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1、Realize that nobody cares, and if they do, you shouldnt care that they care.清楚别人不会注意你,如果有,你也不应该去在意。Got a new car? Nobody cares. Youll get some gawkers for a couple of weeksthey dont care. Theyre curious. Three weeks in itll be just another shiny blob among all the thousands of others crawling down t

2、he freeway and sitting in garages and driveways up and down your street. People will care about your car just as much as you care about all of those. Got a new gewgaw? New wardrobe? Went to a swanky restaurant? Exotic vacation? Nobody cares. Dont base your happiness on peoples caring, because they w

3、ont. And if they do, they either want your stuff or hate you for it.买了辆新车?没人会注意。在几周内会有一些看客看稀奇但他们不在乎。仅是出于好奇。三周后这辆闪耀的车将淹没在无止境的高速公路上,默默地停在车库里或者伏行于街头巷尾。人们关注你的车,就如你关注别人的车一样。低价入手了样宝贝?买了个衣橱?去了家高级餐厅?到国外去度假?人家不在乎。别把自己的幸福建立在别人的关注上,因为没人在乎。如果有的话,要么他们就是想夺你所爱,要么就是嫉妒你。Some rule breakers will break rule number one.

4、总有些人会打破首条规律。Occasionally, people in your life will defy the odds and actually care about you. Still not your stuff, sorry. But if they value you, theyll value that you value it, and theyll listen. When you talk about all of those things that nobody else cares about, they will look into your eyes and

5、 consume your words, and in that moment you will know that every part of them is there with you.好巧不巧,生活中往往会有那么些人否定陈规并且在乎你。但他们在乎的仍然不是你的附属品,抱歉。要是他们珍视你,他们就会觉得你值得拥有这一切,并会倾听你。当你与之谈论那些无人问津的周遭时,对方会注视着你,感受你的每一个字节,就在那个时刻,你会感觉出他们是全身心同你一起。Spend your life with rule breakers.与在乎你的人携手前行。Marry them. Befriend them.

6、 Work with them. Spend weekends with them. No matter how much power you become possessed of, youll never be able to make someone careso gather close the caring.与之成婚。或者与之友好。亦或者与之同事。用你的闲暇时光与之相度。因为无论你变得多么强大,你都无法强迫别人来关心你所以要珍爱关爱你的人。Money is cheap.金钱廉价。I mean, theres a lot of ittrillions upon trillions of

7、 dollars floating around the world, largely made up of cash whose value is made up and ascribed to it, anyway. Dont engineer your life around getting a slightly less tiny portion of this pile, and make your spirit of generosity reflect this principle. I knew a man who became driven by the desire to

8、amass six figures in savings, so he worked and scrimped and sacrificed to get there. And he did right before he died of cancer. Im sure his wifes new husband appreciated his diligence.我的意思是,钞票数不胜数全世界票子满天飞,然而印有面值的现金就占了半壁江山。不要为了金山一角,而让你的人生被吞噬在了无尽的钱堆里。何不使慷慨的品质折现出富有的精神。我认识一个被财欲驱使的人,为了敛收万贯家产,他努力工作,省吃俭用,不

9、达目标誓不罢休。最终他成功了就在癌症病发死亡前。我相信他老婆的新任丈夫肯定会感激他的勤勉。Money is expensive.金钱可贵。I mean, its difficult to get your hands on sometimesand you never know when someones going to pull the floorboards out from under youso dont be stupid with it. Avoid debt on depreciating assets, and never incur debt in order to ass

10、uage your vanity (see rule number one). Debt has become normative, but dont blithely accept it as a rite of passage into adulthooddebt represents imbalance and, in some sense, often a resignation of control. Student loan debt isnt always avoidable, but it isnt a givenmy wife and I completed a combin

11、ed ten years of college with zero debt between us. If you cant avoid it, though, make sure that your degree is an investment rather than a liabilityI mourn a bit for all of the people going tens of thousands of dollars in debt in pursuit of vague liberal arts degrees with no idea of what they want o

12、ut of life. If youre just dropping tuition dollars for lack of a better idea at the moment, just withdraw and go wander around Europe for a few weeksI guarantee youll spend less and learn more in the process.我是说,有时赚钱并不容易-你也永远不会知道别人何时会悄悄将你一军-所以不要草率地对待金钱。避免贬值资产带来的债务,千万不要为了满足自己的虚荣心而负债累累(参照第一条).如今债务已成普遍

13、现象,但不要乐呵地认为那是进入成年期的标志-债务代表着不平衡,从某种意义上讲,往往是缺乏自控力的表现。学生贷款债务是不可避免的,但也非必定的-我和妻子总共用了十年时间读完大学,却是零负债。如果你无法避免,那么,就要确保你的学历是门投资,而不是债务-我就为那些花掉数万美金仅仅去追求模糊的文科学位,同时又不懂得人生抱负的人感到悲哀。如果你是因为一时头脑短路而大把地把学费往水里扔,那还不如退学后花几周的时间游遍欧洲-我保证你途中会钱半功倍。Learn the ancient art of rhetoric.学习古老的修辞艺术。The elements of rhetoric, in all of t

14、heir forms, are what make the world go aroundbecause they are what prompt the decisions people make. If you develop an understanding of how they work, while everyone else is frightened by flames and booming voices, you will be able to see behind veils of communication and see what levers little men

15、are pulling. Not only will you develop immunity from all manner of commercials, marketing, hucksters and salesmen, to the beautiful speeches of liars and thieves, youll also find yourself able to craft your speech in ways that influence people. When you know how to speak in order to change someones

16、mind, to instill confidence in someone, to quiet the fears of a child, then you will know this power firsthand. However, bear in mind as you use it that your opponent in any debate is not the other person, but ignorance.修辞元素,无论是何种形式的,都会丰富整个世界-因为它们是促使人们做出决定的因子。如果你能深刻明白其套路,当别人对绚丽的言辞感到惊恐时,你却能够读透话语背后的含义,看穿小人玩的把戏。届时,你不仅会对广告、营销、贩子和销售员的类诈骗型糖衣炮弹产生免疫,你也会发现自己拥有了影响他人的言辞艺术。当你知道如何用话语来改变他人的主意,增强他人自信,抚平小孩心中的恐惧时,那么你就早已


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