in front of the English teacher.) 5. 复习巩固介词near (1) T: Boys and girls, please look (课件呈现一只老鼠在箱子旁边)Where is the mouse?呈现near。教师出示卡片,领读near, 学生跟读,学生拼读单词,教师板书nea

7、r。 6. 教学单词over (1)T: Boys and girls, please look (课件呈现一只老鼠在箱子上方)Where is the mouse?呈现 over(三会词)用词卡呈现over。师示范发音o-ver,领读over。师说:Look at my mouth.生用词卡认读,师板书over。 On与over的区别:on和over都是介词,on表示在上面,指一物体与另一物体表面相接触;over表示在上方,指一物体与另一物体不接触. There is a mouse on the box.箱子上有一只老鼠。(mouse与box接触) There is a mouse ove

8、r the box. 箱子上方有一只老鼠。(mouse与box不接触) (2)是利用课件出示老鼠在箱子上方的图片和老鼠在箱子下面的图片。小结T: There is a mouse over the box. Read after me. Over, over, over声音越来越高。There is a mouse under the box. Under, under, under声音越来越低。7Listen and do T: Stand in front of the desk. Stand behind the desk. 进行in front of、 behind的练习。 8. Ma

9、ke a sentence 每个小组的桌子上放着两个盒子,一个盒子是表示家具的单词;另一个盒子是介词短语,要求每位同学从这两个不同的盒子里抽出两张卡片,把他们组成一个完整的句子。句子结构自定。T: OK, you did a good job! Everyone can get a card. Now Lets play a game. There is a box on your desk and there are many pieces of paper. Can you see them? Everyone chooses a card and a piece of paper, th

10、en you can use them to make a sentence. In your groups, start!教师给学生大约一分钟的时间,然后让三个小组的同学展示,通过学生造的句子,再次强调两个句子结构!有的句子可能实际上不会成立,比如:There is an phone on the head!通过这种有趣的句子调动学生参与小组活动的积极性,增加他们学习英语的兴趣。9Consolidation and extension.Step 3: Practise: 1、Listen and put the furnitures in the room.(课件上的练习题) Product

11、ion: 2Lets find out:(Turn to page P61) T: Its a messy room. There is a mirror behind the closet. Can you find more mistakes? 指出回答(There are three mistakes.)同时对生进行情感教育。师利用课件出示: Please put everythings in order. (物品摆放整齐。)Keep your room clean. (保持房间洁净。) 情感升华:教育学生自己整理房间,干力所能及的家务活,养成良好的生活习惯。3. Draw your room and answer the questions in pairs.Step5:Homework


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