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1、英译汉翻译方法介绍 -句子的翻译一、分译和合译在翻译英语句子的时候,有时我们不改变或基本不改变句子的结构,但需要对原句作比较大的改变。有两种常用的方法,一种叫分译,另一种叫合译。所谓分译是指把一句话译成两句或两句以上。合译则是指把两个相邻并且语义关系比较紧密的句子译成一句或是把原文的并列句或复合句译成简单句。1、分译 eg:1) Despite their differences, their love will conquer.尽管他们之间存在分歧,他们的恋爱一定会成功。2) The rain having ruined my hat, I had to buy a new one.雨水把我

2、的帽子淋坏了,我得买个新的。3) I can hardly work with that noise going on. 那个声音响个不停,我几乎没法工作2、合译 eg:1) It is New Years Day. Go and see you father. 过年了,去看你爸爸吧。2) He was very clean. His mind was open. 他为人单纯而坦率。3) As he stood there, he saw two men enter the bank. 他站在那里,看见两个人进了银行。二、复合句分句顺序的改变在翻译英语主从复合句的时候,常常要改变分句的顺序。这

3、里有两个主要的原因。1、不论简单句还是复合句,在扩展的时候,有两个方面问题。如在以pen为中心次的短语my friends pen中,扩展方向是左,在the pen of the friend of my aunt中,扩展方向是右。如果我们以主句为中心,从句出现在主句前是向左扩展,如When youre ready, well leave for Shanghai.如果从句出现在主句之后则是向右扩展,如Well leave for Shanghai when you are ready.英语句子的扩展方向倾向于右,汉语句子的扩展方向倾向于左。由于这个原因,翻译时,我们经常发现英语和汉语主,从句

4、顺序不一致,这就需要根据汉语的表达习惯进行调整。eg:1) All that glitters is not gold. 闪闪发光的并不都是金子。2) I must repeat one thing I said in the last lecture.我要重复一下我上次讲课中说过的一件事。3) I recognized him directly I saw him. 我一看见他就认出他来了。2、另一个原因是英语和汉语复合句的句子结构不同。在英语的复合句中,分句以其株距为基干,通过连接手段,一层一层的展开,就好象一棵树的树干上长出大枝子,大枝子上再长出小枝子。因此有人认为英语的句子结构是树形的

5、或葡萄串形的。汉语的分句则更多按照事件发生的顺序出现,依次展开。比如“谁知自娶了他夫人之后,倒上下无一不称赞他夫人的,琏爷倒退了一射之地”这句话,译成英语便成了Since his marriage hes been thrown into shade by his wife, who is praised by every body high and low.因此有人认为汉语的句子结构是竹竿形的或行云流水式的。eg:1) Hed be very grateful if you close the door when you leave.你走的时候如能把门关上,他将很感激。 2) I belie

6、ve I can speak for all when I say that the conference is a success.这次会议开的很成功,我相信我这样说是说出了大家的心里话。3) I was very tired when you saw me yesterday because I have been working.我一直工作,所以你来看我时,我显得很累。三、名词从句的翻译方法名词从句包括主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句和同位语从句。现将它们的翻译方法分述如下:1、主语从句的翻译方法主语从句有三种类型:a. 由主从连词that,whether,if 引起b. 由连接代词who,

7、whom,whose,which,what引起c. 由连接副词when,where,why,how引起在译成汉语的时候,这三种类型的主语从句和其主语的顺序一般不需要变动,但有时要加字。eg:1) That you need more practice is quite obvious. 你需要更多的练习,这是很明显的。2) How he managed to get there in time was still a mystery.他怎么及时赶到的仍是个谜。3) Who broke the glass remained unknown. 谁打破了玻璃(这件事)一直还不知道。A、先译主语从句e

