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1、Theyay tat prid coes foreafal. nhe cef bt olen Htlr, themy vicore heynjyed them obelive tha anythinas posib,hatnohigud tand i eir w.Russi cydefedrwas to rvthm wron.The IcDefndeia . Smih1 I 181,Napoleon naparte,EmprheFrenc, l hisGrandArmy to usi. Heas prpa orte ferce reistanc he Rsia pp fendingtir ho

2、lnd. H as ppared fo telon march coss ussiansoilt Mosc, th cpta cityBthe s notpreardfo he deastatinnemytha inoscow - traw, bitr, ak Rsawnte2 In 1941,Aof Hiter, leaer oiGrny,hed anatakagant teSviet Unio, asRssa thew cale.Hers militar igh a ueqa. Hs wmachia mowed dwnesitac imost f upe tr pectda hort ca

3、mpignut,lie apoeon eore im,was tug apinfulesso. The Ruiaintegacmto th aido theSoit dirs.Nolos Campaign3 I he srigf1812,Npoleon ssbled myofsix ued thuandme th bordsof Ria. Tesodies e well trained, efit, and we equipped This military rce as callth Grand Arm apoleon,oidnt of a uckvio,predict te nqs ous

4、sia iniveweeks4 hol ftrwrds, alosarmycrosd thNmaRive ito sia The qik,civ victryhat apoeon expectd neer hpened. Tohis srpri, theians refusedt td anigh. Insead, ey retreat astar,buintheir cop and hs ahe t. e n Army olwd, bt sadace ahsoo beam boggeown by slw-oingspl l.5 Augst, theFnch and Rianarmi enga

5、ged at Sonk,i bate ta ef oerten hoad den echie.t, the Rusiawere aain ablto retrea arer ntusan territor Napolon dwo o civvctry. H was no fae i a rucl csi. hould ecotin to purue th ssi army? O shol e ep armyin moesk for the approcin iner? aoeonto the gamble of presing nto Mco, 4 kloetes away.OSetembe

6、7, 112, t Fech aRinaries met in fece batle a Boodno, 12kimetrs wet of Mocow. By nghfll, trtythosn Fechnd frtyfour touandRusian ay ea owoded on tebtlefild7 Ai, the usa rm etreated o aty. Napoleonha a lear ath to Mcow,butthccpation fthecity ecm anepy victry. Te usins fled thiapialSoontr therenharve,ar

7、gig fr dtryedtwo-thrd teitNoeonofere a tuce to Aeande I, butth ssian czr nwh cdde histi: W shallet the Rusian wnterfiht the wa for us Napoeon soonrealzhe cod nfeed, othe, and artr is ryin Moso duinth winter.In Octobr 112,he oed iranArmyt etrea om Moscw9 Th Fe tret trne itoa nightmae. rm felsa forts,

8、 teRussialundit-and-run taonte Fenc sor stancfromMsco, teempturehadaeady dropped o mius4deres Celss n over 3,he inesfirtsn ae. xhaustd orss fel ead in their tracks. Cann became suck ithe sno. uiment adtobe und fo fe. ldierstoo ilad froze to dath.hFenh sds dragd on, lvng he a aloevrymle.10 Ate uin am

9、y wasahern itstengh, hFrenc d e Rusa tooid ctadefet. AtteBerezin iver, e Russinsnearl trappe theeteanFrency burnn the brge v the slnve. Bt Napoln, by a stoe ofuk, a ale tobito new bes.Thoans of Fren soldr capd, bt t the cot fiy thand de Onecrss he Brezina,th atered survvrsmetoward Vilna11 fhe si hun

10、ded tosn slder aolon had ld io usia,lesth oenred thusad aeback. wekeneFenh ar coinue it retratwewardarssEurope.o, Brtai, Austia,Russia,an Prusiaored erfu aiance n atce these sagges.I ah 84,Pars wa cpure Noeon bdiend t noexl,ispean end.Hiter Invaon12 B rl194, Ao Hiter, aer of Nazi G, ha seiecnol of m

11、ost EuopeT the eastofilers Granmire a e Sovet Unon. On Jun 2, 11,with a dat o war, Hilrbegana ivasionof the oit Uin a wasthe lges try ln camn in history Condent f ucitry, itler exetedte capan tols nlongerhn hee nhs He pane to e he blitzie, litning war, tcticthat had dfeaedhe r ofurpe envasnhd treebo hrusts: gans engdand Moow ad hoghheUkrin13 Cu ff ud


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