【精校版】人教版高中英语同步练习:选修6 unit 3 period 1含答案

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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 3 A healthy life Period 1 Warming Up,Prereading & Reading 课时精练(人教版选修6,课标通用)(时间:50分钟).介副词填空1It takes time to really get to know someone and find _ what they are like.2When he reached the final line, everyone burst _ laughing.3Roy was one of the few people who were kind _ me.4But ju

2、st under a year ago, Roys father was knocked _ by a car.5Roy, who had always been very close _ his father, changed completely, becoming silent and moody.答案1.out2.out3.to4.over5.to.单词拼写1Most people have only one c_ friend, someone they know really well.2The family had to move to a much smaller house

3、in order to manage f_.3Roy, who had always been very close to his father, changed completely, becoming silent and m_.4At the same time, small a_ of money started disappearing from students lockers.5Last week our school had a big fair in order to r_ (筹措)money for a charity.答案1.close2.financially3.moo

4、dy4.amounts5.raise.翻译与仿写1I was twelve and, having lost my old friends, I felt shy and lonely at my new school.翻译:_仿写:写完一封重要的信后,我听了一会儿音乐。_2Having left something in the cloakroom,I went inside to get it,and found Roy going through the pockets of peoples coats.翻译:_仿写:当他发现自己躺在医院时,他感到很悲伤。_3My mouth fell

5、open and I just looked at him. Roy went bright red.翻译:_仿写:肉已经变坏了。_答案1.当时我12岁,因为搬家,我失去了我所有的老朋友,在新学校感到害羞、孤独。Having written an important letter, I listened to the music for a while.2因为我把东西落在衣帽间了,我就进去取,这时我发现罗伊正在翻别人的衣服口袋。He felt sad when he found himself lying in hospital. 3我张大了嘴,直盯着他。罗伊满面通红。The meat has

6、 gone bad.语篇填词I was 12 and just moved to London with my parents. I felt lonely at my new school. Roy, one of my new classmates, liked telling jokes, which often made others _1_ laughing. He invited me to join his group. Soon I started to _2_ other people and we became good friends and _3_ each other

7、. _4_, his father was _5_ by a car and died later. From then on, Roy became silent and _6_ and _7_ his studies. What was worse, one day I found him _8_ the pockets of peoples coats. At the same time, small _9_ of money started to _10_ from students lockers _11_. Last week, our school had a big _12_

8、in order to _13_ for a charity. However, the raised money was stolen. After thinking for some time, I decided to go and ask Roy about the _14_. I found about 500 in Roys _15_, the same amount with the raised money!答案1.burst out2.get to know3.trusted4.Unfortunately5knocked over6.moody7.lost interest

9、in8.going through9.amounts10.disappear11.from time to time12fair13.raise money14.theft15.pocket.单项填空1The old man watched the boys playing_ basketball with _ great interest.Aa;a Bthe; the C不填;不填 D不填;a答案C表示做某种球类运动时,play与球类运动名称之间不加冠词;interest为不可数名词,with great interest“饶有兴趣地”,为习惯用法。2He sat down suddenly

10、,as if he didnt _his legs to support him.Aadvise Btrust Cpromise Dpersuade 答案B句意:他突然坐了下来,好像不相信自己的双腿能支撑起他一样。trust相信,符合句意。advise建议;promise承诺;persuade说服。3One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away_my daughter heard cries for help.Aafter Bwhile Csince Dwhen答案D句意:一个周五,我们正在打包裹动身去过周末,就在这时我女儿听到了

11、呼救声。表示“正在做某事就在这时(突然)”用be doing sth when.,所以D项正确。4The film is,I have to say,not a bit interesting.Why?Its_than the films I have ever seen.Afar more interesting Bmuch less interestingCno more interesting Dany less interesting答案A句意:“我不得不说,这部电影一点儿也没意思。”“为什么?它比我曾看过的电影有趣多了。”根据Why?可知第二句应与第一句持相反观点,即“认为电影有趣”

12、。而选项中只有A项表示有趣。far用在比较级前表示程度较大的差异。5I fell in love with her _ I met her. This is the first time we _,so it is time I_.Afirst time; have a date; leaveBfor the first time; have had a date; have leftCthe first time; have had a date; leftDby the first time; have a date; left答案Cthe first time相当于连词,后接句子,意为“

13、第一次时”;This is the first time (that)从句为固定句式,从句时态应为现在完成时;it is time从句也为固定句式,从句应用一般过去时或should动词原形。6Beth was _by a motorcyclist when she was crossing the street.Aknocked off Bknocked at Cknocked into Dknocked over答案D句意:贝思横穿马路时被骑摩托车的撞伤了。knock over打翻,撞翻;撞伤,撞死。7The prices of vegetables and fruit _from season to season.Arise Bexchange Cvary Draise答案C考查动词词义辨析。句意为:蔬菜和水果的价格随季节而变化。rise上升,过于片面;exchange交换;raise饲养,提高。vary



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