读后续写 Mia第一次登台讲故事(个人成长主题)课件-2024届高三英语二轮复习

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读后续写 Mia第一次登台讲故事(个人成长主题)课件-2024届高三英语二轮复习_第1页
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读后续写 Mia第一次登台讲故事(个人成长主题)课件-2024届高三英语二轮复习_第2页
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读后续写 Mia第一次登台讲故事(个人成长主题)课件-2024届高三英语二轮复习_第3页
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《读后续写 Mia第一次登台讲故事(个人成长主题)课件-2024届高三英语二轮复习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《读后续写 Mia第一次登台讲故事(个人成长主题)课件-2024届高三英语二轮复习(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、读后续写读后续写Mia第一次登台讲故事)第一次登台讲故事)(个人成长主题)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。It was the first week of Mias middle school.The bells ringing brought her out of her daydreaming.She nervously gathered her books,preparing to reach another classroom for the next new class.Mia followed the other kids and rush

2、ed into the hallway.Others walked in groups,chatted,and laughed,using the break to socialize.Mia,instead,walked alone along the wall of the hallway,with her head down.She was a shy girl,afraid to speak in front of other kids,and didnt think others would like her.Mia finally sat in Mr.Johnsons Langua

3、ge Arts class nervously.“Welcome to Language Arts,”said Mr.Johnson.He told jokes as he talked about English.Mia forgot to daydream and laughed along with the rest of the class.“Well have some fun with language,”he said.“Just wait and see.”Fun was far beyond what Mia desired.She just wanted to be lik

4、e other kidsrunning with friends in the hallway,laughing and joking between classes.Reminded of her pimply(长粉刺)face,she felt hopeless and disappointed.“Take out a piece of paper,”the teacher continued,when pointing at words on the blackboard.“Write for the next thirty minutes on this topic.”Mia bega

5、n writing crazily as idea after idea fought for recognition in her head.The final result was a short story about a beautiful beach house.As she wrote,she could smell the salty air,hear the crashing waves and feel the pull of the sand beneath her feet.For just a moment,she forgot where she was.She wa

6、s lost in the story.“OK,pass your papers forward,”said the teacher.“Lets see what we have.”For the rest of the class time,the teacher read each individual work aloud.Mia originally thought it would be awkward.However,she was gradually attracted by the excitement in the teachers voice.“Hes actually e

7、njoying this,”she thought.When the class would be soon over,there were still fifteen students papers not read,including Mias paper.Then,Mr.Johnson announced his decision,asking these students to read their work themselves in front of the class next class.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。A week l

8、ater,the bell rang and the Language Arts class began again.After Mia finished her reading.the clapping from her classmates continued for a long time.审题:本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Mia是一个害羞的女孩。由于脸上长满了青春痘,她期待能和同学自由玩耍但又害怕他们笑话。在语言艺术课上,Mr.Johnson让每个孩子写一个短故事,然后他当堂课读这些故事。最后留下十五个学生写的故事没有读并要求这些学生下次课自己上来读自己写的小故事。1.段落续写:由第一

9、段首句内容“一周后,铃声响起,语言艺术课又开始了。”可知,第一段可描Mia上去读自己故事时刚开始很不自信,很紧张,通过Mr.Johnson的帮助,她逐渐进入状态,同学们也聚精会神地听。由第二段首句内容“Mia读完后,同学们的掌声持续了很长时间。”可知,第二段可描写同学们很喜欢Mia的故事,Mia对自己的成功感到震惊和激动,从此她爱上了写作并逐渐自信了。2.续写线索:Mia上台读故事紧张Mr.Johnson缓解气氛Mia顺利读完自己写的故事得到同学们认可Mia爱上写作Mia变得更自信了 学过的微技能:(1)主题是明线(解决当下的矛盾:完成一次当众讲故事)与暗线(Mia在同学们的积极反馈下和老师的

