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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上上海著名景点的中英文对照不夜城sleepless city沧海桑田ups and downs of time长江三角洲the Yangtze River Delta磁悬浮列车maglev train (magnetically levitated train); magnetic suspension train大都市metropolis; cosmopolis; metropolitan city; cosmopolitan city东方明珠塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower东海之滨的明珠the pearl on the coast of the Ea

2、st China Sea高架公路elevated highway; overhead highway高架立交桥overhead viaduct国际展览局BIE International Bureau of Exhibitions历史文化名城a famous historic and cultural city龙华寺Longhua Temple内环线the inner ring; the inner belt way; the inner loop浦东新区Pudong New Area轻轨火车light rail train; elevated rail train上海合作组织SCO Shan

3、ghai Cooperation Organization上海五国第六次峰会the sixth summit of“Shanghai Five”上海五国机制the Shanghai Five mechanism上海合作组织Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a six-member group founded in 2001 that includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan).申博成功successful bid for World Expo投资热点a hot/ po

4、pular investment destination万国建筑博览exhibition / gallery of International Architecture外滩the Bund信息港infoport黄浦江游cruise along the Huangpu River玉佛寺Jade Buddha Temple豫园Yu Yuan Garden直辖市municipality directly under Central Government外高桥保税区Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone/ Free-trade Zone张江高科技园区Zhangjiang High-tech Pa

5、rk金桥出口加工区Jinqiao Export Processing Zone陆家嘴金融贸易中心Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone金贸大厦Jinmao Tower城隍庙Town Gods Temple上海国际会议中心Shanghai International Convention Center(南浦,杨浦,徐浦,卢浦)大桥Nanpu/ Yangpu/ xupu/ lupu (suspension) Bridge交通一卡通Metro pass(浦东)滨江大道Riverside Promenade外滩观隧道Sightseeing Tunnel at the Bun

6、d(浦东)世纪公园Century Park上海体育馆Shanghai Stadium上海大剧院Shanghai GrandTheater上海科技馆Shanghai Science & Technology Museum扩展科普教育基地a base for science education休闲旅游场所a venue for leisure and tourism展区exhibition area地壳探秘Earths Crust Exploration生物万象Wide Spectrum of life智慧之光Light of Wisdom视听乐园AV Paradise儿童科技园Childrens

7、 Technoland科普商场popular science shopping mall多功能厅multi-functional hall虹口足球场Shanghai Hongkou Football Stadium上海植物园Shanghai Botanical Garden水族馆aquarium松江大学城Songjiang College Town上海星级酒店star-rated hotels in Shanghai扩展Peace Hotel和平饭店Holliday Inn假日酒店Pudong Shangri-la香格里拉Renaissance shanghai Pudong上海淳大万丽Portman Ritz-Carlton波特曼丽嘉酒店the Grand Hyatt金贸凯悦Hilton Shanghai希尔顿Four Seasons四季大酒店Equatorial Shanghai赤道大酒店Regal International East Asia富豪Marriott万豪Radisson雷迪森、瑞迪森Sheraton喜来登Ramada华美达Inter-Continental洲际Sofitel Hyland索菲特Westin威斯汀St. Regis瑞吉专心-专注-专业



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