1、潍坊学院本科毕业论文摘 要本次设计为途径陕西渭南的一段一级公路设计。全线在渭南白杨乡境内,总长7800米。此次设计的道路根据当地的交通量的大小要求为双向四车道,设计时速为80千米/小时,道路总宽度为24.5米,单向行车道宽7.5米。由于所筑道路所经路程既有平原微丘又有起伏较大山岭重丘,施工较为困难,土石方工程浩大,施工过程中要解决很多技术问题,故施工工期受到多方面影响。道路全线总长7800米,其中道路建设长度为7800米,由于从K0+676-K0+682、 K2+630-K2+698为两座中桥,根据平面图的地形、地貌、水文等条件可以知道在本路段要进行浸水路堤设计,为了防治河水冲刷对路堤造成破坏
3、灰粉煤灰沙砾土(厚度26cm),下基层采用石灰土稳定碎石(厚度25cm)。当以设计弯沉值为指标及沥青层层底拉应力验算时,设计年限内一个车道上累计当量轴次1120万次,经验算弯沉值和拉应力均满足要求。施工组织设计主要确定了各项的施工工序和工艺流程。根据总体施工情况,总共设置了四个施工队平行施工。工期确定根据关键机器台班数量和工程量,施工工序相互协调确定,本次预计施工总工期大约七个月,由于天气或外界环境影响施工工期可以弹性变化。关键词 平、纵、横路线设计,路面结构,施工组织。 ABSTRACTThis is the design for the first class road in Weinan
4、, Shanxi Province. The whole line of the road locates in the baiyang County, Weinan and the total length is 7800m. The road has the characters as below: 4-line double way, 80 km/h, 24.5m wide and 7.5m wide per line. For the concern of mountainous terrain and difficulties in the construction, there m
5、ight be many problems in the practical construction.The total length of the design is7800m. The road in construction is about 7800m. Since K0+676-K0+682,K2+630-K2+698 bridge for two, Under the plan topography of the terrain, topography, hydrological conditions can know that the segment for soaking e
6、mbankment design To combat the erosion of the river embankment caused damage, Therefore section of the embankment using a direct measure of protection riprap protection methods.When choosing the main line, we consider the factors of mountainous conditions, construction difficulties and financial bud
7、get. There are 5 horizontal curves with the radiu of 1000m, and 3 vertical curves which would ensure the maximum grade and length requirements of design. At the same time, the travel would be smooth and the scope will be fine.The road structure consist of 6 levels,New pavement design led to a total
8、breakdown, norms highway, a road surface by two to three components. According to norms recommended that the three-tier design of the road asphalt surface, using fine-grained surface layer of asphalt mastic lithotripsy (4 cm thickness), Facial layer used the tablets - graded asphalt concrete (5 cm t
9、hickness), Below layer using coarse asphalt concrete (thickness of 5 cm) primary use of cement gravel soils (thickness unknown) and lime soil stability scheduled lithotripsy (20 cm thickness), the grassroots using interstitial lithotripsy (20 cm thickness). When a design deflection value of indicato
10、rs and bottom layers of asphalt stress calculation, Design life of a lane cumulative equivalent axle of 11.2 million times, experience count deflection value and tensile stress can meet the demands.This part of design is about making the right sequence of construction. According to the general situa
11、tion, we organize four different groups working in parallel. The method for construction is decided by the project quntumn and technologies in the construction。The time for construction is determined by dain class and the project quntumn. The overall time of construction is estimated to be seven mon
12、ths which might vary due to the weather changes.KEY WORDS peace,vertical and horizontal line design, surface structure, construction management, budget I第 页目 录前 言1第1章 总说明41.1 地形、地貌41.2 地质条件41.3 水文地质41.4 气候条件51.5;旅游资源51.1.6 地震5第2章 路线设计62.1 设计概况62.2 平面线形设计62.2.1 路线定线、选线规则62.2.2 平曲线要素计算82.3 纵断面线形设计122.
13、3.1 设计原则及要求122.3.2 竖曲线要素计算152.4 横断面线形设计162.4.1 本设计路段横断面设计形式16第3章 路基设计173.1 设计原则和依据173.1.1 设计原则173.1.2 设计依据173.2 横断面的设计情况173.2.1 路基横断面设计173.2.2加宽设计说明183.3 路基排水系统结构和布置203.3.1 路基路面排水设计原则203.3.2 路基排水设计203.3.3 路面排水设计22第4章 路面设计254.1 路面设计原则254.2 设计步骤264.2.1 设计路面简介264.2.2 设计弯沉值和容许拉应力计算264.2.3 新建路面未知层(石灰土稳定碎
14、石层)厚度计算284.2.4 设计指标汇总29第5章 公路施工组织设计335.1编制依据335.2编制原则335.3工程概况345.3.1主要技术标准345.3.2工地交通条件34工程所在区域的交通条件较好,但进场施工便道须拓宽,施工现场无现成可利用施工便道,需新建施工便道345.4 公路工程施工准备345.4.1 施工现场准备345.4.2 劳力、机具设备和材料准备355.4.3 技术准备375.5地面道路施工385.5.1原地面清理和填前碾压385.5.2填方路基385.5.3 挖方路基405.5.4 石方路基爆破开挖415.5.5水沟施工435.5.6沥青路面面层施工455.6冬期、雨季
15、施工措施465.6.1冬期施工措施465.6.2雨季施工措施465.7工期及安全管理485.7.1工期管理措施485.7.2安全生产管理措施485.8 确保工程质量的措施495.8.1 具体质量目标495.8.2 质量控制机构和创优规划495.8.3 强化质量意识,健全规章制度495.8.4 分部分项工程质量控制51设计总结52参考文献55致 谢56前 言纵观当今世界,经济发达的强国,无一不是公路发达的国家。公路已成为一个国家生产力是否发达的重要标志,也是一个国家实力的重要组成部分。中国公路发展概况 公路发展历程 A 改革开放前公路基础设施的建设 旧中国的公路交通极为落后,1949年全国公路通车里程仅8.07万公里,公路密度仅0.8公里百平方公里。建国初期,公路交通经历一段时期的恢复后开始获得长足发展,1952年公路里程达到12. 67万公里。50年代中后期,为适应经济发展和开发边疆的需要,我国开始大规模建设通往边疆和山区的公路,相继修建了川藏公路、青藏公路,并在东南沿海、东北和西南地区修建国防公路,公路里程迅速增长,1959年达到50多万公里。 60年代,我国在继续大力兴建公路的同时,加强了公路技术改造,有路