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1、灌南县三口小学五年级英语巩固性练习设计人:王凤平 2011-8-30Unit1 The first day at school (第一课时)班级:_姓名:_自评: 师评: 同伴互评: 用心去掌握下列词组.1. the first day第一天2. the new term新学期3. all the students所有的学生 4. be back at school回到学校5.at school 在学校 6. there is/ there are(地方)有7.be happy to 高兴地(做) 8.each other 互相 9. a new building 一幢新楼 10.a lot

2、of =lots of =many 许多11. a lot of flowers and trees 许多花和树 12.near your house 在你的房子附近13.good idea好主意 14.go and play去玩 15.in the street在街上 16. go and see去看看17.on the plate在盘子里 18.how many 多少(问数量)19. Im not sure 我不能确定。 20.let me see让我看看 21.go and have a look去看一看 22.have a look看一看听磁带,试着跟读课文两遍,看看你能不能模仿课文中

3、的句子根据我校实际情况完成下面填空:(1) There (be) buildings in our school,and there (be) a new building.(2) there a table tennis room in our school? , there .(3) there any reading rooms in it? , there .(4) How classrooms in the new building? .灌南县三口小学五年级英语巩固性练习设计人:王凤平 2010-12-14Unit8 A camping trip (第二课时)班级:_姓名:_自评:

4、师评: 同伴互评: 短语收藏夹。1 一次野营旅行 5. over there 2 在她的帐篷附近 6. their things 3 在一个野营营地 7. a box of chocolates 4 一罐鸡肉 8. some fruit “has” 是动词“have”的第三人称单数形式,若主语为第三人称单数,则动词也用第三人称单数形式 “has”.其余都用“have”。第三人称单数:1 he she it 2 姓名 Mike Helen 3 称呼 my father 助动词(do, does,)do, does用于一般现在时,它们通常用在疑问句和否定句中。它们的否定形式:do not = do

5、nt, does not = doesnt。注意:在一般现在时中,does用于第三人称单数,其余一律用助动词do;助动词do, does后面一定要用动词原形。用“have, has” “do ,does” 填空1. What you have? I a tin2. What they have? They a big tent.3. What the students have? They a chair.4. What your classmates have? They some things for the camping trip.5. What he have? He a teles

6、cope.6. What she have? She a pot.7. What Mike have? He a bar of chocolate.8. What Su Hai and Su Yang? They two blankets.9. What Miss Li and Mr. Green? Miss Li a tin-opener. Mr. Green some fruit.灌南县三口小学五年级英语巩固性练习设计人:王凤平 2010-12-14Unit8 A camping trip (第三课时)班级:_姓名:_自评: 师评: 同伴互评: 看图写出下列单词. 看图练习对话,写下你最拿

7、手的几幅图。 You have . and I have. We have . and they have._ _ _ _ _ 灌南县三口小学五年级英语巩固性练习设计人:王凤平 2010-12-14Unit8 A camping trip (第四课时)班级:_姓名:_自评: 师评: 同伴互评: 看图练习对话. A: I have . What does he/she have? A: We have . What do they have?B: He/ She has B: They have_ _ _ _ _ 请用have/has 填空1. He _ a tin-opener. 2. We _ a telescope. 3. You _ a nice towel. 4. They _ a big pot.5. She _ a blanket. 6. I _ some fruit7. Tom and Jim _ a stove. 8. Tom _ a mask.9. My parents _ a pot. 10. It _ short hair. 11. Our teachers _ a horse. 12. You and I _ a



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