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1、第1课时 七年级上册Units 12.选择填空1(2019山东济南天桥一模改编)Whos your favorite actor?Wu Jing, is a famous action actor.Ahe Bhim Chis 2(2019福建福州杨桥中学模拟)Hey, Mike, is this your watch?No, it isnt. Ask Mary. She is looking for .Ayours Bher Chers3(2019山西中考)When youre tired, you can get close to the nature youll feel relaxed

2、in the beauty all around. Aor Band Cbut 4(2019原创)In order to me, the old lady gave me some apples.Acare Bsave Cthank 5(2019原创)What is your sister?She is a and works in a middle school.Ateacher Bnurse Cpolicewoman6(2019预测) did you visit in Taiwan, Sarah?My parents. We had a good time there.AWhat BWho

3、 CWhere 7(2019原创)To keep children safe during the coming summer vacation, we want parents children at home alone.Aleave Bto leave Cnot to leave8(2019原创)Try to the meaning of the new words according to the text before you look them up in your dictionary.Areflect Bguess Crepeat 9(2019原创) dictionary is

4、 this?Maybe its Tonys.AWhat BWhen CWhose10(2019预测) ?She is tall and thin.AWhat is your sisterBWhat does your sister look likeCWhat does your sister do.完形填空 (2019福建泉州质检)A man got lost in a desert. He walked for two days,he still couldnt find his way out. Dying for water, he found an empty 2 in the de

5、sert. There was a water pump(水泵) in the house!The man was so 3 that he ran to draw water. But no matter how hard he tried, no water came out.He was sitting 4 on the ground when he saw a little bottle with a cork(木塞) in it. On the bottle, an old note said: You must add the 5 into the pump before you

6、can draw water! Dont forget to fill the bottle 6 water again before you leave! The man took the cork out and found the bottle was full of water!“If Im selfish(自私的), 7 I drink the water, I can go out of this room alive,” he thought.“If I do as the note says, I might die of thirst. Should I take the 8

7、 or not?”Al last, he decided to do as the note said and began to draw water. Sure enough, lots of water started 9 from the pump!After he drank enough, he filled the bottle with water and 10 his words after the note. “Believe me, do as the note tells you!” he wrote.1A.so Bor Cbut2A.house Bbottle Cbox

8、3A.afraid Bexcited Cangry4A.safely Bcalmly Csadly5A.sand Bwater Cmoney6A.with Bof Cfor7A.even though Bever sinceCas long as8A.place Brisk Cmedicine9A.coming outBbreaking downCgiving up10A.broke Bkept Cadded.阅读理解(2019预测)Are you shy? If you are, you are not alone. In fact, about 50 percent of people a

9、re shy. Almost 80 percent of people feel shy at some point in their lives. Now, scientists have some interesting ideas about why people are shy.Scientists say 15 to 20 percent of babies behave shyly. These babies are a little quieter and more watchful(警惕的) than other babies. Interestingly, these shy

10、 babies usually have shy parents. As a result, scientists believe some shyness is genetic(遗传的)Family size may be another factor. Scientists at Harvard University found 66 percent of shy children had older brothers and sisters. These children were often bullied(欺侮) by their brothers and sisters. Ther

11、efore, they became shy. However, children with no brothers or sisters can be shy as well. Growing up alone, they often play by themselves. Its hard for them to develop social skills as children from big families.You may also be shy because of your birthplace. In Japan, most people are shy. But in Is

12、rael(以色列), only one third of people are. Why? One scientist says they treat failure differently. In Japan, when people fail, they blame(责备) themselves. In Israel, people often blame other things, such as family, friends, or bad luck.For shy people, it can be difficult to make friends, speak in class

13、, and even get a good job. But scientists say you can overcome your shyness. They suggest trying new things and talking with others more.1What is the story mainly about?AHappiness. BShyness.CLoneliness. DKindness.2How many people feel shy at some point in their lives?A80 percent of people.B50 percen

14、t of people.C15 to 20 percent pf people.D6 percent of people.3According to the story, what factors may result in shyness?AGenes, friends and birthplace.BGenes, family size and birthplace.CFamily size, friends and failure.DFamily size, birthplace and education.4What suggestion do scientists give to shy people?ABlame their failure on others.BTry to find out why they are shy.CStay away from other shy people.DTry new things and talk more.5What can we infer from the story?AMost bab


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