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1、新概念(一)常用句子Is this you handbag? (这里你的手提包吗?)Whose handbag is it?(这里谁的手提包?)Pardon=I beg your pardon.(请再说一遍)My coat and my umbrella please.(请把我的大衣和伞拿给我.)Here is my ticket.(这是我的票.)What make is it?(它是什么牌子?)What nationality are you?(你是哪国人?)Whats your job?(你是做什么工作的?)How are you today?(你今天好吗?)Is this your sh

2、irt?(这是你的衬衫吗?)Whose shirt is that?(那是谁的衬衫?)What colours your new dress?(你的新连衣裙是什.)么颜色的?)Its the same colour.(一样的颜色.)Your passports,please.(请出示你们的护照.)Are you Swedish?(你们是瑞典人?)Here they are.(在这儿呢,)Theyre sales reps.(他们是推销员.)What are their jobs?(他们是做什么工作的?)Are,you all right now?(你们现在好些了吗?)There is a ta

3、ble in the middle of the room.(房间的中央有张桌子.)Where is it ?(它在哪里?)Where are they?(它们在哪里?)Wherere they exactly ?(他们确切在哪里?)Shut the door ,please.(请把门关上.)What must Ido.(我应该做些什么呢?)What about the dog?(狗呢?)Whats she doing?(她在干什么?)What are they doing?(他们在做什么?)What are you going to do?(你准备做什么?)What are you goin

4、g to do now.(你现在打算做什么?)Give it to me .把它给我.What are you going to do with it?(你打算什么办?)Put it here.(放在这儿.)Whats in it?(里面有什么东西.)Can you see it?(你看见了吗?)I can see it now.(我现在看到了.)Can you find them?(你找得到吗?)I cant read it.(我看不懂它.)Can you come here a minute please.(请你来一下好吗?)What can you do?(你能做什么?)Do you l

5、ike.?你喜欢.吗?Do you want .?你想要.吗?To tell you the truth.(说老实话.)What nationality are they?(他们是哪国人?)Where do they come from?(他们来自哪个国家?)Which seasons do you like best?(你最喜欢哪个季节?)But its certainly imeresting.(但确实又很有意思.)What do they usually do?(他们通常做什么?)Au unusual day.(很不平常的一天.)Is that all.(就这些吗?)Thats all.

6、(就这些.)What else do you want?( 您还要什么吗?)I want my change.(我要找的零钱.)Whats the matter with him?(他什么啦?)Good news?(好消息.)He feels ill.(他觉得不舒服.)Whats the matter with them?(他们怎么啦.)What must they do?(他们该怎么办?)Come I see him please.(我可以看看他吗?)Wheres jimmy this evening.(吉米今去哪儿了?)Dont.(不要(You mustnt.(.你不应该)What are

7、 you going to do this evening.(今晚你打算干什么,吉尔.)Im going to meet some friends.Dad.(我打算去看几个朋友.爸爸.)You mustns come home late.(你不准回家太晚.)Do you hear?(听见了吗?)We always enjoy ourselves.(我们总是玩得很开心的.)The weekend.(周未)What do you want to do?(你想干什么?)Arent you lucky.(你们真幸运啊.)Dont drive so quickly.(别开得太快.)When were t

8、hey there?(他们是什么时候在那里的?)Hes awful.(他讨厌透了.)She cant speak to you now.(她现在不能同你讲话.)What did you say to him?(你对他什么说的?)Can you tell me the way to king Street please?(你能告诉我到国王街怎么走吗?)He did not understand English,He spoke German.(她不懂英语,他讲德语.)I do not speak English.(我不会讲英语.)What did they do?(他们干了什么?)What si

9、ze?(什么尺码?)I feel awful.(我难受极了.)Thats very late.(那太晚了.)What do we need?(我们都需要什么?)I havent got much.(我的钱不多了.)Im nearly ready.( 我马上就好了.)Ive already had lunch.(我已经吃过饭了.)Where did you go?(你去哪儿了.)I stayed at home.(我呆在家里了.)Ive never been there.(我从来末去过.)What have you done?(你已经做了什么?)Whats the number of you c

10、ar.(您的汽车牌号是多少?)I remember now.(我现在记起来了.)Isnt that your car?(这难道不是您的汽车吗?)But to tell you the truth.(不过说实在的.)May I have a look at it,please?(我可以看一看吗?)How long have you lived here?(您在这里住了多长时间?)Its worth every penny of it.(它确确实实值这么多钱.)Hes still here.(他还在这里.)Ill miss him.(我会想念他的.)Please give him my regar

11、ds.(请代我问候他.)Weve got plenty of time.(我们时间还很宽裕.).Youve just missed it.(你们刚好错过它了.)Whens the next train?(下一班车是什么时候?)Whats the exact time?(确切的时间是几点?)Whats your name and address?(您的姓名和住址.)Whose is it?(它是谁的?)Whose are they?(它们是谁的?)He cant write very much.(他祝我们们大家身体都好。)How was the exam.?(考试考得怎样?)Not too bad.(不太坏)I could answer the questions.(我能回答这些问题。)I couldnt answer the questions.(我不能回答这些问题。)The questions were easy enough for me to answer .(这些问题对我来说足够简单。)The questions were difficult for me to answer.(这些问题对我来说太难了。)



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