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1、QuestionnairePublic Service of Caohejing Hi-Tech Park漕河泾科技园区公共服务问卷调查A. Basic information基本情况1. Gender: (1) Male; (2) Female. 应当怎样称呼您: (1)先生 (2)女士2. Date of birth: -_ (Year-month).请问您的出生年月: 年 月3. Education:(including in reading)a) Junior school and below b) High school c) Diploma d) Bachelor e) Maste

2、r f) PhD 您的最高学历是(包括在读) :(1)初中及以下 (2)高中或中专 (3)大专 (4)本科 (5)硕士 (6)博士4. Marriage condition:a) Single b) Dating c) Married d) Divorced e) Widowed 请问您的婚恋状况是:(1) 单身 (2)恋爱中 (3)已婚 (4)离异 (5)丧偶5. Do you have children? (1) Yes; (2) No (go to question 6) 您有子女吗?(1)有 (2)没有(请跳至第 6 题)5.1 How many children do you hav

3、e and how old are they?a) 1-5 years_ b) 6-12 years c) 13-19 years d) 20 years and above 请问您的孩子几岁?(1)1-5 岁( _位) (2)6-12 岁( _位) (3)13-19 岁( _位) (4)20 岁及以上( _位)6. How many years have you been working in Caohejing? _Years 您在漕河泾园区工作了多久? 年7. What do you do?a) Administration b) Engineer c) Technician d) Lo

4、gistics workers 您目前的职业身份是:(1)经营管理人员 (2)专业技术人员 (3)技能人员 (4)工勤人员8. Your annual income (RMB):a) 50k and below b) 50k-100k c) 100k-150k d) 150k-200k e) 200k-500kf)Above 500k您的年收入在哪个范围内(人民币元)?(1)5 万元及以下 (2)510(含)万元 (3)1015(含)万元(4)15-20(含)万元 (5)20-50(含)万元 (6)50 万元以上9. How many minutes do you take to go to

5、work? 您每天上班的单程时间为多久? _分钟10. How do you go to work?a) Walk b) Non-motor c) Bus d) Metro e) Company s shuttle bus f) Taxig)Self-driving h) Car sharing 您所采取的上班方式是?(1)步行 (2)非机动车 (3)公交车 (4)地铁 (5)公司班车 (6)打车 (7)自驾 (8)拼车11. Where is your permanence resident?a) Local b) Northwest c) Northeast d) Southwest e)

6、 Southeast f) East g) Northh)South i) Middle请问您的户籍所在地?(1)本地 (2)西北 (3)东北 (4)西南 (5)东南 (6)华东 (7)华北 (8)华南 (9)华中12. Your accommodation:a) Dormitory b) Rental housing c) Public rental housing d) Homeowner e) Other 您的居住状况是?(1)集体宿舍 (2)自租 (3)公租房(例:人才公寓) (4)自有住房 (5)其他(请注明 )13. How can you get the information

7、in the park and how are you satisfied with that?Please mark in the table below (1 mea ns not satisfied at all, 5 mea ns very satisfied):No.Item13.1Use or not13.2 How satisfiedNo.Item13.1 Useor not13.2 How satisfied1LEDY N1 2 3 4 52PostY N1 2 3 4 53TVY N1 2 3 4 54Magaz ineY N1 2 3 4 55HomepageY N1 2

8、3 4 56EmailY N1 2 3 4 57BriefY N1 2 3 4 58SMSY N1 2 3 4 59Teleph oneY N1 2 3 4 510Or al no ticeY N1 2 3 4 511GossipY N1 2 3 4 512ActivityY N1 2 3 4 513Othe rWhat is it?序号项目13.1 是否使用13.2获取信息的满意 度序 号项目13.1 是否使 用13.2获取信息的 满意度1LED是否1 2 3 4 52横幅海报是否1 2 3 4 53楼宇电视是否1 2 3 4 54园区刊物是否1 2 3 4 55园区网页是否1 2 3 4

9、56电子邮件是否1 2 3 4 57园区简报是否1 2 3 4 58园区短信是否1 2 3 4 59园区电话是否1 2 3 4 510口头通知是否1 2 3 4 511八卦消息是否1 2 3 4 512园区活动是否1 2 3 4 513其他14. Which media is very important to you, but can tbe used in the park?1) 2) 3)通过上述渠道,有哪些信息是对您来说非常重要,但却没有获得的?请举例说明:1) 2) 3)B. Information accessibility 信息服务易用性调查15. Which of the fo

10、llowing services have you experienced in Caohejing?a) Convenience store b) Bakery c) Chinese restaurant d) Western restaurante) Food plaza f) Coffee house g) Travel agency h) Commercial centeri)Tax service j) Head-hunting k) Dry cleaner l) Auto supply storem) Gardening service n) Hotel o) Gym 目前漕河泾园

11、区内存在以下商业场所和服务类型,其中有哪些是您曾经体验过的? (1)便利店(2)面包店 (3)中式餐厅 (4)西式简餐 (5)美食广场 (6)咖啡厅(7)旅行社 (8)商务中心 (9)税务服务 (10)猎头服务 (11)干洗店 (12)汽车维修维护 (13)园艺绿化 (14)酒店 (15)健身房16. Where do your friends in Caohejing from?a) Inside department b) Inside company c) The floor where office is locatedd) The building where office is l

12、ocated e) Inside Park f) Unknown 您在漕河泾园区内的朋友主要来自于:(1)公司部门内部 (2)公司内部 (3)公司所在楼层内部 (4)公司所在楼宇内部 (5)园区内部 (6)不知道17. Are you satisfied with your network in Caohejing?a) Very dissatisfied b) dissatisfied c) Just OK d) Satisfied e) Very satisfied 您对您在漕河泾园区内所形成的人际关系网络是否满意?(1) 非常不满意 (2)比较不满意 (3)一般 (4)比较满意 (5)非

13、常满意18. Do you know any distinctive white-collar social activities? Please give some examples if yes: (1)(2)(3)您知道漕河泾园区存在哪些颇具特色的白领社交活动吗?如有请举例。(1)(2)(3)19. Are you willing to know strangers working in Park so as to expend your social circle?a) Very reluctant b) Reluctant c) Just OK d) Willing e) Very

14、willing 对于在园区内工作的陌生人,您是否愿意去了解他们以拓展自己的社交圈子? (1) 非常不愿意 (2)比较不愿意 (3)一般 (4)比较愿意 (5)非常愿意20.Is it OK if someone working in Park contacts you actively?a) Very unacceptable b) unacceptable c) Just OK d) Acceptable e) Very acceptable 如果在园区内工作的其他人主动跟您联系,您能否接受?(1) 非常不愿意 (2)比较不愿意 (3)一般 (4)比较愿意 (5)非常愿意21. What k

15、ind of effect do you think the existing social circles in Park have on participants?a) Hobby sharing b) Career communication c) Dating d) Expand networke) Reduce pressure f) Time killing g) Other您认为漕河泾园区目前存在的社交圈子能对参与者起到哪些作用?(可多选) (1)共享兴趣爱好 (2)交流职业发展经验 (3)婚恋 (4)拓展朋友圈 (5)减压 (6)消磨时间 (7)其他22. What is your attitude to the real-name system in the online co


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