Unit 9 A day on the farm[2].docx

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《Unit 9 A day on the farm[2].docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 9 A day on the farm[2].docx(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9 A day on the farmThe 2rd period一、 Teaching contents: say and act 二、 Teaching aims 通过另一个情景对话的学习,帮助学生进一步巩固、拓展和运用本课核心句型。三、 Teaching points and difficulties1. 词汇: grass,bye 2. 句型:Dont open the gate.3. 日常用语: Youre welcome. Bye 四、Teaching preparation 课件、畅言软件五、Teaching processStep 1. Warm-up/Revisio

2、n (创设情境 激趣导入)1.学生表演歌曲Old MacDonald has a farm以复习上一课时所学的单词。2.猜谜游戏。发给那些学生不同的动词或动词词组卡片,让学生根据拿到的图片做相应的动作,其他学生猜测他们表演的动作,并用Dont.劝阻。教师可和个别学生先做示范。S1:(pick the card for run and mime running)T: Dont run in the classroom,(S1s name).S2:(pick the card for swim and mime swimming)Ss: Dont swim here,(S2s name).Step

3、 2 . Presentation (自主学习 合作交流)1.看图说话。出示不同的标志图片,请学生说出图意Dont litter.和Dont throw stones.然后出示Dont open the gate.的标志,可边做动作边说:Dont open the gate.接着请学生仿说,了解图意。2.播放Say and act的录音,让学生听录音后回答问题,帮助他们初步了解对话内容。1) What can the children see?(Horses, cows, sheep and pigs.)1) Can Kitty open the gate?(No.)2) What do th

4、e cows and sheep like?(Grass.)3) How is Mr. MacDonalds pig?(Its fat.)3.把图片打乱顺序后贴在黑板上,播放Say and act的录音,让学生根据录音为图片排序。4.播放录音,让学生跟读对话。然后让学生根据图片分组表演对话。鼓励学生根据他们的理解,用所学的语言表演对话,不必完全照搬课文的原句。S1:(act as Mr MacDonald)These are my horses. Theyre strong.S2: I like horese.S1: Please dont open the gate.S3: Sorry,Mr

5、 MacDonald.S1: Look!These are my cows and sheep.S4: What do they like?S1: They like grass.Step 3. Practice(练习巩固 当堂反馈)1.让学生三至四人一组根据课本的图片画出麦克唐纳先生农场的示意图并制作禁令标识卡,如Dont litter.,然后表演参观农场的对话。可以帮助学生拓展一些标识禁令的句子,如Dont close the door./Dont be late./Dont swim here.2.学生四人一组展开小组活动,如参观动物园、参观图书馆或去公园玩等。要求学生为选择的地点制作标

6、志牌,然后表演对话。一些学生表演违反规则的行为,另一些学生用所学英语进行劝阻。S1:Good morning,children. Welcome to Happy Zoo.S2: Good morning.S3: (mime littering)S1: Dont litter.S3: Im sorry.Step 4. ProductionGroup work.学生在小组内为表演会话。Wrap-up1.Read the words again.2.Sing a song.3.Say the words in groups.Homework:1.听录音复习所学习内容。2.抄写句子:Dont litter. 并造句。模仿句子进行造句,看谁写得好。3.听读对话,听熟读熟。4.家长报听写。Blackboard Design Module 3 My colourful life Unit 9 A day on the farm Dont litter. Notes:_


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