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1、课 题 Unit3 Look at that elephant.教学内容Part A and B 课 型New学校永兴朝阳实验小学主笔老师Liu Shuanghong执教老师Liu Shuanghong编写时间2012-10-10执教时间2012-10-22教学目标1. To know about some adjective and animal words.2. To ask they must grasp some adjective and animal words.重 点难 点1. Master some adjective and animal words.2.To using t

2、he sentences“Look at. Its.”教具学具 Chalk PPT Picture Cards 教 学 程 序Step 1 Warming up1. Lets chant: I see I see I seeI see a birdI see I see I see2. Greeting.Step 2 Presentation and drill Welcome to my class. There are four teams in our class, Who is great? You can get a flag for your team. OK. Look plea

3、se! “Whats the weather like?”Ss: Its a sunny day/a fine day.T: Good, Its a sunny day. Shall we go to the zoo?Ss: Yes, Lets go.T: What can you see in the zoo?(Show a picture)S1: Its a tiger. /S2: an elephant. /OK. Today Lets go on to learn Unit3 Look at that elephant. Now, Listen carefully, Whats tha

4、t?( Voice of an elephant)Ss: Its an elephant.T: Yes, good, Its an elephant. Ok, How do you think of the elephant?(Do “big” action) S1: Its big. (它很大的。) T:Yes, the elephant is very big. Follow me! “big bigb-i-g”a big elephant.(Act and say)Ss: big bigb-i-g , a big elephant.(Act and say.)T: Who can hav

5、e a try? You please! Whats that? /Whats this?S1: Its a/S2: /(Act and answer.)Through teacher did different actions and let Ss guess, teach other words“small,naughty,strong,beautiful,mouse, monkey,tiger, bird”in this way.)Step 3 Practice1.Lets play a game:“Whats missing?” T: The animal is missing, le

6、ts find it out, Are you OK?Ss: OK. T: Look, whats missing? (Courseware shows animal and let animal miss.)S1: Its a strong tiger. /T: “Yes” or “NO” Look, Yes, you are right. Good!Step 4 Learn Text1. OK, Now Anne and her friends go to the zoo. Lets listen. “ What are they saying?”2. Play the tape twic

7、e. Understand? Lets say the dialogue.Picture1: Show an elephant in courseware. S1: Look at that elephant. Its big. 看那头大象。它很大。Picture2: (Show a monkey in courseware) S2 Picture3: (Show a tiger in courseware) Picture4: (Show a bird in courseware) T: OK, follow me, read the dialogue together and act it

8、.3. Play the tape again, let Ss read after the tape together. 4. Divide class into four teams to act and read the dialogue.5. Give Ss three minutes to practice with some words and drills6. Ask several groups to act and make their sentences.7. Congratulation the greatest team.Step 5 Consolidation / Homework1. Show some words and drills in courseware.2. Recite Part A.3. Copy the new words.教学后记()本节课学生学习兴趣足,积极参与课堂教学,整体效果不错,但是也存在不足之处,个别学生有点紧张,不敢举手回答问题,在以后的教学中我将继续努力,抓住学生的闪光点进行及时鼓励,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增加学生学习英语的自信心,让每一个学生都能在英语课堂上畅所欲言。在今后的英语教学中,我会从经验中吸取教训,自我反省,争取做到更好。


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