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1、1.按人口计算,中国是世界上最大的国家;按领土面积计算是第三大国家,仅次于俄罗斯和加拿大.In terms of population, China is the largest country in the world; and in terms of territorial area, it is the third, coming only after Russia and Canada. 众所周知,中国的自然资源十分丰富,这使得中国具备良好的条件发展工农业。China is known to be abundant in natural resources; this puts her

2、 in a good position to develop her industry and agriculture. 3.历史记载表明,到世纪,中国人已经发明了纸,并且传入了欧洲,使欧洲人大感惊奇Historical records show that by the 16th century, the Chinese had already invented paper and had it brought to Europe, causing great amazement among the Europeans. 4.中国的1,800公里长的大运河, 建成于公元610年,流经17个城市

3、,是世界上最古老,最长的 人工水道. Chinas 1,800kilometer long Grand Canal, which was completed in 610AD and flows through 17 cities, is the worlds oldest and longest manmade waterway. 5.为了改善环境,中国最大的,人口最密的城市-上海,正在计划建造一座占地300多公顷的森林公园,称为超级绿肺. In order to better its environment, Shanhai, Chinas largest and most populou

4、s city is planning to build a forest park spreading out over 300 hectares of land, to be known as the Super Green Lung.6.园中之园的圆明园,其建设与修复曾延续150年,经历清朝的五代皇帝.1860年,在第二次鸦片战争期间,曾被英法军队烧成平地;而到1900年,则更进一步为八国联军所烧毁. The Garden of Gardens”, Yuan Ming Yuan, which underwent 150 years of constructions and renovati

5、on under five emperors of the Qing Dynasty, was burn down by the British and French troops in 1860 during the second Opium War, and then further destroyed by the allied army of eight powers in 1900. 7.长江三角洲区域,占有全国人口的6%,提供全国国内生产总值的1/5以上,所以这个区域的发展,必然会对促进中国的经济建设其很大的作用. As the Yangtze River Delta area t

6、akes up 6% of Chinas total population, and contribute more than 1/5 of the countrys total GDP, its development will certainly play a great role in speeding up Chinas economic construction. 8.亚马逊河域具有世界上有名的复杂生态系统,中国的科学家在2004年7月首次来到该地区,进行考察研究. The Amazon Basin has a world -famous complex ecosystem. Chi

7、nese scientists, for the first time, come to this region in July, 2004, to make scientific probes (investigations) and studies. 9. 在华南,春天和初夏 是多雨季节,有许多的日子会见到倾盆大雨,或者跟随台风而来的暴雨.In South China, spring and early summer are wet days, with quite a number of days experiencing torrential downpours or rainstor

8、ms that accompany typhoons. 10.橡胶原本是南美巴西的产物,在十九世纪下半叶传到别的国家.现在世界上大部分的橡胶,是生产在赤道南北各 10的中间地带上. Rubber, originally a product of Brazil in South America, spread to other countries in the latter half of the 19th century. Now, the bulk of the worlds rubber is grown between 10 N and 10S of the equator. 11.令人

9、意想不到的事,硅谷既不是一个富有硅的地方,也不是一个山谷,它之所以得名,仅仅是因为他是一个新兴的以硅为基础的电子工艺的中心。 Unexpectedly, Silicon Valley is neither a place abundant in siliconnor of a mountain valley. It has gained its name simply because it is a newly develop center of silicon-based electronics industry. 12. 亚洲十最大的洲,在地理上变化最多。其地貌搞垮哦巨大的由沙漠覆盖着的高

10、原,也包括向喜马拉雅山这样的,而喜马拉雅山上的珠穆朗玛峰也是世界上最高的山峰。 Asia, the largest continent, is the most geographically diverse, its landforms including larges desert-covered plateaus and such high mountains as the Himalayas, whose Mt.Qomolangma is the tallest in the world. 13.太平洋几乎和其他三个大样加起来一样大,其最深部分达到海下面101973米。这个深度甚至超过了

11、喜马拉雅山上世界最高峰的高度。 The Pacific Ocean isnearly as large as the other three combined, its deepest part being 101973 m below sea level -a distance evenexceeding the height of Earth tallest peak in the Himalayas. 14.所谓岛屿,就是一块四面环水的陆地。地球上有无数的岛屿,从最大的格陵兰岛到只有几米宽的小点块陆地不等。中国的两个最大岛屿是台湾和海南。 An island is land comple

12、tely surrounded by water. The earth has countless lands, ranging from Greenland, the largest one, to tiny spots of land that are only a few meters wide. Chinas two largest islands are Taiwan and Hainan. 15.全球性的气候变迁,主要见于地球大气的逐渐变暖,现正受到全世界的主意,因为这种变迁会对世界人民的生活产生巨大的影响。 Global climate change, mainly seen i

13、n the gradual warming of the earths atmosphere, is attracting worldwide attention, because such changes will have a great effect on the lives of world people.16.长江是中国最长的河流。长江上的三页发电厂是一项正在进行中的十分巨大的工程,该厂所要用的发电机将是世界上最大的机组。 The Yangtze is the longest river in China. Its Three Gorges Power Station is a gi

14、gantic project under construction; the generators the station is to use will be the largest units in the world. 17.北京人大约生活在公元前460,000年到230,000年之间,能够用活,并能制造石头工具,是早期旧石器时代人类的一个好实例。 Peking Man, who lived from about 460,000 BC to 230,000 BC and who was able to use fire and make stone tools, is a good exa

15、mple of early Old Stone Age men. 18.中国万里长城是在两千多年前建成的,是在把封建王公们为了防御野蛮民族入侵而建祖的城堡连接起来的基础上建成的。 The Great Wall of China was built more than two thousand years on the basis of joining together the forts built by feudal lords to protect their land against invasions by barbarians. 19.中国的大河流都是从西流向东,使得南北之间的交通相对来说比较困难,因此铁路和公路成为了国家经济上必不可少的设施。 All Chinas big rivers flow from west to east, making transportation between the north and the sough relatively difficult. As a result, railroads and highways have become indispensable for the nations economy.20.哥伦布曾一共四次航行到美洲,并且一度到达过南美洲的北岸,但是他始终没有意识到发现了一块新大陆,而一直认


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