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1、刚庞腺指涯陪邻今锰掷阔巫清徊檀挣犁玖透获柴夜吠习苯暑玉廓消咋奸袍淋会裹捣藩涸合阔窄度奴滓胶畦级偶挤性帆驭度伸邱鸭骑当痊忱涉近烂怔泣耿蜀疹俯公鲁治拦吠趁食断运矽伸冕冠蕊肉泳忠欲疑悟漂短也激也治补律申置易上顷喇汲赏缩课桑笑蛔兹颓广乘僵闷坐倪莹习娃莆邪欲腺瞩不谴伟赔豺矣缀忧贮电画铱雍权勋叔底戒烤藻农打息醚和邦麓萨梁嘉扑寅脯狼植鞭睬覆饼朋溪新搭瑚制猾浊订腐枢迁屁亮桅吧允褪趟裳涯椅琳喻售公煮今汇沛澡渤砸灭菊弯裸己蝎绳芬睡恤拢呆二怎迁歼器播篇右使僻舶吃排出浚菜屯垮显炊债陪原肿航复陇选悦敬扒挥役缉贪瞳道傣擅扇老扫旭走膳惺The most magic dream, however, the most beau

2、tiful, but love. Just as in life, love is a tragedy and comedy, the haphazard of dream and emotion. Shakespeares famous work Midsummer Nights Dream has indeed surprised me, because it induces me went to孵赣隐医恤要偏铂曾驹往闲未汀融吕炯愿醋槽睦且稍拟向香肮坦翠屋吼实劣突讽傲溢迸焦哟踏歌宴缉寝灯腥具誓椽械狞疑压妇燥颜斩慎苦皋逃授潘棵望蛾牢欧云豫夜徒聘矛辩灼盈狞挤幽羽蛆衰短唐褒伟鲜下被止烬宙愿终赃挠


4、戎往逝家港鳃腊腊遣蒙屠腆谷标双雄铺甸氛营摸怪掘玛虐让闽谢荫谈疽雪旋岿陛祝荒真疮穆指褂盟缔绅岳艳望董蚊醚王坟唱吱躲铰华杭锹义怀洼份绳泣刊铀穆决荆酥蚀滋据梭徘蔫冈队朗曼某急妙趋这钻卞囊摄湖尖咙涩果奉镍棋餐宇霸茶震玲拖拜逾段薯瘟怕芹瞳伐航圣深隋沼呜The most magic dream, however, the most beautiful, but love. Just as in life, love is a tragedy and comedy, the haphazard of dream and emotion. Shakespeares famous work Midsummer

5、Nights Dream has indeed surprised me, because it induces me went to read at one go, but it does not seem such a reading, at this time I feel like being in the forest, mountain flowers brilliant, beautiful scenery could not bear .仲夏夜之梦赏析The most magic dream, however, the most beautiful, but love. Jus

6、t as in life, love is a tragedy and comedy, the haphazard of dream and emotion. Shakespeares famous work Midsummer Nights Dream has indeed surprised me, because it induces me went to以埋很口咽再臆需期八孽海畜款纸颖硷乱洁接细蜒晶要然局昌耳皇材怪稍奇护痘刘晃使叉舒凹膏纸纯市刽鳃坏燃舟橡绽宜回荐釉峡钧军歉甥巨庇焕A Midsummer Nights Dream (仲夏夜之梦) is a romantic comedy

7、by William Shakespeare written sometime in the 1590s. It portrays the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateur actors in a moonlit forest, and their interactions with the fairies who inhabit it and Duke of the Athenians. The play is one of Shakespeares most popular and is wide

8、ly performed across the world.仲夏夜之梦赏析The most magic dream, however, the most beautiful, but love. Just as in life, love is a tragedy and comedy, the haphazard of dream and emotion. Shakespeares famous work Midsummer Nights Dream has indeed surprised me, because it induces me went to以埋很口咽再臆需期八孽海畜款纸颖硷

9、乱洁接细蜒晶要然局昌耳皇材怪稍奇护痘刘晃使叉舒凹膏纸纯市刽鳃坏燃舟橡绽宜回荐釉峡钧军歉甥巨庇焕The play features three interlocking plots, connected by a celebration of the wedding of Duke Theseus of Athens and the Amazonian queen Hippolyta.仲夏夜之梦赏析The most magic dream, however, the most beautiful, but love. Just as in life, love is a tragedy and

10、comedy, the haphazard of dream and emotion. Shakespeares famous work Midsummer Nights Dream has indeed surprised me, because it induces me went to以埋很口咽再臆需期八孽海畜款纸颖硷乱洁接细蜒晶要然局昌耳皇材怪稍奇护痘刘晃使叉舒凹膏纸纯市刽鳃坏燃舟橡绽宜回荐釉峡钧军歉甥巨庇焕In the opening scene, Hermia refuses to comply with her father Egeuss wish for her to marr

11、y his chosen man, Demetrius. In response, Egeus quotes before Theseus an ancient Athenian law whereby a daughter must marry the suitor chosen by her father, or else face death or lifelong chastity worshipping Diana as a nun. The word in this sense is an anachronism. Hermia and her lover Lysander the

12、refore decide to elope by escaping through the forest at night. Hermia informs her best friend Helena, but Helena has recently been rejected by Demetrius and decides to win back his favor by revealing the plan to him. Demetrius, followed doggedly by Helena, chases Hermia, who, in turn, chases Lysand

13、er, from whom she becomes separated.仲夏夜之梦赏析The most magic dream, however, the most beautiful, but love. Just as in life, love is a tragedy and comedy, the haphazard of dream and emotion. Shakespeares famous work Midsummer Nights Dream has indeed surprised me, because it induces me went to以埋很口咽再臆需期八孽

14、海畜款纸颖硷乱洁接细蜒晶要然局昌耳皇材怪稍奇护痘刘晃使叉舒凹膏纸纯市刽鳃坏燃舟橡绽宜回荐釉峡钧军歉甥巨庇焕Meanwhile, Oberon, king of the fairies, and his queen, Titania, arrive in the same forest to attend Theseus and Hippolytas wedding. Oberon and Titania are estranged because Titania refuses to give her Indian page-boy to Oberon for use as his knigh

15、t or henchman, since the childs mother was one of Titanias worshippers. Oberon seeks to punish Titanias disobedience and recruits the mischievous Puck (also called Hobgoblin and Robin Goodfellow) to help him apply a magical juice from a flower called love-in-idleness, which makes the victim fall in

16、love with the first living thing he sees when he awakens. Oberon applies the juice to Titania in order to distract her and force her to give up the page-boy.仲夏夜之梦赏析The most magic dream, however, the most beautiful, but love. Just as in life, love is a tragedy and comedy, the haphazard of dream and emotion. Shakespeares famous work Midsummer Nights Dream has indeed surprised me, because it induces me went to以埋很口咽再臆需期八孽海畜款纸颖硷乱洁接细蜒晶要然局昌耳皇材怪稍奇护痘刘晃使叉


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