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1、高一牛津英语(上)TEACHING NOTESUnit Three2012.9. Chapter Three Places of interest(名胜).Teaching Objectives:1. Enable students to learn to use the words and expressions in the text1. Enable students to classify and use different forms of gerund2. To introduce some of connectives 3. To improve students ability

2、 in the above teaching objectives .Teaching Methods1. Teachers introduction and guidance 2. Students self study and student-centered activities 3. Students internet-oriented exploration and survey .Teaching Aids1. Multi-media2. Anything useful in the textbookNew words1. twist vi. 蜿蜒曲折 eg. The Great

3、Wall in China s across the mountain chains. s and turns: 蜿蜒曲折eg. The road s and turns along the coast. Vt. 歪曲事实 y adj. (指道路) y road ed adj. 扭曲的,变形的2. construction n. 建造 the site worker under eg. Our new offices are under . Many underground lines are under . construct v. 建造,建筑 a bridge/ sentence Eg.

4、Well a language lab to improve students skills in learning English. constructive adj. 有建设性的 ideas/ suggestions3. include v. eg. Great Britain s England, Scotland and Wales. We all went, me d. including prep. Eg. Its $ 7.50, tax.4. historical adj. eg. The building in our school is of importance. even

5、t/ background Historic 历史上著名的 building/ monument/ spot5. civilization Eg. More and more foreigners show great interest in the Chinese . civilize v.6. preserve 1) 保护,维护 Eg. The Lijiang City Council collected a lot of money to the old town of Lijiang and other places of interest. 2) 保藏 Eg. One of the

6、best ways to food on hot summer days is to keep your food in the refreigerator. 3) from 使。免遭损坏 dead bodies from decay 4) be d as eg. The old house was d as a museum.7. admit 1) 承认 Eg. He ted his mistakes. She ted having driven the car without insurance. 2) 准许进入 sb to/ into Eg. Each ticket s one adul

7、t and one child. Visitors are not ted to the museum after 5 pm.8. attract /draw ones attention Eg. The art exhibition s a lot of visitors. Sb. be ed by ive adj. woman/ proposal ion n. 有吸引力的事 tourist 旅游胜地9. reflection 1) 映照出的影像 Eg. They stood on the bridge and looked at their s in the lake. 2) 反映,表达

8、Eg. Your clothes are often a of your personality. reflect v. 反映,映出10. base n. V. sth. on/ upon 基于 The news report is d on fact. basic adj. Language points1. places of interest 风景名胜 n. show/have/take interest in 对。产生兴趣 arouse ones interest 唤起兴趣adj. become/ be interested inv. sth. interest sb.Eg. Phys

9、ics s him very much.2. collect some information 收集信息collection n. 收集 eg. Our school library has a large of the books. information un. a piece of on / about obtain/get/acquire 获得信息inform v. 通知,告知 sb. of sth. (sb. be ed of) sb. that keep sb. ed of (sb. be kept ed of) eg. The doctor has e the patient o

10、f the importance of the balanced diet. The headmaster ed him that he was awarded a scholarship.3. take shape 成形Eg.The new office building is beginning to . out of shape egg-shaped/ heart-shaped4. design n. 设计,布局,安排a new/ unique v. sth. a poster sth. be ed by a badly ed kitchen5. a magnificent structure with a square base and a round top 带有。With 介词短语修饰名词短语Eg. My uncle is looking for a house with a garden and a swimming pool. He looked a


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