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1、The Application of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching in Senior High Schools ByChen Shumiao A thesissubmitted to the Foreign Language and Literature Department of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences in partial fulfillmentof the requirement for the degree of BACHELOR OF ARTSinENGLISH LANGUAG

2、 Baoji, Shaanxi May, 2015The Application of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching in Senior High Schools Chen ShumiaoAbstract: Schema theory was proposed by Bartlett in the middle of 1870s. A schema refers to the knowledge structure stored in brain. Schema theory has put the emphasis on the impo

3、rtance of background knowledge which people previously acquired. It is a trend that schema theory is applied in English reading teaching. It is also necessary for English reading teaching to enrich itself by adopting the schema theory. The development of students reading ability has always been one

4、of the primary objectives in English teaching. However, English reading teaching has been influenced by the traditional teaching method, taking the words and grammar as the main teaching goal, neglecting the training of reading skills and the using of “schemata” knowledge. This paper discusses the t

5、ypes and functions of the schema knowledge on English reading, and points out how schema theory is to be applied to English reading classes. Teachers should guide the students to make the best of the schema knowledge, so as to improve their English reading abilities and arouse their English reading

6、interests. Schema can be used in the understanding of the language, readers use schema to fill in information that isnt mentioned explicitly. When reading a new text, readers need the ability to relate the textual materials to their own prior knowledge stored in their minds, because understanding an

7、d explanation of new knowledge depend upon schemata stored in ones mind. So it is very important for teachers and students to understand the function of schemata and put them into effective use to improve students reading ability.Key words: schema theory; senior English; reading; reading ability图式理论


9、式是头脑中的“先存知识”或“背景知识”,它可用于语言理解中,读者借助记忆中激活的知识结构来填补文本中未表达出的细节内容,从而达到阅读理解的目的。读者的每一次理解都需要已有知识的参与,根据已有的知识来重新获取或构建文本意义,达到阅读理解的目的。因此,学习者应该在阅读过程中充分利用这些图式知识来提高阅读理解能力。【关键词】: 图式理论;高中英语;英语阅读;阅读能力CONTENTSI. Introduction1II. The types and functions of schema theory2 2.1 The types of schema2 2.1.1 Linguistic schema2

10、 2.1.2 Content schema3 2.1.3 Formal schema3 2.2The function of schema4III. Three models of reading and the problems in reading .5 3.1 Bottom-up model5 3.2 Top-down model5 3.3 Interactive model6 3.4 Current situation of reading teaching in high schools7IV. The application of schema in reading teachin

11、g8 4.1Bulding up Linguistic schema.8 4.1.1 Paying attention to vocabulary teaching9 4.1.2 Cultivating the grammatical ability9 4.2 Building up content schema9 4.3 Building up rhetorical schema10V. Conclusion11References12Acknowledgments 13The Application of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching

12、in Senior High SchoolsI. IntroductionNowadays, reading plays a dominant role in the four skills of the foreign language learning. It is the foundation and an important way to improve students listening, speaking, writing and abilities of translating something. It is obvious that mastering an effecti

13、ve reading skills and forming a good reading habit can not only broaden the students horizon but also improve the comprehensive quality to a certain extent. In traditional English reading teaching in senior high schools, teachers always adopt the traditional grammar-translation method to teach readi

14、ng, which hasnt emphasized the use of content schemata(background knowledge), nor formal schemata,that is to say, they often ignore the rhetorical organization of the texts. That is, the grammartranslation approach only pays attention to words,grammar, the translation of texts only puts emphasis on

15、lots of writing exercises. As a result, students only learn to word by word, and the grammar-translation approach teaching gradually bacame more and more important. This grammar-translation approach supposes that reading is a rather passive decoding process which puts emphasis on the importance of bottom-up model. This results in many students dont have a good reading abilities. The purpose of my research is to make the schema theory be familiar to students and English teachers in senior high school and applied it to English reading and teaching effectivel


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