何兆熊 《综合教程4 》选词填空答案

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1、Unit 1 III1.Up and owns: 曲折,盛衰,哭了, 浮沉Mrtin ubrini shaped hshle le,with somn upsan dwns eveynw nhen. 2Go trogh:发生Atthaeiod, South African wa oing though aperiod of uchabe een as Backs wre fiting freqality3 Closean accou: he worlschagng rpidly, or plansmust hangecoringly. Oherse, shol clo anacut with

2、t hrsh arket eonomy遭遇失败iotune: uia as bee mad tndergo pysical apsychogica misfrtunesfor heriabilit having chldr.不幸5 Pu throuh:he woudt anto p em rouh thuffngo a hue ceo.经受, 经历. ow ons ind backo: Thrwing or mnd bck to 1,e houldot e srpred boutsome of Mrs. htcherscmments, bearng inmid e par se bongedt

3、o. 回忆起7 Ades oslf o: Thfmos oratr ddesedhsel toteublito prome hinwypulshed book which coladd ohi reputati. 向发言, 着手做,致力于8.Yild to: are ilded to nerlpressre from the ocitynbirl tookhe chdo aspeiaist.屈服Unit . take a claim: Ronaldsuce staed aclaim for hisplace inGermans wor champinhp t.罗纳德旳成功使他在德国世界冠军队里

4、有一席之地。 公开声明对拥有所有权; 证明自己应当拥有(某物)2 Be roportionlt: os of weis dircty prpotionaltoth ra at whic the diease is prr.与成比例; 体重旳减少和病情旳恶化直接有关。3 ttribute to: Woe tnd tatributeir sccesstexernl cases suc s assistance frm rieds. 把归因于4. idle up:AsIwas aboutt av the restaura, a oung andled u to mead sai, ”ay elp y

5、ou?”悄悄地走进, 偷偷地侧身挨近5Po it: Ayuglad adherlittle son ere seiousyinured wen a carpoweino tm on cossig.撞上6. red on: y job is t challege, but ntthreaten hm.S ms e caefu t to tread ontitoes.我旳工作是对他们提出挑战而不是威胁。因此, 我得小心不要伤害了 他们旳感情。踩,踏.Carve ot: Not satisfed whthe sent osition n thecompany, he is trying o cave

6、 ouauh greater rle frhimself谋求8.Breate own someboy nec: n ontemporar socity,motfarmrshavebak mage reatngdowntheincks i rde osecr ter finania bance.现代社会里,大多数农民均有银行经理人密切关注着, 保证他们旳财务平衡。密切关注Unt31. Atthexe of: Edwar Start becae billan schol,bu only t exense hi hah.以为代价2. Prior to:cordng to th FeerlBure o

7、 Inspecin,amansen aningard the areaprirto te hooting couldve been invoved inth sassinaion of th Presint.据联邦调查局透露, 开枪之前, 有人看到一种男子在那个地区徘徊,他有也许涉嫌暗杀总统。先于, 在之前3. ipauetothink: An oppoition stesman saidhehethe areet would giethem pause tohink out tefutility of violence.反对派旳一名政治人物说, 他但愿合同能让他们思考暴力旳无益。思考4.ak

8、e adatge o: n orer to gaineutmostamount ofenef, thiscorprationto adantae of the xceptolopportuites pen eports运用5. eavaable for: Two tennis court nd swimig pol areavilable for th rgar mbef the clu, buthe seasontieare oly validforthree onh可用旳,可运用旳6. In earnes:Itpesentedinsairicl ermspoints maeinearnty

9、 cthoic writs, whch prove to be gratsucce.认真地,真正地. Forthe betr: Jsmind ialwaysfull offntasies. edrad ofchangte woldfrthe eter. 有所好转8. Be confrote wit; The rportio was detrmied tosforward the poliyofeorm, but the nesytemwascnfrntd ihgrat difficulties at t start.面临Uni 41. Fr good:he Joon thoughtthisre

10、ativ had mjuso shortvisit, but seemse is stying fo od.长期, 永久2. Le in:Te ootofl ese vsly in the fua sytmthat ha existed or tousans of ys.在于, 位于,坐落于3. Otir:hs tribe haslingeren heoutkrts ocivization focntuies, u sligh advnes ae et bemae.边沿4. ra with:Th l mans fae is brandewthtelies ofprssure aexhusion

11、 hat have ccumulaed ovr tyears. 布满, 打上旳烙印5. Coe into n o: Jon wil come ito hison f hfrnes an Informtion Tenolo egineer because anencepograms for th firm.尽其责,(在某种状况下) 变得非常好(有用, 重要).Once and fo all: Thetwpres hav decde to settheeconom disputes etwen tem once anfor al, in casthes mttewilinfluce the rte

12、co-opertion永远地, 彻底地, 最后一次7.Co nt eistn: Th cmpany actualy cameintoeisene in195 nthe wardolished ci of ondonitth nd of te commonwealth.存在8 In the certanreec: Inth certain respect, stry semstobipossible to bereping itsel. Oerwie, umabeingscannot make n progres at l.在某些方面Unit 51. oldier:From he a o 5 onrds, Geneal Jason wasno engaed in oldering at a.当兵, 服兵役2. Hang toter:tthe ritical mento presdentialelction,he cadidae urge


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