海英语 第四章.doc

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1、第四章(0942-1035)0942 You receive a call from the U.S. coast guard addressed to all stations. The call begins with the word Pan-Pan (3 times). Which type of emergency signal would this be?A. Safety signal.B. Urgency signal.C. Distress signal.D. Red alert signal.你收到来自美国海岸警卫队对所有船站的呼叫。呼叫开始于三次Pan-Pan。这将是哪一

2、类型的应急信号?紧急信号0943 Would you please ask the _ officer to issue 30 sheets of landing permits for our crew members to go ashore?A. Quarantine.B. Immigration.C. Customs.D. Harbor.请你要求移民局官员为我们船员的上岸发放30张登陆许可证,行吗?0944 When the transmissions of a radio station or a Decca chain, etc., have broken down, switch

3、 off or suspended, it is _.A. Unfunctional.B. Break down.C. Off power.D. Off air.当无线电台发射或台卡链已经故障,关机或暂停,这叫Off air。0945 When latitude and longitude are used, these shall be expressed _ (and decimals of a minute if necessary), north or south of the equator and east or west of Greenwich.A. Fathoms and m

4、eters.B. Miles and kilometers.C. Arc and degrees.D. In degrees and minutes.当使用经纬度时,这些应被表达为度分(并小数点到分必要时),赤道的南北,格林威治的东西。0946 When it is advisable to remain on VHF channel 14 you should say _.A.Stand by on VHF channel 14.B.Come to VHF channel 14.C.VHF channel 14 is the best place for you to stay by.D.R

5、emain in channel 14 and do not change.当VHF可以保持在14频道时,你应说(预备)准备VHF14频道。0947 When it is advisable to change to another VHF channel. _.A. Advise (you) change to VHF frequency.B. Advise (you) change to VHF channel.C. Change to VHF channel is advised.D. Change to VHF frequency is advised.当要求改变到VHF别的频道时,建

6、议(你)改到VHF频道XX。0948 When a wind is permanently changing the direction from which it blows, it is _.A. Variable.B. Changing.C. Backing.D. Veering.当风不断地改变其吹来的方向,它是不定风。0949 What time shall we pass the Suez Canal?A. Reach.B. Bear.C. Transit.D. Watch.我们什么时间通过Suez运河?0950 What is your latest tropical storm

7、warning _?A. Information.B. News.C. Description.D. Signals.你最新的热带风暴消息是什么?0951 Volcanic activities _ in position 123.32N, 10.13E.A. Reasoned.B. Expected.C. Forecasted.D. Foreseen.预计在123.32N, 10.13E处有火山活动。0952 Transverse movement of cargo, especially bulk, caused by rolling or a heavy list defines _.A

8、. Shifting cargo.B. Moving cargo.C. Removing cargo.D. Trimming cargo.货物,特别是液舱的货物移动产生的横向力矩导致横摇或严重的倾斜定义为货物移位。0953 To secure a vessel in a particular place by means of chains or ropes made fast to the shore, to anchors, or anchored mooring buoys, or to ride with both anchors down defines _.A. To moor.B

9、. To berth.C. To anchor.D. To ride at anchor.通过使用锚链或缆绳拴紧在码头,锚泊,或系浮筒,或抛双锚来固定船舶在一个特殊的地方定义为系泊。0954 To run a vessel upon a beach to prevent its sinking in deep water means _.A. Ground.B. Run aground.C. Beach (to). D. Strand.驾驶船舶冲上海滩以防止其沉没在深水中叫冲滩。0955 To increase the distance to the vessel ahead by reduc

10、ing ones own speed means _.A. Fall back.B. Keep low speed.C. Running after.D. Drop back.通过减速以增加与前方船之间的距离叫退后(后撤)。0956 To evacuate a vessel from crew and passengers following a distress means _.A. Abandon vessel.B. Adrift.C. Beach to.D. Assembly station.将在遇险中的船员和乘客从船上撤离叫弃船。0957 Throwing overboard of g

11、oods in order to lighten the vessel or improve is stability in case of an emergency defines _.A. Dropping off.B. Jettison.C. Throwing away.D. Taking off.万一紧急情况为减轻船的重量或改善船的稳性将货物抛入海中叫抛货。0958 They have no information about that tropical storm, and _.A.I know nothing about that tropical storm, too.B.I h

12、avent any information about that as well. (也;又;同样)C.I havent any information about that either.D.I also know a little about that tropical storm.他们没有关于热带风暴的消息,且我没有关于他们或风暴的消息。0959 The term of landfall means _.A.Land first sighted when vessel approaching from seaward.B.Land last sighted when vessel lea

13、ving from a port.C.In sight of one another when vessel underway.D.In sight of an island during a ship on her voyage,术语初见陆地意思是船自海上接近陆地并第一次看到陆地时0960 The step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting is the _.A. Proof bar.B. Shifting bar.C. Long bar.D. Spreader.防止引航梯扭曲的梯踏板是横撑杆。0961 The

14、 speed of a vessel adjusted to that of a pilot boat at which the pilot can safety embark is _.A. Ground speed.B. Boarding speed.C. Relative speed.D. Speed of the vessel.船的速度调整到能够使引水员从引水船安全登船的速度叫登船速度。0962 The speed at which a storm center moves is the _.A. Speed of movement.B. Speed of advance.C. Speed of storm.D. Storm movement speed.风暴中心移动的速度叫前进速度。xxh0963 The following _ is a standard phrase.A.You should anchor in anchorage B 3.B.ADVICE. Anchor in anchorage B 3.C.You could anchor in anchorage B 3.D.You could, I think, anchor is anchorage B 3.以下通知:抛锚在B3锚地是标准用语。0964 The following _ is



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