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1、初一英语试题 下列各组单词中,有一个单词画线部分的读音与其他三个单词画线部分的读音不同,请选出。(7)( )1Afind Bkind Cbehind Dgive( )2Aplace Bhave Cgate Dlate( )3Aput Bbut Cnumber Dhungry( )4Aclose Bopen Cmove Dhome( )5Ameat Bclean Cgreat Dplease( )6Aabout Btouch Chouse Dround( )7Aschool Breach Cchild Dcheap根据句意及所给单词的首字母,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式。(6)1Dont be

2、l for school next time.2This q is very easy. She can answer it.3My bike is b . May I use yours?4I am h . Please give me something to eat.5I am very b today. I have a lot of work to do.6“Shall we meet i the school gate?” “No, lets meet outside.根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(6)1She got to school _ than I. (lat

3、e)2_ too much is bad for your health. (eat)3Keep the windows _ .(close)4Which is the _ month of the year?(nine)5Be _. Its time for class.(quickly)6“Whose shoes are these?” “They are _ .”(he)英汉词组互译。(10)1对有好处 _ 2不到三个月 _3前天_ _ 4半小时 _5上个星期 _ 6have a good time _7enjoy working _ 8up and down _9be good at

4、_ 10do sport_ _选择填空。(16)( )1Did you buy anything _ your way home?Ain Bto Cfrom Don( )2Shall we go there on foot _ by bus?Aor Bbut Cso Dand( )3This house is _ dear, so he doesnt want to buy it.Atoo much Bmuch tooCmany too Dtoo many( )4There_ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.Ais going to be Bare going to

5、haveCare going to be Dis going to have( )5Wheres my pen? I cant _ it.Afind Blook at Clook Dlook for( )6“ _ does your mother usually go to work? ” “By bike.”AWhen BWhy CHow DWhere( )7“When _ he _ to London? ”“ Three years ago. ”Aare, going to move Bdo, moveCdid, move Ddoes, move( )8I have two brother

6、s. One is a doctor, _ is a driver.Aone Banother Cthe other Dother( )9Its cold today. Why _ your coat?Adont put on Bnot to put onCnot putting on Dnot put on( ) 10My brother _ to school because she was ill.Adoesnt go Bnot goCdidnt go Dnot to go( ) 11Wed better _ there by bus tomorrow.Agoing Bgo Cto go

7、 Dgoes( )12_ do you go to see your aunt?AHow long BHow manyCHow much DHow often( ) 13Uncle Wang is coming to supper. Lets buy_ meat this afternoon.Amany more Bsome moreCa lot Da few( ) 14The Whites reached Beijing _ the afternoon of June 15.Ain Bon Cat Dfor( )15My father _ lunch at home every day.Ah

8、asnt Bdoesnt haveChavent Ddont have( )16We enjoyed _ on the farm.Aworking Bworked Cworks Dto work按要求改写下列各句,每空一词,缩写词算一词。(10)1There are some old buses over there.(改为单数形式)There_ _ old _ over there.2She bought some books for me last Sunday.(就画线部分提问)_ _ she_ for you last Sunday?3Mr. Black teaches in a mi

9、ddle school.(改为一般疑问句)_ Mr. Black _ in a middle school?4You mustnt play football in front of the house.(改为祈使句)_ _ football in front of the house.5My uncle worked in Shanghai for more than ten years. (就画线部分提问)_ _ _ your uncle _ in Shanghai?6Mike went to the park yesterday.(改为否定句)Mike _ _ to the park y

10、esterday.7The students are going to help the farmers to pick apples next Sunday.(就画线部分提问)_ _ the students _ _ _ next Sunday?根据中文和英文提示词语,写出正确的句子。所给英文词语 全部用上。注意大、小写和标点符号。(20)1你最好不要在这条河里游泳。you, swim, in the river_2凯特昨天在回家的路上买了一些蔬菜。Kate, buy, some, vegetables, way, home, yesterday_3今天是几号?what, the, toda

11、y_4我出生于1980年6月18号。I, born, June 18, 1980_5躺着看书对你的眼睛有害。read, in bed, bad, your eyes_补全对话,每空一词,缩写词算一词。(10)A:Excuse me, 1 the post office, please?B:Go along this street. 2 the first turning on the left, and then go on. You can see it on your left.A: 3 4 is it from here?B:Its 5 seven kilometres 6 .A:Can

12、 I go there by bus ?B:Yes, you can.A:Which bus shall I take?B:The No. 256 bus.A: 7 can I get to the nearest bus stop?B:Its on the 8 side of the street. Look! The bus is coming.A:Thanks a 9 .B: 10 all right.阅读理解。(5)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。A traveller(旅行者) came out of the airport(飞机场) There were a lot o

13、f taxis. He asked every taxidriver his name. Then he took the third one. It cost 5 dollars(美元) from the airport to the hotel. “How much does it cost for the whole day?” the man asked. “100 dollars, ” said the taxi-driver. This was very dear, but the man said it was OK.The taxi-driver took the man everywhere. He showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went back to the hotel(旅馆). The traveller gave the taxi-driver 100 dollars and said, “What about tomorrow? ”The taxi-driver looked at the man and said, “Tomorrow? Its another 100 dollars. ” But


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