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1、Unit 4 School things 教学目标: 1. 能正确认读、规范书写字母 Qq,Rr,Ss,Tt,并能感知字母在单词中的发 音。 2. 能听懂 pen, pencil, ruler, pencil case, schoolbag 等并指认文具 图片或实物,能根据图片认读文具单词。 3. 能根据图片听懂、认读单词 rabbit, star, TV 等。 4. 能初步了解名词的单复数形式。 5. 能根据指令 Open,Take out, Put in做出相应的动作。 6. 能相互运用 See you tomorrow/Bye-bye.进行简单告别。 7. 能学唱歌谣 See you t

2、omorrow. 8. 能在老师知道下,运用 Whats this? Its my book./What colour is it? Its purple./How many pens? Two pens.进行简单交流。 9. 能养成整理好自己书包的好习惯。 教材分析:本单元的话题内容是学习用具,与学生们每天陪伴着的也是这 些用具。本单元的要求是让学生们能认识,并会用英语去说出这些单词, 能够对这些用具用英语进行交流。比如询问数量,询问颜色,询问物品等等。在这个单元中,设计了歌曲,听做,游戏等等的互动,力求孩子们能 动态备课 在玩中学习,并体会。在字母的输入中,让孩子们体会到书写体和印刷体 的

3、不同,能够初步书写整个单词,从而更加熟悉字母的认读以及书写。教学策略:从这个单元开始注重了孩子们综合英语能力的训练,所以在本 单元中会涉及到任务型教学,单词教学,句型教学,合作性学习,直观教 学等等教学法。还要多利用不同的活动来让学生参与,让学生感受英语知 识,并学好英语。 Lesson 17 教学目标: 1. 能听懂,说出,认读文具的单词 pencil, book, ruler, pen, schoolbay, pencil case, eraser. 2. 能运用颜色表述:My pencil is blue. My book is red. 3. 能简单回答:What colour is

4、it? /What colour is your? Its red/blue. 4. 能根据录音给图片表上正确的序号,能弄清游戏规则,并且同学之间互 问互答。 教学重难点: 1. 能听懂,说出,认读文具的单词 pencil, book, ruler, pen, schoolbay, pencil case, eraser。2. 能理解,会表达自己的文具的颜色 e.g. My pencil is blue.3. 能就已学文具互问互答:What clolur is it? Its .教学准备: 图片 教学内容:part 1 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up 1. Sing the so

5、ng: The rainbow.2.Review the colours: A: What colour is it? B: Its red/yellow/blue/black/white/green/orange/grey/pink/ Purple/brown. Step 2 Listen and say 1. The teacher draw a picture of stationery shop present the school things by drawing and listening. 2. Play the tape again, get the students to

6、memories the words of the school things. 3. Play the tape again. Get the students to judge the school things that the teacher hold is right or wrong. 4. Open the books, listen and number. And then the teacher check the answers. 5. Get the students to listen, point and say the school things. Stet 6 C

7、onsolidation 1. Guess the school things. Put a school thing in a bag, get the students to touch and guess what it is. 2. Matching game: get the students to match the words with the pictures. 板书设计: a pencil a ruler a pen a book an eraser a school a bag a pencil case 作业设计: 1. 听磁带跟读单词。 2. 说说自己的文具。用 Wha

8、t is it? What colour is it? What colour is your ?来进行询问和作答。 Lesson 18 教学目标:1. 巩固单词:pencil, book, ruler, pen ,school bag, pencil case, eraser. 2. 掌握对话: Whats this? Its a/an .What colour is your school bag/pen? Its purple/black. 3. 能理解 EX2,EX3 的题意,并正确做题。 教学重难点: 1、掌握对话 Whats this? Its a /an 2、学生区分 What

9、colour is it? What colour is your school bag?并 会运用。 教学准备: 文具,录音 教学内容:part 2,3 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up 1. Review the words of stationery: a pencil/a book/a ruler/a pen/a school bag/a pencil case/an eraser by asking with the pictures.2. Match the words with the pictures. 3. Ask and answer: What colour

10、is your school bag/pencil/eraser etc? Get the students to answer. Then let the students to ask and answer in pairs. Step 2 Listen and point 1. Get the students to do EX.2. Explain the meaning of the exercise and show how to do it. 2. Get the students to read the word of “wizard”. The teacher say som

11、e sentences: Pit is a wizard, Pat is a wizard, too. Get the students to guess its meaning. 3. Play the tape for the students to listen, get the students to find out what colour the Pits school bag is? 4. Get the students to play this game each other. Step 3 Listen and colour 1. Get the students to o

12、bserve the picture of exercise 3. The teacher ask: 1. What can you see? Toby Pit and Pat.2. What school things can you see? School bag/book/pencil case/pen/pencil. 2. Play the tape for the students to listen and colour. 3. Play the tape for the students to listen again and repeat the dialogue. 4. Ge

13、t the students to ask and answer according to the picture. Step 4 Practice 1. Get the students to ask and answer in pairs. 2. Encourage the students to act and the dialogue. 板书设计: What colour is it? What colour is your school bag?Wizards school bag. 作业设计: 1. 读 P30-31 页的内容。 1. 看图选单词 pencil pen book b

14、ag eraser egg Lesson 19 教学目标: 1. 能听懂,说出句子:Open your school bags/books/pencil case. Close your school bag/books/pencil case. Put in your books/pencil cases. Take out your books/rulers. 2. 能说出 chant “See you tomorrow.” 3. 能去 预测听力题,正确完成听力练习。 教学重难点: 1. 掌握两对反义词:open and close. Put in and take out.并理 解。 2

15、. 能听懂,会说句子: Open your school bags/pencil cases. Close your school bags/pencil cases. Put in your books/pencils/pens. Take out your books/pencils/pens.教学准备: 录音 教学内容:part 4,5教学过程: Step 1 Warming up Review the words of school things by flash cards. Step 2 Listen and point 1. Open the books, turn to page 32, play the tape for the students to listen and point. 2. Play the tape again. Get the students to do the actions according to the tape. 3. Explain the words, get the students to comprehend :open and close. Put in and take out. 4


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