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1、X战警:黑凤凰(2022)完整中英文对照剧本 我们是谁 Who are we? 难道我们只能活成别人期待的模样 Are we simply what others want us to be? 无法逃脱既定的宿命 Are we destined to a fate beyond our control? 还是说 我们能够进化 Or can we evolve? 超越自己 Become. something more? 年 你能换个频道吗 Can you change the station? 等这首歌amp;amp;hearts;放完 亲爱的 When the songs over, hone

2、y. 两首歌amp;amp;hearts;之前 你就这么说了 You said that two songs ago. 这首可是经典老歌amp;amp;hearts; You know this is a classic, right? 这样吧 我答应你 Okay, how about I make you a promise? 等你长大 能自己开车了 When youre old enough to drive, 你想听什么歌amp;amp;hearts;都行 you can listen to whatever music you want. 行吗 That a deal? -约翰 -不是

3、我 - John. - Wasnt me. 琴 是你干的吗 Jean, was that. Did you? 我什么也没干 I didnt do anything. -琴 你. -我不知道 不是我 - Jean, what are you. - I. I dont know. Its not me. 安静 Quiet. 安静 Quiet. 安静 Quiet! 她连块皮都没破 She doesnt have a scratch on her. 也没有内伤 No internal injuries. 你确定她在事故车辆上吗 And youre sure she was in the car? 确定

4、 Yeah. 那这事儿谁通知她 Whos gonna tell her? 谢谢 Thank you. 你好 Hello. 我爸妈呢 Where are my parents? -我叫查尔斯泽维尔 -他们死了 - My names Charles Xavier, and. - Theyre dead. 对吗 Arent they? 对 没错 Yes, they are. 我很抱歉 告诉你这个噩耗 And Im very sorry to have to tell you that. 那我接下来会怎样 So what happens to me now? 我就是为此事而来 Well, thats

5、why Im here, actually. 我开了一所学校 You see, I have a school 专门收像你一样的孩子 that is for young people, who are like you. 特别之人 Special. 特别只是客气话 用来代称. Special is just a nice word for. 怪胎 疯子 Weird? Or crazy? 没错 Yep. 没错 有时是这样 Yep, sometimes it is. 但有时也可以用来形容那些重要的人 Sometimes, it can be a word used to describe peop

6、le who are significant. 了不起的人 或者. Or amazing. Or. 或是很棒的人 Or just. just really cool. 你有天赋 琴 Youve got gifts, Jean. 这样吧 Do you know what? 拿着这支笔 Take this pen, right. 这支笔 Its something that. 你就拿着吧 Well, actually, just take it. 这是礼物 Its a gift. 你可以用这支笔画出一幅佳作 Now, you could choose to draw a really good p

7、icture with that. 也可以用来戳爆别人的眼睛 or you could use it to poke someones eyes out. 但不管怎样 这只是一支笔 But either way, its still just a pen. 只是一个礼物天赋Its just a gift. 如何使用上天赐予你的礼物天赋 完全取决于你 And what you choose to do with your gift, well, thats entirely up to you. 但如果你想用天赋做善事 But if you want to use it to do good s

8、tuff. 我能帮你 Well, I can help. 你和其他医生不一样 Youre not like the other doctors. 对 No. 你也和其他病人不一样 And youre not like the other patients. 怎么样 What do you think? 我不能待在这儿 I cant stay here. 为什么 Okay. Why not? 这里太美好了 Its too nice. 我 I. 我总是会破坏 I break things. 这样吧 Well, how does this sound: 如果你破坏了任何东西 我来修复 If you

9、break something, anything, I can fix it. 不是一切都能修复 Not anything. 我能帮你 I can help you. 我帮你 你以后就再也不用破坏了 I can help you so that you never have to break things ever again. 你觉得你也能修好我 You think you can fix me too. 不 No. 不是那样 因为你没有毛病 No, because you are not broken. 十 九 八 七 Ten, nine, eight, seven, 六 五 四 三 二

10、 一 six, five, four, three, two, one. X 战警 黑凤amp;amp;hearts;凰amp;amp;hearts; 年 发动机正在加速 Engines throttling up. 三台发动机效能达到 104% Three engines now at 104%. 我侦测到了异常情况 Hey, Im. Im picking something up here. 长官 六号amp;amp;hearts;卫星 显示异常 Maam, Ive got something on sat six. 休斯顿 我们遇到麻烦了 Houston, we have a probl

11、em. 奋进号amp;amp;hearts;飞船在执行任务中遇到问题 Space Shuttle Endeavour has encountered problems on its mission. -我知道你想怎样 -我才是会读心术的人 - I know what youre thinking. - Thats my trick. 行不通 X 战舰飞不了那么高 And the answer is no. The jet cant get that high. 加装推进火箭 经过你的改装后也不行吗 Even with the new booster rockets and all your m

12、odifications? 那是用来加速 而非提升高度 Theyre built for acceleration, not elevation, okay? 这不可行 Not this. No. 推力矢量已经失去控制 Theyve lost thrust vector control. 轨道设置失常 Trajectory settings are irregular, 可能是发动机长时间工作造成 likely from the constant engine burn. 制氧系统也已停止运行. Oxygen generation is down. 喂 我是 Yes? Yes, this is

13、 he. -查尔斯 -总统先生 - Charles? - Mr. President. 你看到新闻了吗 Are you seeing this on TV? 我正在看 Yes, Im watching now. 汉克 Hank? 好 Yeah. 这是一次简单的救援任务 Its a simple extraction. 我们上太空 We go into space, 救出宇航员 带他们回来 we get the astronauts, we bring them home. -有问题吗 -有 大概上千个 - Any questions? - Yeah, like a thousand. 没时间回

14、答你上千个问题 We dont have time for a thousand. 我们要上太空 So were going to space? 对 科特 我们要上太空 Yes, Kurt, we are going into space. 我们都接太空任务了 真帅 Were doing space missions now. Cool. X 战舰能飞那么高吗 Will the X-Jet even get that high? -技术上来说. -可以 - Well, technically, the. - It will get us there. 走吧 Lets go. 你真觉得没问题吗

15、Are you okay with this? 我有时候会忘记你可以读心 I forget sometimes you can read minds. 我不需要读你的心 I didnt need to read your mind. 都写在脸上了 Its written all over your face. 你说没问题就行 You tell me its good, its good. 如果出了什么状况 If anything goes wrong, 我会带大家立刻调头 Ill turn us around in a heartbeat. 我知道你会 I know you will. 另一艘飞船已经发射升空 A second ship has been spotted in the sky. 据了解 总统召集了 X 战警前来求援 We are being told the president has called in the aid o



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