8、g:1) It is quite obvious that you need more practice.你需要更多的练习,这是很明显的。2) It is clear enough what the room is designed for.这屋子干什么用是很清楚的。3) Its unbelievable that he has left without telling us.他没说一声就走了,真是让人没法相信。B、采用插译或把主语从句译成主谓结构作宾语。插译是指把主语插到原来的从句中。1) Its possible that we fulfill the task ahead of sche

9、dule.我们(有)可能提前完成任务。2) It seems that he is too ready to promise. 看来他很轻易许诺。3) It was reported that the situation there was normal.据报道,那里的局势正常。2、表示从句和宾语从句的翻译方法汉译时,它们的句序一般不变。eg:1) The question is whether he is able to do it alone.问题在于他是否能独立做这件事。2) She insisted that it should be done by her. 她坚持这事要由她来干。3

10、) It all depends how you handle it. 这全看你怎么处理。3、同位语从句的翻译方法同位语从句的繁育有两种译法:先译同位语从句,再译先行词和先译主语,再译同位语从句。A、先译同位语从句1) I should like to know the reason why you did not come at all.我想知道你根本没来的理由。2) There was little possibility that he would be admitted into this club.他被接收加入这个俱乐部的可能性很小。3) The decision whether h

11、e should be fired rests with you.要不要做解雇他的决定,这取决于你。B、先译主句如果同位语从句中的先行词含有动词意义,则可把它译成动词,把同位语从句译成主谓结构的宾语。eg:1) There is not the least doubt that he will help us out.毫无疑问,他会帮助我们摆脱困难。2) There is good evidence that he is involved in the crime.有充分证据说明他卷入了犯罪。3) The thought that the child might catch cold trou

12、bled the mother.妈妈想到孩子可能感冒,十分着急。四、定语从句的翻译方法英语的定语从句分为限制性与非限制性两种。定语从句的翻译方法有四种:前置法、后置法、溶和法和译成状语从句。采用哪种翻译方法是和定语从句的分类密切相关的。1、前置法限制性定语从句一般采用前置法,既把英语的定语从句译成汉语作定语的偏正结构。eg1) All the articles you see here have been sold.你在这里看到的一切商品都已卖出。2) Dont believe everything that you read in the newspaper.并不是你在报纸上读到的一切东西都

13、可信。3) Is this the book the quotation was taken from?这就是引文出自的那本书吗?2、后置法非限制性定语从句一般用后置法,既先译主句,然后将定语从句译成并列分句,有时也可译成独立的句子。这时要重复先行词或者用代词、副词等来指代先行词或整个主语。eg:1) She insisted that she had failed, which I doubted.她坚持说她失败了。我对此表示怀疑。2) We were taken every week to the theatre, which was a great delight to us.每星期都领

14、我们去戏院,这使我们很开心。3) I met my schoolmate yesterday, who was much pleased to see me.昨天我遇到我的同学。他见到我很高兴。限制性定语从句如果比较长或者它的先行词在句中的意思比较完整,也可以采用后置译法。eg:1) She asked for his help which he gladly gave.她要求他帮忙,他愉快的帮助了他。2) It was a century during which the county suffered continually from wars.一个世纪过去了,在这期间这个国家不断遭受战乱

15、之苦。3、溶和法所谓溶和法,就是主句中的先行词和定语从句顺译成一个句子,限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句都可用这种译法,这时的定语从句多是描述性的。eg:1) The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendour.太阳整天藏在云彩后面,现在显露出来,灿烂辉煌。2) He who helps the poor deserves our support.他帮助穷人,值得我们支持。3) Taylor, who called here last night, left this message for you.泰勒昨晚来过电话,给你留了个口信。主句为there is结构时,定语从句一般用溶和法翻译,其作主语的关系代词也可省略。1)There is nothing (which) troubles me so much. 没有什么能使我这样烦恼。2)Is there any problem (that) puzzles you? 有什么问题让你伤脑筋吗?3)There is a table (that) stands in the corner.墙角里有个桌


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