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《Using LanguageⅡ3.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Using LanguageⅡ3.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教 学 设 计一、教学内容分析教材分析 高考英语阅读理解题保持着鲜明的风格,突出语篇,强调应用,注重实际,试卷突出对语言综合应用能力的考查,对书面语篇的整体领悟能力和接受具体信息的能力。测试要求学生:掌握主旨大意,事实细节;理解具体事实,抽象概念;理解字面意思,深层含义;理解句段与篇章,把握文章脉络,进行推理和判断;领会生词,根据上下文,前后句猜测生词词义。其基本题型包括:推断题;细节题;主旨题;猜词题等。 学情分析 学生对阅读理解也做过一定量的练习,但是缺乏逻辑思维的缜密性,缺少对问题的深入思考,对解题方法的掌握,对技巧的合理应用和对错误的及时反思。二、教学目标分析教学目标Students

2、will be able to 1. learn to find the topic sentences.2. guess the meaning of the words from the context.3. master the reading skills and improve their reading ability.教学重点 1. Basic examination questions and question forms.2. Answering steps and skills.教学难点1. How to get the main idea of the passage?2

3、. How to guess the new words by the nearby sentences?三、设计理念教学方法 应用任务型教学法(Task-based approach),将课程内容分为导入(Lead in)、呈现(Presentation)、阅读训练(Practice)、方法总结(Summary)等几个方面,课程采用师生互动方式,并应用多媒体教学手段,增加课堂容量,讲清重点和难点,使学生掌握基本题型及思路,提高学生阅读理解题的解题能力。课时安排 1课时教具准备 多媒体课件教学过程 教学环节教与学的过程(师生活动)目的 Lead in利用中文阅读材料导入话题引导学生关注本课的话

4、题Task1: Ask the students to read passage quickly and finish some questions. Ask&Answer Basic examination questions -A. Main ideas B. Details C. Guess the meaning D. Inference明确考试基本题型,为此后的学习和训练做好准备Introduction&PracticeInference(推断题)体验基本阅读策略教授解题方法与技巧以便更好的达到训练目的.Translation .Train of thought .Basic Tra

5、iningSum up some skills教学环节教与学的过程(师生活动)目的Play a game(找不同)Find five differences between the two pictures.激发兴趣体验细节差异Presentation&ReadingDetails (细节题)呈现解题步骤获取具体信息.Do some simple explanations on Details. Give some advice on answering steps and skills.Task 3: Ask the students to read passage and finish t

6、he exercises. Presentation&PracticeMain Ideas (主旨题)寻找主题句,获取基本信息. Question forms . Features of the topic sentencesAsk the students to find the topic sentences.Sum up -some types of paragraph structures 教学环节教与学的过程(师生活动)目的 Presentation&ReadingGuess the meaning (猜词题)营造课堂气氛学习依据上下文猜测词义的技巧.Picture talking-

7、read and guess a new phrase.Introduce some skills about how to guess the word. Game:Guess the meaning of the new words and underline the supporting words or sentences. Consolidation小视频回顾.Summary (Basic examination questions).Give some suggestions on how to practice reading comprehension以总结、回顾、及讨论等方式巩固本课内容Homework.Review the exercises. Learn the methods by heart. Learn to apply them skillfully学习应用本课中学习的解题思路和方法板书设计Basic examination questions -A. Main ideasB. DetailsC. Guess the meaningD. Inference教学反思本课立足于高考与课文中的语言运用,全面讲解了阅读理解的题型和技巧,同学们课上积极主动参与进来,游戏和小视频的播放赋予了课堂生命力。如果有充分的时间,还应该多加练习各种阅读短文。


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