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1、 英语试题一、单项选择 (15分)( ) 1. What time do you get up _Sunday morning?A. in B. on C. at D .for( ) 2. My parents and I like_music.A. listen B. listening C. listening to D. to listen( ) 3. Betty and Tony go to the same school, but they are in different _.A. class B. grade C. grades D. group( )4. Mr. Zhang t

2、eaches _Chinese. We like _class very much.A. my, her B. me, his C. our,,his D. us, his( )5. -Is Sally from America? -No. Sally is an _girl,but shes in _now.A .America; England B. English; America C. American; English D. England; America( )6. -_English classes do you have every week? -Five.A. How oft

3、en B. How long C. How much D. How many( )7.-_? -He is a worker.A. Who is your father B. Where is your father C. What is your father D. How is your father( )8. - Is this your bike? - No, . Its bike.A. this isnt, Li Leis B. this is, Li Leis C. it isnt, Li Leis D. it is, Li Leis( )9. - _ is Peter? - He

4、s in the reading room .A. Who B. Where C. How D. What( )10. -Whats thirteen and four? Can you _ me? -Yes. Its seventeen.A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk( )12. -Whos this man in the picture? -_.A. He is forty B. He has a long nose. C. He is from Japan. D. He is my teacher.( )13.Lisa is good at _.A. dr

5、aws B. drawing C. to draw D. draw( )14. There _ many apples on the tree.A. are B. is C. am D. be16. My father wants _a movie. A. to go B. goes to C. see D. to see 17. -_you like thrillers(恐怖片)? - Yes, I like_very much.A. Are; them B. Do; it C. Do; them D. Are; it18. - _? -Yes, please. I want a baske

6、tball.A. Can I help you B. Excuse me C. Can you help me 21. On the table there some chicken, some rice and some water. A. is B. are C. am D. on24. What_ do you want ? Orange. A. color B. fruit C. food D. vegetable25. -Lets go swimming. - . A. Thats a good idea B. Yes,I can C. No D. No, I cant26. He

7、sings _ and he is a _ singer(歌手).A. good; good B. well; wellC. good; well D. well; good27. I cant sing_dance, _I can play the piano.A. but; or B. or; but C. and; or D. or; and29. Classes begin_eight_the morning.A. in; atB. on; toC. at; inD. to; on30. -Lets _ games. -That _ good.A. play the, is B.pla

8、y , are C. play the, are D.play , is31. Do you have any _and _for lunch?A. chicken; tomatoesB. chicken; tomato C. chickens; tomatoes D. chickens; tomato32. _ comes before Thursday, but after Tuesday.A. Monday B. Friday C. Wednesday D. Saturday33. Mr. King is very tired after work, so he _ early.Adoe

9、s sportsBgets upCgoes to bedDwatches TV34You can find on the Internet. A. a informationBan information C.informations Dinformation35. -_ -I can play the guitar.A. Can you play the guitar?B. What can you do?C. What do you do?D. Do you like playing the guitar?1Tom,Jim and Lily _ American Ais Bam Care

10、Dbe2- _ Lingling and Daming students? - _,they are AIs;Yes B. Are ;Yes CIs;No DAre:No3-Can you swim,Amy? - _ AYes,I can BNo,She can。 CYes,I am DNo,I am not4Jim can _ football Aplays Bplay Cplaying Dplayed5How many children _ in the classroom? Athere are Bthere is Care there Dis there6There are _ boo

11、ks on the desk Aany Ba Can Dsome 7Betty is my good friend_ lives in Beijing now AHim BHer CShe DHe8There _ some meat and bananas on the table Ais Bare Cam Dbe9Your mothers father is your _Agrandfather Bgrand mother Caunt Duncle10Would you like _ Dezhou with me? Ago Bgoing Cto go Dto go to11-Would yo

12、u like to see a film with me? - _ AYes,I like BYes,I would CYes,I would like DYes,I would like to12-Lets go to the football match! - _! AYes,Lets see a film B. No, Lets go CGood idea DNo,Id go to a football match13Lets go to the cinema _ Sunday! Aat Bin Con Dfrom 14We have breakfast _ half past ten _ the morning Ainat Bat,in Con,in Dat,on15_ favorite food is bread AMy sister BMy sisters CMy sister


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