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1、1. The farmers brought their_to town early each morning.A produce B product C program D production 2. Although Mary fell off her bike, she managed to_to her feet.A stand B rise C run D struggle3. Have you_this house? The thief is sure to be hidden in it.A look for B search for C found out D searched

2、 4 Please_a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam. A equip;for B equip;with C equip;to D equip;on 5 In the past, the poor people often_hungry. So many of them died_hunger A went; of B became; from C went; from D because; of 6 The computer is_to be one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century.

3、 A considered B regarded C expected D suggested 7 Practising Chinese kung fu can not only_ones strength,but also develop Ones character A bring up B take up C build up D pull up 8 You should have followed his advice._,we should respect people older than us. A in addition B as well C on the contrary

4、D in brief 9 You are expert in IT industry. Have you any_to make on the latest developments? A commands B words C thoughts D comments 10 At times the balance in nature is_, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects. A troubled B confused C disturbed D interruped 1为下一届亚运会而修建的体育馆将会是目前的体育馆三倍

5、大 The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games_ the present one.(big) 2我宁愿昨天没到机场去接她。 Id rather I_at the airport yesterday. (meet) 3 这乞丐终于能使自己摆脱饥饿了 The beggar was_hunger. (rid) 4 我宁可呆在家也不愿去电影院看那些无聊的电影。 I would rather_the cinemato see those boring films.(stay) 5 他对自己的所得从不感到满足。 She is never_she

6、 has got.(satisfy) 6 这场雨对比赛没有多大影响。 The rain_the match. (difference) 7 袁隆平终于培养出了超级稻,为此他奋斗了50年。 Dr yuan finally invents the super hybrid rice,_ for the past five decades 8 购物时,我们应当注意人们常说的商品质量 While shopping, we should pay attention to_the quality of goods.(call) 9 我是多么的遗憾在我应该好好学习的时候浪费了这么多的时间 How I reg

7、ret_when I should have studied.(waste) 10 配备有一种科学的农耕方法,他们使用的土地比过去更少了 _farming method, they have been able to use less farmland than in the past.(equip) 1 Its important to keep your sentences_from spelling mistakes when writing Application for work. A free B tired C filled D separated 2 If convenient

8、,you may make some_on what is going on in their school. A opinions B decisions C comments D choices 3 It was the young doctor that_her of the pain; she felt better after the operation A reminded B robbed C informed D ridded 4 Disturbing news comes that the population of Africa is_so rapidly. A expan

9、ding B extending C spreading D improving 5 Your education will_you to earn a good living. Work hard from now on. A associate B equip C relate D feed 6 Now many countries_saving natural resources rather than destroying them. A refer to B speak of C focus on D come to 7 -Why did the parents spend so m

10、uch money on their children? -Just to_them for a better future. A build B make C equip D provide 8 With all his attention_on his experiment, he has no time to spend with his family. A paid B focused C attracted D settled 9 She is studying hard now,_passing the college entrance examination and going

11、to college. A with the hope of B in the hope of C in hopes of D all the above 10 As the final exam is coming, my pressure_, and Im afraid it will_my failure. A builds up; lead to B comes up; cause C turns up; bring about D makes up; stick to 1经理和他的两个员工已经工作一整天了,现在他想睡一会儿。 The manager, together with his two woekers_for a whole day and he wants to sleep now. 2他们的生活现在很惬意了因为政府免了他们的税 Their life is easier because the government_tax.(keep) 3 孩子们吃晚餐时说话是如此的大声以至于我不得不努力不听到 The children talked so louldly at dinner table that I had to struggle_


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