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1、北师大版小升初考试英语试题一、单项选择 1.选出画线部分读音不同的单词( ) A.useB.cuteC.duck2.The robot can _ English. A.sayB.talkC.speak3.My birthday is on Christmas Day. Its on _. A.December 25thB.June 1stC.September 10th4.Were the same . A.agesB.ageC.the age5.A monkey has four . A.footsB.feetC.feets6.I often take a _ class on the w

2、eekend. A.danceB.singC.dancing7.There three books on his table. A.areB.isC.have8.There is _. A.a forkB.forksC.chips9.Nice to meet you. A.Good bye! B.Nice to meet you, too. C.Thank you.10.How many have you, Danny? Two.A.footsB.feetC.foot11.Christmas is _ the 25th of _. A.in; NovemberB.in; December C.

3、on; NovemberD.on; December12.Im not going to do _ tomorrow. A.somethingB.nothingC.anything13.What_ your mother like to do on Saturday? A.doesB.doC.is14.They work very hard for _ families. A.themB.theirC.theirs15.My grandmother likes apples, because they are _. A.hotB.healthyC.thirsty二、词汇。(根据句意,首字母或所

4、给词提示填入所缺单词。)16.He often_(去) running. 17.There is a lake in front of the m _. 18.Tom can stand on one_. 19.They b_ good friends. 20.Im so scared because I _(see) a big snake. 21.I _ (read) an interesting book last Sunday. 22.My father is very _ (fun). 三、从栏中选出与栏相匹配的句子23.选答语 Who gave it to you?_ A. Its

5、 going to snow.Whats it about?_ B. and Yang Liwei was inside.When are you going to eat?_ C. At half past twelve.Shenzhou V flew into space_ D. Its about space travel.Hows the weather tomorrow?_ E. He gave it to me.四、图文匹配24.为下列句子选择相对应的图片。 A. B. C. D. E. (1)Its time for dinner. Eat some rice. (2)Its t

6、ime for English class. Read and write. (3)Class is over. Its time to go home. (4)Its time for lunch. Have a hamburger. (5)Its time for PE class. Jump and run. 五、口语交际。从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话。25.补全对话 A. What would you like?B. Id like some bread.C. Shall we have a picnic?A: Mum, its Sunday today. _B: Yes. Lets

7、 go and ask your dadA: Wow! We have so many things for our picnic!B: _A: Id like a hamburger and a Coke, please. How about you, Mum and Dad?B: _C: Id like some chicken.六、对话排序26.将下列句子连成一段完整的对话_My favorite special day is Teachers Day._Id like to make a card for my teacher._What is your favorite specia

8、l day?_What would you like to do?27.把下列一段对话按顺序排列 _Here you are._Yes, please. Its Delicious._Pass me the corn, please._Im happy you like it._Would you like some soup?_Thanks.七、完型填空28.完形填空。 Hello, Im Yang Fan. I live in a small village. Five years ago my school 1 small. There was 2 one building and a

9、small playground. We couldnt play football. But now my school is 3 . There are five new buildings. And the playground is very big and beautiful. I often play games with my friends on it. There is a big 4 , too. We often read books in it. I can learn a lot 5 the books. I have a good time in my new sc

10、hool. 1. A. wasB. isC. were2. A. butB. stillC. only3. A. oldB. differentC. change4. A. zooB. libraryC. restaurant5. A. toB. ofC. from八、阅读理解。29.阅读理解 A manlives in a big house. He likes his house, but he hates(讨厌)the mice in it. One day, he buys a big cat from the market(市场) to eat the mice. After a few days, the cat kills(杀)many mice. This time, the mice bec


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