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1、数词与主谓一致一 完成句子1. My grandpa joined the party (在20世纪30年代).2. Every day he begins to do his homework at (7:10).3.Ten miles _a long distance. (1 0英里并不是一段很长的距离。)4.Many a student _ to Shanghai. (许多学生到过上海。)5.Maths_very popular in our class. (在我们班数学很受欢迎。)1. in the 1930s 2. ten past seven / seven ten 3.isnt

2、4.has been 5. is 二单项填空1._ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass.ATwo fifth;is BTwo fifths;areCTwo fifth;are DTwo fifths;is解析:D句意:那个地区五分之二的陆地都被绿树草地所覆盖。twofifths表示“五分之二”,分数或百分数作主语时,谓语动词的单复数要与of后的名词取得一致。land为不可数名词,故正确答案为D项。2.The girl found the Tshirt sold online was_that in the su

3、permarket.Aas half cheap as Bcheap as half asCthe half price of Dhalf the price of解析:D句意:这个女孩发现网上卖的T恤衫是超市里卖的价格的一半。倍数的表达有三种方式:1)倍数asadj./adv.as被比对象,这一句型中,如果形容词修饰一单数可数名词,那么要把形容词提到冠词的前面来,即:倍数asadj.a/an单数可数名词as被比对象;2)倍数形容词或者副词的比较级than被比对象;3)倍数thesize/width/depth/length/heightof被比对象。这里考查的是第三种形式。3.Its sai

4、d that _ of the students _ absent.Athreefifth;are Bthreefifths;isCthirdfifth;is Dthreefifths;are解析:D五分之三的正确表达为“threefifths”,分数/百分数of名词作主语时,谓语动词要与of后的名词取得一致。此处指students,故D项正确。4.What a lot of money!Is it meant for me?Yes,darling.If you get full marks in the exam,youll have _ that.Amore than twice than

5、 Bmore than twice as much asCtwice as much than Das much twice as解析:BA倍数as原级asB或者A倍数比较级thanB,故此处只有B项正确。5.It is either he or you _in charge of the project and supposed to finish it punctually.Awho is Bthat isCwho are Dwhich are解析:Ceither.or.连接主语时,谓语动词要和临近的主语一致。先行词是you,故用are。6.My sister,as well as her

6、 classmates who _late for class,_criticized by Mr Hunt.Awere ;was Bwas;wereCwas;was Dwere;were解析:A第一个空为定语从句中的谓语动词,修饰先行词classmates,为复数名词,故谓语动词要用复数形式;as well as 连接的两个名词作主语时谓语动词要与第一个取得一致,因此第二个空要用单数形式。故只有A项正确。7.Everyone,men and women,old and young _ sports and games.Ais enjoy Bwere enjoyingCenjoys Denjo

7、y解析:C本句主语是不定代词everyone,表示单数,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。因此选择C项。8.Many a student _ something about Abraham Lincoln.Ahave known BknowsCis known Dare known解析:B主语many a student 意思是复数,形式是单数,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。9.The public _ the best judge because the public always _ their thoughts.Aare;express Bis;expressCis;expresses Da

8、re;expresses解析:B前一个public(公众)表示的是集体、整体,故谓语动词要用单数形式。后一个public表示的是个体,即公众中每个成员,故谓语动词要用复数形式。因此B项正确。10.Every means _to prevent the water from _.Aare used;polluting Bget used;pollutionCis used;polluted Dhas been used;being polluted解析:D本题考查单复数同形的名词作主语时谓语动词的形式。这一类动词有means,works,species等。句意:(政府)用尽一切办法来阻止水受污染

9、。11.What the children in the mountain village need _ good books.Ais BareChave Dhas解析:Bwhat 引导的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词要根据后面的名词的数来决定,此处要用非第三人称单数形式。12.The girl sitting by the window is the only one of the students who _ from the countryside in our class.Awas BwereCis Dare解析:C句意:坐在窗边的这个女孩是我们班唯一一个来自农村的学生。此处为定语从句中的主谓一致。先行词为one,而不是students,故谓语动词用单数,且时态为现在时态,故只有C项正确。1



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