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1、 Unit 3 Marys Diary个性化备 课教学内容1 教学目标知识与技能:1. 能借助图片听懂、读懂Mary的日记,读懂Mary的介绍并根据相关信息向他人介绍Mary和Scotland。2. 能初步理解一般过去时的意义。3. 能掌握过去式:was, wrote, went。情感态度价值观:了解Scotland的相关文化。教学重点能借助图片听懂、读懂Mary的日记,读懂Mary的介绍并根据相关信息向他人介绍Mary和Scotland。教学难点能初步理解一般过去时的意义。能掌握过去式:was,wrote,went, ate。教学准备录音、图片教学过程Warming up1. Greetin

2、gs2. Free talk: Whos that? 出示Mary头像,了解Marys favorite saying:Keep a diary, and someday itll keep you.Presentation1. 出示Marys diary:Try to read, then answer: Whats this? Who is Doggie? Do you like the dog? Why?2. Listen to part 1. Read it. Think: What do you know more about the girl? 3. Read and fill i

3、n the table。NameHome townHobby What she does everydayFavourite sayingWhen to start keeping a diary4. Check the answer.5. Circle the words: went was ate wrote. 出示时间轴:they happened in the past. Match:go went;is was;eat ate;write wrote.6. read the introduction. 7.Practice1. Talk: tell others about Mary

4、. 教师用表格中的信息引导学生用第三人称复述Mary 的自我介绍。2. Pairwork:学生和同伴尝试独立介绍Mary。班级展示。作业设计1. Reading. 2. Match:go went;is was;eat ate;write wrote.板书设计Unit 3 Marys DiaryNameHome townHobby What she does everydayFavourite sayingWhen to start keeping a diary教学反思 Unit 3 Marys Diary个性化备 课教学内容2,3 教学目标知识与技能:1. 能听懂、读懂Mary的日记。2.

5、 能初步了解日记的书写格式,以及与微信和微博的不同之处。3. 能掌握过去式:gave, got, felt, had。情感态度价值观:感受写日记给生活增添的乐趣。教学重点能听懂、读懂Mary的日记。教学难点能掌握过去式:gave, got, felt, had。教学准备录音、图片教学过程Warming up1. Greetings2. talk about Mary and Scotland.Presentation1. Listen to the tape。2. Listen and read: True or false。 Mary wrote this diary on a cloudy

6、 day. She isnt good at maths. She did five sums, but she only got four right. Peter is going to help Mary.3. Read and check。 4. Read the diary。5. Circle the words: gave, got, felt, had. 出示时间轴:they happened in the past. Match:give, gave; get, got; feel, felt; have, had.6. Read and think: Why is Mary

7、sad?Practice1. How to read and learn a diary? read. Find the key information. Answer the question. Read it fluently.2. read the diary in groups. 3. talk in the class.作业设计Write a diary.Match:give, gave; get, got; feel, felt; have, had.板书设计 Unit 3 Marys DiaryTime weather Beginning The end教学反思 Unit 3 M

8、arys Diary个性化备 课教学内容4,5 教学目标知识与技能:1. 能借助图片读懂故事Ice cream for Oswald, 正确朗读并表演。2. 能根据故事内容,完成排序练习,并复述故事。教学重点能借助图片读懂故事Ice cream for Oswald, 正确朗读并表演。教学难点能根据故事内容,完成排序练习,并复述故事。教学准备录音、图片教学过程Warming up1. Greetings2. Freetalk about the ice cream。Presentation1. Look at the pictures: What is the ice cream? What

9、happened to the ice cream? Make questions.2. Listen to the tape: what do you know about the story?(示题)3. 老师播放录音,学生跟读,解决前面提出的部分问题。4. Read the story again: Who is Oswald?5. 老师展示相关图片(Part 1, pic 1,2),提问如:Whats the ghosts name? Who takes the ice cream? How do you know?等。6. 老师展示相关图片(Part 2, pic 3-5),提问如:

10、What does Oswald love? What is he going to do? What flavor does he want? How much is it?等。7. Guess: How will he get the ice cream?8. 老师展示相关图片(Part 3, pic 6-13),提问如:What is Oswalds idea? Does he get the ice cream? Do you like Oswald? What do you think of him?等。9. 再次播放录音,完成5的排序,并在文中勾画出重要信息, 准备复述故事。10.

11、 师生一起核对答案。11. 播放录音,学生跟读。Practice1. 学生分角色练习故事。2. 学生分角色表演故事。Production请2-3组展示。作业设计复述故事。板书设计 Unit 3 Marys DiaryIce cream for OswaldIce creamMoneyOswald 教学反思 Unit 3 Marys Diary个性化备 课教学内容6, 7 教学目标知识与技能:1. 能借助图片听懂谈论周末计划的对话,理解、认读单词或词组:listen to music, go riding, do maths exercises, read, play football, wat

12、ch TV, play table tennis, paint。完成排序和补充句子的练习。2. 能运用一般将来时谈论自己或他人周末的打算。情感态度价值观:教育学生要学会规划时间。教学重点能借助图片听懂谈论周末计划的对话。教学难点能运用一般将来时谈论自己或他人周末的打算。教学准备录音、图片教学过程Warming up1. Greetings2. Free talk about Marys diary.Presentation1. 讨论出示图片或相关短语: What do you usually do at the weekend? 2. 出示图片:listen to music, go ridi

13、ng, do maths exercises, read, 提问:Guess: What will Sally do? 3. 播放录音: Listen and number the pictures. 6a. 4. Listen and check:What will Sally do? S: Sally will do maths exercise first. 学生在这一次主要是听出图片的顺序。5. 播放录音: When will she do so? 学生在图片的帮助下,根据录音的信息补充时间,让句子更完整。6. 播放第三次录音,学生跟读。Practice1. 根据录音内容完成6b。2. 请学生进行演板。3. 出示图片:play football, watch TV, play table tennis, paint。学生自主交流: Whats Simon going to do this weekend?4. 集体交流。Production1. 教师引导学生规划自己的周末。


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