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1、2012-2013年盐城市高三年级第二次模拟考试 (英语) 试卷评讲活动单1. Learning Aims: In this period, you will 1) Learn some new words and phrases;2) Learn some skills about listening, multiple choice, closing and reading comprehension;3) Consolidate the skills learnt in this class.2. Analysis of correctness: these statistics are

2、 offered for your reference1) Listening: 正确率低于80%的是:4、122) Multiple choice:正确率高于80%的是:25、28、32、34正确率高于60%的是:22、24、26、27、29、30、31、33正确率低于60%的是:21、23、353) Closing:正确率高于80%的是:36、37、40、45、50、53、54、55正确率高于60%的是:38、39、41、46、48、51、正确率低于60%的是:42、43、44、47、49、524) Reading comprehension:正确率高于80%的是:57、60、69正确率高

3、于60%的是:58、62、65、66、67、68、70正确率低于60%的是:56、59、61、63、643. Method: Activity-based method / team workActivity SheetPart I: Listening.Listen to the fourth and eighth dialogue again and try to figure out the answer to each question.Part II: Multiple choice.Activity 1: Think and discuss. (Write down some po

4、ints that you think are important.)Activity 2: Explain the difficult points. (Write down the important points.)Activity 3: Self-assessment and Feedback.Task 1 Self-assessment常见错误思维定势粗心浮躁语法模糊词汇缺乏句意不明结构不清题号Task 2 Feedback Exercise-根据语境完成下列各题1. 确实,只有当我们失去后,才会明白曾经拥有过;同样,只有某样东西来临后,我们才知道曾经缺少它。(苏锡常镇二模)Its

5、true that we dont know _ until we _ it, but its also true that we dont know _ until it _.2. - Why hasnt the baby-sitter turned up yet? - She just _ come for such a small salary. What can I do about it? (连云港一模)A. mustntB. wontC. cantD. neednt3. - Where are the guests to be from tomorrow?- Many an Ame

6、rican student as well as some of their teachers _ to be present.A. have been invitedB. has been invitedC. were invited D. was invited4. Many lifestyle patterns do such _ great harm to health that they actually speed up _ weakening of the human body.Aa;/B/;theCa;theD/;/5. The charity organization has

7、 launched a TV program _ (恰当的关系词) aims to appeal to people to do as much as they can to help those survivors in the earthquake. (改自苏州一模)6. 当时下着前所未有的大雨。(ever)_Part III: ClosingActivity 1: Discuss 38/39/52 in groups of four (two). Activity 2: Further understanding of the second and third (41-51) parag

8、raph. (Write down some points that you think are important.) Activity 3: Self-assessment and Self-improvement:Task 1 Self-assessment常见错误单词及短语句子及结构其它单词词义不明单词用法不清固定短语句意不明或结构不清语法知识欠缺上下文语言环境常识性知识错误题号Task 2 Self-improvement: Read the whole passage with the answers filled in the blanks. While reading, you

9、 should pay attention to the new words or some useful phrases, and especially some difficult sentence structures.Part V: Reading comprehension:Activity 1: Discuss the passages (especially the marked numbers) in groups of four (two). (You can refer to the dictionary and write down the meanings of the

10、 words that you are not familiar with. And you may as well write down some hints of the answers.)Passage A: 56 (A: 61.7% B: 3.3% C: 15% D: 20%) 59 (A: 0% B: 55% C: 33.3% D: 11.7%)Passage B: 61 (A: 30% B: 36.7% C: 13.3% D: 20%) 62 (A: 1.7% B: 63.3% C: 33.3% D: 1.7%)Passage C: 63 (A: 61.7% B: 0% C: 36

11、.7% D: 1.7%) 64 (A: 1.7% B: 56.7% C: 33.3% D: 8.3%)Passage D: 70 (A: 68.3% B: 1.7% C: 26.7% D: 3.3%)Activity 2: Self-assessment and AnalysisTask 1 Self-assessment常见错误张冠李戴偷梁换柱无中生有以偏概全添油加醋过度概括曲解原文混淆视听断章取义题号Task 2 Analysis: Analyze some complicated sentences in those passages (Try to figure out their m

12、eanings). Then, read the sentences out loud. You can also add more sentences.Passage A:1. The study, conducted by neuroscientists (神经学家) and psychologists from the University of Maryland, concluded that women talked more because they had more of the Foxp2 protein.2. Their findings came after it was

13、previously claimed that ladies speak about 20,000 words a day - over 13,000 more than men.Passage B:1. The Bronx River Alliance, a non-profit group that has worked tirelessly to bring the much-abused river back to life, operates cycling and canoeing trips along the river, from the rugged Hunts Point

14、 section down near the harbor on up through the borough(自治市).2. This East London river valley changed last summer, when anyone near a television got an eyeful of Olympic Park, built directly in the middle of the valley.Passage C:1. By thinking differently about everything from the unusually high num

15、ber of patients it treats to the millions for whom it provides insurance, the hospital group is able to continually reduce costs.2. The company started a micro-insurance program backed by the government that enables 3 million farmers to have coverage for as little as 22 cents a month in premiums (保险


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