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1、 课题:第七单元第一课时 Unit7 How much are these socks? Period1Learning aims: (学习目标)1. Can master the words about clothing and color.能够掌握有关衣物和颜色的单词。2. Can master the key sentence patterns to ask about prices .能够掌握询问价格的重点句型。Key points:Master the words and learn how to ask and answer prices.重点:掌握单词,学会如何询问价格及应答。D

2、ifficult points:Mater the monetary unit and distinguish the single and plural forms of clothing nouns.难点:掌握表示价格的货币单位及区分服装的单复数。Teaching procedures:Step1. 1. Greetings and show the aims. 问候及出示目标。 2. Revise the words about clothing. 复习有关衣物的单词。Step2. Learning guide1 (自学指导一) 2 minutes for students to rea

3、d, translate the 10 words aloud in 1a, and match the words with the things in the picture. Then check them. 请同学们大声读译1a 中的10个单词,并将单词与图中的物品配对。2分钟后指名学生交流,看谁读译得准确,匹配的对。Task: Listen and circle the things you hear in the picture in 1a, then check them.听录音,在1a中圈出你所听到的物品。然后指明学生说答案。Step3. Learning guide2 (自学

4、指导二) 2 minutes for students to read and translate the conversation aloud in 2c, then check the answers. 请同学们大声读译2c中的对话,两分钟后指学生名交流。看谁读得流利,译得准确。1. 2 minutes for students to recite the conversation, then check them.给学生两分钟时间背对话,然后指名学生交流。2. Pair work: 3 minutes for students to make up new conversations i

5、n pairs according to the pictures on the screen. Then check them.给学生3分钟时间,两人一组根据屏幕上的图片编对话,然后检查他们。Step4 1. Listen and repeat the words about color and size. 听录音并跟读单词有关颜色和大小的词。2. 2 minutes for students to recite the words in 2a, then check them.给学生两分钟时间背记单词,然后检查他们。3. Listen to the conversations and ci

6、rcle the things you hear, then check the answers. 听对话,圈出你所听到的物品,然后指名学生说答案。4. Listen again and fill in the price. Then check them. 再听一遍录音并填写标签,然后指名学生说答案。5. 1 minute for students to read and translate the conversation in 2d, then check them.请同学们大声读译2d中的对话,1 分钟后指名学生交流,看谁读得流利,译得准确。6. Pair work: 3 minute

7、s for students to make up new conversations in pairs according to the pictures in 2b, then check them.给学生三分钟时间,两人一组根据2b中的图片编对话,然后指名学生交流。Step5 Summary 课堂小结 Summarize what we have learned in this lesson. 总结本节课所学内容。 How much is +单n./ 不可数n. How much are +复n.Step6. Exercises in class 当堂训练 1. Hand out the exercise papers in class. 分发当堂训练试卷。 要求:不看书,不讨论,不抄袭,字体规范,独立完成。时间5分钟。 2. Show the answers and students change the paper, and give the marks. 出示答案,同桌交换试卷,给出分数。



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