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1、Unit 3 Look at this elephant .教学设计教学目标: 1 能听懂,会说,能认读新单词strong ,funny , small等。2 能用句型“Look at ”指认动物,用“Its ”描述动物特征。3 能听懂,会说A部分的对话。教学重、难点: 1 重点:能听懂,会说,认读新单词strong ,funny , small等,能用“Its ”描述动物特征。 2 难点:单词strong的发音,this与that的区别。教学准备:动物图片,单词卡片,PPT,Recorder ,CAI课件等。 教学方法:任务教学法,游戏教学法,情境教学法等。 教学步骤: Step 1 War

2、ming up 1 Greetings : Good morning / Good afternoon ! Nice to meet you ! How are you ?2 Revision (PPT) (采用听音和观看的形式复习已学动物名称)T : Whats this /that ? Ss : Its a Step 2 Presentation 1 Listen and count . (带问题初听课文)播放A部分课文,要求学生回答:How many kinds of animals can you listen ? ( elephant monkey tiger bird )2 Lis

3、ten and choose .( 再听课文,根据问题选择正确的图片。PPT) Who is big ? ( ) Who is beautiful ? ( ) 利用PPT引出重点句子:Look at this elephant . Its big . Look at this bird . Its beautiful .3 Teach new word : strong .CAI引出“strong”的教学。 T: Look ! Whats that ? Ss : Its a tiger . T: Its a strong tiger . Teach “strong” 并强调其发音。Strong

4、 strong ,a strong tiger.朗读活动采用单个读,分组读,齐读等多种形式,并将单词放进句子中操练。4 Teach “funny , small ” in the same way .5 PPT or CAI 呈现B部分动物图片,学生试读,教师纠音。6 学生分组,分男女,你大声我小声等形式反复操练词组:Strong strong ,a strong tiger.Beautiful beautiful ,a beautiful bird.Big big ,a big elephant .Funny funny ,a funny monkey .Smallsmall ,a smal

5、l mouse . 适时点拨:big 与small是一组反义词。Step 3 Practice 1 Game : Magic eyes .快速闪现单词卡片,学生说出动物及其描述性词组。教师示范一个词组后,叫学生上台演示其他词组。For example : Elephant ,elephant , a big elephant . 2 Lets chant .Tiger ,tiger , Look at the tiger . Strong ,strong , Its strong .Monkey ,monkey ,Look at the monkey . Funny ,funny ,Its f

6、unny . Elephant ,elephant ,Look at the elephant ,Big ,big , Its big .Mouse ,mouse ,Look at the mouse . Small ,small ,Its small.Bird ,bird ,Look at the bird . Beautiful ,beautiful ,Its beautiful .Step 4 Consolidation .1 Free talking .情境:同学们去动物园参观,请小导游给同学们介绍动物特征。分组进行,组内每人都当一回小导游。 For example : Hello ! Nice to meet you ! Welcome to the zoo .This is a bird , Its beautiful . Look at that tiger ,Its strong 2 Act out and judge .3 CAI呈现,进行保护动物的思想教育。4 Homework :a Listen and follow reading and act out the text to your parents . b Draw a lovely animal and introduce it in English .


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