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1、赵丽词汇第四讲 第四讲access n.1.进入 2.接近excess 走多了,过度了,过剩了excessionexcessiveaccessible 可接近的inaccessible 不可接近的process 前进,加工processionconcession 妥协recession 停业,整顿,企业处于萧条状态incessant 连续不断的beckon v.招手或点头示意concur v.1.同意;意见一致 2.同时发生occur 发生recur 复发,重现incur 招致,导致precursor 祖先ancestor 祖先excursion 探险,远征descendant 后代succe

2、ssor 后任predecessor 前任denounce v.当众指责allege 宣布claim 声称sert 塞insert 插入assert 断言desert 遗弃,沙漠desserts 甜品stressedrevoke 撤销announce 宣布renounce 撤销He was denounced as a coward and traitor.他被指责为懦夫和卖国贼。recreant 懦夫fray v. 1争吵;斗争 2磨损;磨破afford 负担,承担afford 负担,承担affable 和蔼可亲的affinity 关系密切,亲属关系affray 争吵loot 打劫 plun

3、derbetray 出卖,背叛stray 迷路pray 祈祷tray 盘子ashtray 烟灰缸array 排列 an array of 大量的The first blow makes the anger,but the second makes the fray.第一拳引起愤怒,第二拳招致争吵。阿弗为光线在争吵,赌博为光线被出卖;大街上光线在迷失,只好到光线下去祈祷;钩住光线的是盘子,装灰的盘子是烟灰缸。hamper v. 阻碍tamper 篡改tamp 纵容tramp 踩瓷,夯实Heavy clothing hampered the movements of the climbers.笨重

4、的衣服阻碍了登山者的行动。家有提篮他篡改,篡改无人是纵容;纵容加花是踩实。malady n. 疾病malign 诽谤malediction 诅咒 cursespell the name 诅咒gospel 福音malcontent 不满意的nutrition 营养plod v. 缓步或重步在.走The old man was plodding wearily along the bank of the river.老人拖着疲惫的步子沿着河岸走。snore v. 发鼾声The child with a cold in his nose snored all night.小孩的鼻子着凉了,整夜发鼾声

5、。tinge v. 微染;染以轻淡的颜色Blood tinged the water as he washed his wound.当他清洗伤口时,血把水染成红色。ailment n. 疾病bicker v. 争吵;争论wrangleThe children are bickering with each other about who is the tallest among them.contrive v. 发明;设计try 尝试trial 审判dazzle v. 以强光使目眩dart 投飞镖fling 抛linger 逗留tow 拖hurl 猛投toss 投puzzle 难题fumble

6、 v. 摸索;搜寻grope 摸索 grope ones way 摸索着前进impair v. 损害repair 修理victory 胜利jury 陪审团convict 定罪conviction 信仰victim 受害者mortify v. 使感到羞辱;使蒙屈辱The parents were mortified by their childrens bad behavior before guests.孩子们在客人面前的不良行为,使父母亲蒙羞。humiliate 蒙羞,羞辱predominant adj. 主要的;有势力的sanitary adj. 卫生的wallet n. 皮包;皮夹war

7、rant n. 正当的理由;权利Do you consider the wild behavior of the crowd was enough of a warrant for the police to use force?你认为群众野蛮的行为足以使警察使用武力吗?allocate v. 拨出;留下locallocomotive 火车location 位置locate 位于 be located inlocale 案发地点The Ford Foundation allocated millions of dollars for cancer research.福特基金会拨出几百万元作为癌

8、症的研究。brawl v. 争吵;打架drawl 拖长声音说sprawl 平躺trawl 拖网thraw 迷上,束缚 be thrawed by弟弟慢说不争吵,专家平躺他拖网。cynical adj. 怀疑人生的价值的;讽刺的cyn 狗dogma 教条embellish v. 装饰:布置be embellished withbe embellished inShe embellished the simple dress with colorful laces and ribbons.gallant adj. 英勇的gall 胆汁immerse v. 浸入mer 沉ostentatious a

9、dj. 夸张的;虚饰的tent 帐篷,伸展(词根)tentative 谨慎的content 满意,内容intent 打算 intent onintention intent to dopresentiment n. 预感;预觉dissent 不同意consent 同意consensus 一致意见resent 愤怒assent 同意 assent sb with sthsentimental 多愁善感的人Soapy followed the man with a presentiment that luck would again run against him.索皮跟随着那人,却有预感幸运将再

10、次与他背道而驰。satiate v. 使饱;使满足undulate v. 波动;起伏;震动adulterate 掺假adulatepullulate 发芽modulate 调音The field of wheat was undulating in the breeze.成年之后才谄媚,否定以后起波澜;模式变调才调音,拖拖拉拉才发芽。breeze 微风freeze 别动squeeze 挤来挤去apparel n. 衣服;装饰appear 出现costume 服装,戏服cost 成本accost 搭讪cajole v. 甜言蜜语诱惑joydiscard v. 抛弃effete adj. 疲惫的;

11、枯竭的feat 技艺,功绩grudge n. 怨恨drudge 做苦工,做学徒trudge 长途跋涉She has had a grudge aganist me ever since I disagreed with her.弟弟做苦工,哥哥表抱怨,罚他去跋涉。kidnap v. 绑架;勒赎pact n. 协定;公约compact 紧凑的;压实,踩实pry v. 细查;探问scour v. 1.搜索; 2.磨亮;擦净swagger v. 昂首阔步vagary n. 奇异的幻想;妄想vague 模模糊糊vogue 流行illusion 幻觉fantasy 幻想asset n. 有价值或有用的东

12、西assess 评价chasm n. 深坑或裂缝;利害冲突despoil v. 夺取;抢劫loot 抢劫plunder 掠夺facetious adj. 好开玩笑的hurtle v. 碰撞;动手The wing of the airplane came off and the machine hurtled to the ground.larceny n. 盗窃;盗窃罪cent 钱,一分钱reticent 沉默不语intimate 亲密的;详细的legal 法律的,合法的illegal 不合法的legitimate 合法的,正当的luxury 奢侈innocent 无辜的;天真的 be innocent ofnaive 天真的idiot 白痴incentive 刺激decent 合适的pervade v. 遍布;弥漫He worked so hard that the weariness pervaded his whole body.他努力工作,以致全身疲倦。exhaust 耗


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