10、鼓励下发现了自身的优点,获得了自信,对自我能够更正确地认知)相结合(2)续写第一段的最后一句起着“承上启下”的作用,尤其需要精心构思(3)利用人物角色的切换来推动情节,但重点还是放在主角身上(4)非谓语动词(现在分词/过去分词/不定时),with结构(5)情绪出现-情绪变浓-情绪转换的固定句型(6)动作+情绪+语言(7)动作链拆解(8)无灵主语(9)结尾句:记忆之花,玫瑰花床,温暖阳光.或者反扣故事开头处的某个细节情节设计:P1:A week later,the bell rang and the Language Arts class began again.一周后,铃声响了,语言艺术课又开

11、始了。【读前,读中。主要人物是Mia,重点描述其“从害怕到鼓起勇气到享受其中”的心理变化及动作,角色切换到老师和其他同学的反应】P2:After Mia finished her reading,the clapping from her classmates continued for a long time.米娅读完书后,同学们的掌声持续了很长一段时间。【读后。主要人物是Mia,重点描述她在这次经历之后的感受和经历对其影响】下水文:P1:A week later,the bell rang and the Language Arts class began again.1.其他的学生走上舞

12、台,一个接一个地读着报纸,很快就轮到米娅其他的学生走上舞台,一个接一个地读着报纸,很快就轮到米娅了。米娅垂头,心砰砰跳,她挪过人群,出汗的手紧握着报纸,身了。米娅垂头,心砰砰跳,她挪过人群,出汗的手紧握着报纸,身体晃动。体晃动。写作技巧:写作技巧:【尽快介绍背景,引出主人公,切忌转弯抹角浪费笔墨;细节描【尽快介绍背景,引出主人公,切忌转弯抹角浪费笔墨;细节描写写“紧张紧张”;使用现在分词作状语,;使用现在分词作状语,with结构】结构】Other students went on the stage and read the papers one by one,and soon it was

13、Mias turn.Head dropping and heart thumping,Mia inched her way through the crowd,with her sweaty hands clutching the paper,shaking.2.约翰逊先生感到她的紧张,他轻轻地拍了拍她的肩膀,直视着她的眼睛:“不要怕。你能做到!”【细节描写“安慰”;原因与上文衔接;使用现在分词作状语;使用了动作+语言】Feeling her nervousness,Mr.Johnson patted her gently on the shoulder and looked her stra

14、ight in the eye,“Dont be afraid.You can make it!”3.一种温暖和放松的感觉掠过她的全身,米娅深吸了一口气,眼睛盯着报纸,一种温暖和放松的感觉掠过她的全身,米娅深吸了一口气,眼睛盯着报纸,开始阅读。米娅如此专注于她的故事,以至于她没有注意到观众,被她精彩开始阅读。米娅如此专注于她的故事,以至于她没有注意到观众,被她精彩的故事所吸引,所有人都专心而安静地听着她的故事。的故事所吸引,所有人都专心而安静地听着她的故事。写作技巧:【细节描写“放松”;使用独立主格结构;情绪+动作;动作链拆解;细节描写“听众被吸引,认真倾听”与下一段“听众热烈鼓掌”合理衔接;

15、使用了so.that句式、过去分词】A sense of warmth and relaxation surging through her,Mia took a deep breath,focused her eyes on the paper and began her reading.So absorbed in her story was Mia that she didnt notice the audience,attracted by her fantastic story,all listened to her attentively and quietly.1.当米娅从报纸上

16、抬起眼睛时,她惊讶地发现每个人都兴奋地盯着当米娅从报纸上抬起眼睛时,她惊讶地发现每个人都兴奋地盯着她看。米娅做梦也没想过会有如此积极的反应。一丝羞怯的笑容浮她看。米娅做梦也没想过会有如此积极的反应。一丝羞怯的笑容浮现在她感到难以置信的脸上。现在她感到难以置信的脸上。写作技巧:写作技巧:【细节描写【细节描写“惊讶惊讶”;使用分词作状语;细节描写;使用分词作状语;细节描写“难以置信的惊喜难以置信的惊喜”;使用无灵主语】;使用无灵主语】When lifting her eyes from the paper,Mia was astonished to find everyone staring at her excitedly.It was beyond Mias wildest dream to expect such positive response.A timid smile crept and spread across her unbelievable face.After Mia finished her reading,the clapping from her classm


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