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1、高一英语模块一第一单位测试 之迟辟智美创作一、单项填空(每题1 分,共 10 分 )1. The movie was. We were really by it.A boring; bored B boring; boring C bored; bored D bored; boring2. He didn t make clear when and where the meetingwould be held.A. thisB. that C. it D. these3. It is often said that teachers have veryeasy life.A. /; /B.

2、/; aC. the; / D the; a4. My English teacher raised her voice we all heard herclearly.A. even if B. though C. in order to D. so that5. My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; ,he could neither eat nor sleep.A. over the years B. after allC. as well D. as aresult6. A few years later I Engl

3、ish as I became interestedin it.A. took overB. took offC. took upD. took on7. These natural parks are very important for protecting many animals, which would have the danger of dyingout.A. otherwise B. yetC. foreverD.ever8. With some problems to deal with, he had no time tosay goodbye to us and left

4、 in a hurry.A. personal B. urgentC. socialD.common9. Now, more and more people suffer the pressure oftheir job.A. ofB. offC. fromD. with10. Last night, we were talking about a math problem heatedly when the lights suddenly .A. turned off B. switched off C. went off D.put off二、完形填空(每题1.5分,共 30分)“ So,

5、you would like to interview me?” God smiled and said,“ What questions do you have to ask me?”God s hands took mine and we were silent for a while andthen I asked, “ As a 11, what are some of life s lessons youyour children to12 ?”God replied with a smile, “ Iwant them to learn that they cannot make

6、anyone 13them. What they can do is to let themselves be loved. I want them to learn that what is the most 14is not what they have in their lives, but who they have in their lives. I want them to learn that it is not good to 15themselves with others. All will be 16individually on their own value, not

7、 as a 17on a comparison basis(比力基础)! I want them to learn that a 18person is not the one who has the most, but is the one who needs 19. I want them to learn that it only takes a few seconds to 20deep wounds in persons we love, and that it 21many years to heal(治愈)them. I want them to learn to 22by pr

8、acticing forgiveness. I want them to learn that there are persons who love them dearly,23simply do not know how to express or show their 24. I want them to learn that money can buy everything but 25. I want them to learn that two people can look at the 26thing and see it totally differently. I want

9、them to learn that a 27is someone who knows everything about them and likes them anyway. I want them to learn that it is not always 28that they are forgiven by others, but that they have to forgive 29 . ”People will forget what they said. People will forget what they did, but people will 30 forget h

10、ow they made themselves feel. 11. A. godB. parentC. teacherD.guide12. A. chooseD. find13. A. loveB. treat14. A. valuableD. satisfied15. A. compare join16. A. feltD. counted17. A. person team18. A. poor different19. A .the mostthe least20. A. hideD. ruin21. A. takesuses22. A. forgiveB. learnC. accept

11、B. reasonableB. decideB. filledB. groupB. richB. the betterB. foldB. spendsB. rememberC. pickD. takeC. necessaryC. consider D.C. judgedC. crew D.C. nobleD.C. the best D.C. openC. paysD.C. forgetD. stand23. A. but24. A. pities disappointments25. A. comfortD. satisfaction26. A. same opposite27. A. new

12、 personD. poor fellow28. A. rich enough29. A. themD. themselves30. A. neverstillB. andB. feelingsD. sympathiesB. shameB. easyB. true friendB. wealthyB. itselfB. everC. soD. forC.C. happinessC. different D.C. rich bossC. numerous D.C. yourselvesC. alreadyD.三、阅读理解(每题2 分,共 28 分 )ASometimes everything s

13、eems to go wrong at once. As more things happen, we get more stressed. It means we get too tired and can t think properly. It means more things go wrong!What happens when you feel stressed? _31_. Your heart beats faster. Your stomach feels tight or you feel sick.Your breathing gets faster. It is har

14、d to get to sleep. Or you wake up feeling like you didn t really sleep because you still feel tired.32.Think about what makes you feel bad. Talkover your problem with a friend or a trusted adult. Get help to deal with the problem if you need it. Plan your work if you are getting behind. Set yourself

15、 some goals to work your way through the problem. Make sure that you are getting enough exercise. Organize your time so that you can do many things. You can always do that sport or activity next term or next year. You don t haevto do everything at once.33. Exercise such as dancing, running, jumping, walking and bike riding is very good. If



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