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1、译林版牛津英语8A Unit 3 测试卷一、听力A. 听对话,选择正确的答案。(5)( )1. What is Tom going to do? A. Climb the hill B. Watch TV C. Play football( )2.How will Mike go there? A. By plane B. By train C. By ship( )3.What place does the woman want to visit?A. The Harbor Bridge B. The White House C. The Eiffel Tower( )4.Who went

2、to the Palace Museum yesterday?A. Tom and his parents B. Tom C. Sally and her cousin( )5. What is Mr. Smith? A. He may be a farmer B. He may be a doctor C. He may be a guide.B. 听短文,判断正误。( ) 6. A guide is talking to the visitors( ) 7.The visitors are on the way to London. ( ) 8. People working there

3、often have a lot of time visiting the museum.( ) 9.There are many parks and gardens in the city.( ) 10.The policemen in London are very friendly.C. 听短文,填空。Jim Burden was back at the office after a _ holiday abroad. “Did you have a nice holiday?” asked his friend , Dick.“A nice holiday? I made a big

4、mistake this time. I should have stayed at home,” said Jim. “What _ then?” asked Dick. “Well, it was one of the _ holidays I ever had. The _ I stayed at was by a busy road, and I could hardly sleep for the _.The food they gave us made us ill and the drinks were _. The places we visited were full of

5、_ , and we were _ in the sunshine for quite a few hours. But tell me, how did things go with you?” “Maybe I was _ than you. I had no trouble at all,” answered Dick. “ I had _ to do so I stayed at home.”11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15. _16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _二、首字母填空(10)。 21. Its highly p_ that well

6、 have our sports meeting. 22. Whats the c_ of the traveling to Tibet?23. I do not like to travel in the big city because of the busy t_ .24. P_ Obama will pay a visit to China in this November.25. Tom will go skiing i_ of going to a cinema tomorrow.26. In the coming sports meeting, we are planning t

7、o get more gold m_ than last year.27. Mother asked the children to help t_ to the fresh fruit. 28. We could also see some f_ friends from other countries in the song and dance parade.29. That famous m_ building is the Eiffel Tower, right?30. The scientist often spent the w_ night on a difficult prob

8、lem.三、选择(15)牛津英语8A Unit3练习题( )31. There are over _ places of interest from all over the world in the World Park. A. two hundred of B. two hundreds C. hundreds of D. two hundred( )32. He put some photos on the Internet for everyone _. A. to look B. looking C. look at D. to take a look at( )33. You ca

9、n see some photos _ the trip _ the Internet. A. of; on B. with; in C. from; at D. to; by( )34. Millie thinks more of others than of _, so everyone likes to make friends with her.A. herself B. hers C. she D. her( )35. I _ you last Friday, but I couldnt remember your name.A. remembered seeing B. remem

10、ber seeing C. remember to see D. remember saw ( )36. He tried and tried, and _ he succeeded. A. in the end B. at the end C. for the end D. by the end( )37. They think Waikiki in Hawaii is better than _ in Australia. A. any beach B. any other beaches C. any other beach D. the other beaches( )38. The

11、White House is a beautiful building _ a big garden and many trees. A. have B. has C. with D. there is ( )39. I wont believe you if I dont see it for _. A. myself B. yourself C. itself D. me( )40. _, nobody was hurt in the accident. A. Luck B. Lucky C. Luckily D. Unluckily( ) 41. When people visit Wa

12、shington, they always go to have a look at _.A. the White House B. the Statue of Liberty C. the Eiffel Tower D. the Open House( ) 42. We usually write the following at the end of a letter except _.A. See you soon B. Greetings C. Best wishes D. Goodbye( ) 43. He waited _ waited, _ could see nothing a

13、nd nobody at last.A. or, and B. but, and C. and, but D. or, but( ) 44. -How are you today? - I am even _ now. I dont think the medicine is good for me. A. better B. worse C. happier D. unluckier ( ) 45. -Our team won the basketball final today! -_.A. I hope not B. Im not sure C. I know D. Thats great四、翻译(10)46、我想知道他们将去哪儿。 I _ where _ _ _.47、我们决定乘飞机去北京,贵但快。 We _ _ _ to Beijing by air. Its _ _ _.48、他们的足球决赛需要您的支持。 Their football _ _ your _.49、月球上没有水和空气。 There isnt _ _ _ _ on the moon.50、乘


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