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1、邀请函美的 篇一:美留学生父母赴美邀请信 Oct 25, 2023 Visa Officer U.S. Consulate, Shanghai, China Dear Sir/Madam, break starts from December 19th, 2023 for around two weeks. I believe it would be a wonderful reunion if my mother could get B-2 visa and join me in this winter. Its the first time that I leave home for su

2、ch a long time so I miss her so much and she is worried about me. If she would come,I will take my winter break with her and visit several cities and historic siteson west coast. Her trip to the States will be a temporary family reunion and splendid travel experience. After who are both in their 70s

3、. In addition, all of our family members and her medical plan are in China. Meanwhile, She is a senior in her company and the work is what she loves. My mother will cover all the expenses during her visit in USA, which includes travel accommodations, insurances and any other expenses that may incur.

4、 Besides, my mother has a saving of RMB 150,000 respectively and other investments that are definitely sufficient to cover all the expenses during her short-term visit in USA. Please find attached supporting documents including: Copy of my passport, I-20 and Most Recent I-94. Your kind assistance in

5、 granting a B-2 visa is greatly appreciated. Sincerely Yours, Name: Mobile: Email: 篇二:美国商务签证邀请函(USA Business Visa Invitation Letter)的分类 美国商务签证邀请函(USA Business Visa Invitation Letter)的分类 1美国商务邀请函(州政府,大型企业) 发函效力高,时间快。2美国商务邀请函(中型企业,行业协会) 发函效力高,时间快。 3美国商务邀请函 (大型展会) 发函效力高,时间快。 4 美国旅行社邀请函(普通) 5 美国行业协会邀请函(

6、建材 五金 玩具 律师 高新技术) 6美国励展展览集团中国办事处商务邀请函部(REED BXHIBITIONS GROUP) -如果您是准备赴美国从事短期商务活动的申请人,那您应申请美国商务签证(B1签证)。短期商务活动包括到美国公司参观考察,洽谈商业合作,与美国公司协商签订合同,验收设备,参加展会,观看展会,参加会议,短期培训,与供应商或客户洽谈业务和不在美国当地拿报酬的短期比赛,演出和工作等。-美国商务签证申请人必须在访美的必要性和短期访问结束后能够按期回国两方面使签证官信服才能顺利得到签证。美国商务签证目前是美国所有非移民签证类别中申请数量和签出数量较多的一类签证。 公司主营业务:出具美

7、国商务邀请函,加拿大商务邀请函,英国商务邀请函,法国商务邀请函,德国商务邀请函,申根商务邀请函,韩国商务邀请函,日本商务邀请函,澳大利亚商务邀请函,意大利商务邀请函,美洲各国商务邀请函,欧洲各国商务邀请函,亚洲各国商务邀请函,非洲主要国家商务邀请函,大洋洲主要国家商务邀请函。办理美国商务签证,加拿大商务签证,英国商务签证,法国商务签证,德国商务签证,申根国商务签证,韩国商务签证,日本商务签证,澳大利亚商务签证,意大利商务签证,美洲各国商务签证,欧洲各国商务签证,亚洲各国商务签证,非洲主要国家商务签证,大洋洲主要国家商务签证。 美国励展集团在全球41个国家每年举办超过500多个各类大型商务展览。

8、 出具本公司美国励展集团在全球举办的各类大型展览的参展商邀请函及观展邀请函,本商务邀请函并不保证100%通过签证(任何人与机构都不可能保证送签者绝对获得签证,商务签证本函为商务邀请函13538015740,只能匹配商务签证申请,不能匹配个人旅游签证申请及其他申请),但根本上只要送签人本身资料真实充分,9成送签者都已通过,顺利拿到商务签证。 需准备资料简单(出访时段,护照号码,人名几拼音,所持护照有效期截止日期,公司英文名称),资料完整约4-15天出函。 篇三:给美国客人的邀请函模板-商务 September 19, 201x The Consulate General of the Peopl

9、es Republic of China in Toronto 240 St. George St. Toronto, ON M5R 2N5 Multiple Entry Business Visa Application:Invitation Letter for Mr. xxxx Dear Sir/Madam, This letter serves to invite Mr. xxxxx(Gender: Male, Date of Birth: Passport No. ) who is employed at xxxxxxxxxInc., located at xxxxxxxxxxxxx

10、asManagerto visit xxxxxxxxxxxxx Co., Ltd. Inxxxxx for the purpose of business meeting from Nov 12th-16th, 2023, and during which period xxxxxxxxx Inc.will completely bear the cost of Mr. xxxxxxxs accommodations in China. While in China, Mr. xxxx will be contacting: Mr. General Manager, xxxxxx Co., Ltd. ADDRESS Tel. E-mail: We respectfully request that you consider a 12 month, multiple entry visa as Mr. xxx will frequently travel to China in the next two years to support our sister company. Typically, he will stay in China for less than 10 days per visit. Sincerely, xxxxxx Co., Ltd. 1


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