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1、人教精通版小学英语六年级下册We are going to travel.Unit 3 Lesson 17 教学设计龙沙区永安小学 姚尧一、教学目标1. Six famous places.2. Ask and answer the places.3. Travel plan.二、重点难点1.重点: Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Niagara Falls, CN Tower, Disneyland, Sydney Opera House 2.难点: Would you like to go to.?. Of course. 三、课前准备1. 单词卡片;2. 教材配套光盘;3.

2、 课件PPT.四、教学步骤Step 1 Greetings1.Good morning, boys and girls! Hows the weather today? Wow, a nice day. Well have a nice class.2.Today, lets go on learning Unit 3-We are going to travel. A new lesson-Lesson 17.Step 2 Revision1. We traveled around China. (ppt)Such as Hangzhou, Xian, Beijing, and other

3、famous cities.(ppt)We went to the West Lake, the terracotta army, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Beihai Park, the Temple of Heaven and other famous places.(ppt)These cities and places are all in China.Step 3 Presentation1. (ppt)Look! A map of the world. (ppt)The world is so big, lets have a loo

4、k. What do you think? Where do you want to go? Write Bb: Would you like to go to.? Of course.2. There are so many famous places. But we have no more time or no more money. I have a good idea(ppt)the World Park. There are many famous places of the world in it.3. (ppt)My friend Li Yan and her parents

5、are going to the World Park, too. (Ss read)Lets learn about the famous places around the world together.4. Open the books to Page 32, look and listen.(ppt)5. Learning aims: Six famous places. Ask and answer the places.6. Read the text by themselves. Any questions? Washington, D.C. fantastic amazing7

6、. Read the text again and talk about three questions: Which counties are they going to travel? What famous places are they going to learn? Do you want to go, too? Teach and learn each other by themselves.Step 4 Practice1. Read the text. Role play.2. Learn other famous places around the world.3. Writ

7、e a travel plan. Show it.Step 5 Summing up & Homework1. A passage.2. Write a dialogue. 五、板书设计Unit 3 Lesson 17 We are going to travel.Would you like to go to.?Of course.六、课后反思成绩:1. 本课以内容设置以文本为基础,充分发散了学生思维,在多处环节进行了拓展,整节课的知识容量很大,学生学得充实。2. 在新授部分将重点和难点分散,并且讲练结合,学生学习起来轻松,很大限度的调动学生主动参与的积极性。3. 整体环节流畅,难易结合,符

8、合学生的认知,吸引学生的注意力。不足:. 本节课设计的内容丰富,知识容量大,英语薄弱的学生会感到有些吃力,应该想办法照顾到这些学生。2.整体时间掌握不是特别好,挤占了学生的展示时间。3.学生的输出还不够,为学生搭建的阶梯不充分,导致最后谈论卓别林特点时,学生说的不够完整和流利。4.在一些细节上的处理能力还有待于提高。教学反思本课以内容设置以文本为基础,充分发散了学生思维,在多处环节进行了拓展,整节课的知识容量很大,学生学得充实。本课在一开始进行了课文全文的整体呈现,学生在教师的引导下明确本课的学习目标,做到心中有数。紧接着的导入部分进行了五次思维的发散,先是用任务型教学贯穿整节课,由问题引领,



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