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1、完形填空倾向语汇训练二20. They cheered the captain and carried him off the field on their _. A. breastsB. armsC. backsD. shoulders21. That motor cycle doesnt _ to Peter. A. belongB. ownC. lendD. turn22. The secretary said: “You are _ on the phone, Mr. White.” A. wantedB. askedC. risingD. requested23. Do you wa

2、nt to _ on these shoes to see if theyre the right size? A. takeB. fixC. tryD. turn24. I wish those boys wouldnt _ so much noise. A. shoutB. talkC. cryD. make25. The policeman ran after the man and _ him by the arm. A. stoppedB. reachedC. shotD. caught26. About 50 people came _ my birthday party last

3、 night. A. atB. onC. toD. into27. Your mother told you to _ up all your clothes. A. takeB. getC. set D. pick28. Go and _ some wood for the fire before it gets dark. A. collectB. useC. takeD. share29. I dont agree _ a single word that you have said. A. withB. aboutC. forD. on30. The train will _ Pari

4、s at 7:45. A. arriveB. comeC. getD. reach31. We have two bicycles for sale at the _ . A. momentB. timeC. dateD. beginning32. My mother is ill so I must go home and look _ him. A. care ofB. afterC. forD. on33. Well-mannered children have usually been properly _ up by their parents. A. raisedB. putC.

5、broughtD. risen34. When we came out of the cinema, it was _ with rain. A. runningB. fallingC. droppingD. pouring35. The workers went on strike because they thought their wages were too _. A. littleB. fewC. lowD. small36. Very few scientists _ with completely new answers to the worlds problems. A. co

6、me toB. come roundC. come upD. come on37. - How about John? - My aunt _ John a good student. A. believeB. suggestsC. considersD. knows38. The old man sat in the armchair, _ a match and lighted a cigarette. A. hitB. knockedC. beatD. struck39. We couldnt drink the milk because it had _ bad. A. goneB.

7、becomeC. changedD. got40. A famous battle was _ there in the year 490 B.C. A. heldB. takenC. madeD. done完形填空倾向语汇训练三21. 41. Im sorry Im late. I never _ the bus to take so long to get here. A. thoughtB. planned C. expectedD. waited for42. Children enjoy _ up wooden bricks, then knocking them down. A.

8、addingB. pushingC. pilingD. putting43. He offered to _ her a hand as the bag was too heavy for her to carry. A. lendB. helpC. showD. say44. The moon gives _ no light as of its own. A. offB. upC. inD. away45. After his journey, Gerald hoped to find an inn to _ the night in. A. sleepB. passC. spareD.

9、remain46. - What are you doing? - Im _ the children. They should be back for lunch now. A. looking afterB. looking atC. looking forD. looking up47. Give us ten years and just see what this place will _. A. look onB. look likeC. look outD. look for48. Never _ till tomorrow what may be done today. A.

10、put onB. put awayC. put offD. put up49. They gave him chance to _ designing the new building. A. take pride inB. take an interest inC. take pleasure inD. take part in50. Mother kept inviting Mrs Smith to stay for lunch, and finally she _. A. gave outB. gave offC. gave inD. gave away51. That was a te

11、rrible piece of work you _ the other day. I could hardly believe it was yours. A. turned inB. turned intoC. turned overD. turned up52. Your mother looks ill these days. Youd better _ a doctor. A. call onB. call inC. call forD. call at53. He must _ the south, for he likes to have rice for meal. A. co

12、me alongB. come overC. come fromD. come to54. That evening she _ writing the report. A. set outB. set offC. set upD. set about55. A fire _ in the tower story and soon the whole building was in flames. A. broke inB. broke outC. broke downD. broke into56. If anyone in the village is ill, Mr Johnson is

13、 always _. A. asked forB. looked forC. waited forD. sent for57. Still, he _ his post, reporting the water level to the headquarters every fifteen minutes.完形填空倾向语汇训练四52. 58. Throughout the whole of the conversation he never once looked me _ the face. A. at B. onC. inD. to59. It would be unwise to rely _ him too much. A. to B. atC. onD. for60. We cant tell the young teachers _ the students. A. amongB. fromC. ofD. to61. The coin was almost worthless. So it was of small _. A. worthyB. honourC. priceD. value62. I dont like people to look _ me while


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